Africa Region

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Carbon Initiative For Development (Ci-Dev)

UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

The Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) aims to increase the flow of international carbon finance, primarily into Least Developed Countries (LDCs). It launched in 2013 and supports climate change mitigation in pursuit of the Paris Agreement’s goals and facilitates access to cleaner energy and other poverty reducing technologies. It guarantees a revenue stream if projects deliver their expected benefits, builds local capacity to develop projects and monitor carbon emissions, and pilots projects that could serve as blueprints to increase LDC access to the international carbon market

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-ICF-0025-CiDev
Start date 2013-3-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £37,809,954

Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP)

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

The Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) brings together governments, businesses, and civil society to tackle plastic pollution and increase investment in circular economy approaches in ODA-eligible countries. GPAP’s intended impact is to improve the environment in partner countries by reducing municipal waste while improving the livelihoods of people involved in the waste sector or impacted by plastic pollution. This is achieved principally through (1) the creation of public-private stakeholder collaboration platforms called National Plastic Action Partnerships (NPAPs) and (2) targeted training and assistance for informal waste sector workers. NPAPs are impartial and inclusive stakeholder coordination groups that bring together influential stakeholders across the plastics value chain, including policymakers, consumer goods businesses, non-governmental organisations and waste sector representatives. The partnerships’ work in each country focuses on establishing baselines for pollution, standardising metrics and creating national action plans and roadmaps, all of which inform national waste management policy.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-BPFGPAP
Start date 2021-6-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £18,000,000

UK contribution to the World Bank Group PROBLUE Programme to facilitate sustainable finance for healthy oceans

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

PROBLUE is the World Bank’s leading multilateral mechanism for leveraging and disbursing blue finance towards sustainable ocean sectors and activities. It is a multi-donor trust fund that supports the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, Life Below Water, and the Bank’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. PROBLUE aims to do this by reducing the existing blue finance gap by creating the necessary enabling environment for public and private sectors to shift from unsustainable to sustainable activities.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-BPFPROB
Start date 2023-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £16,100,000

Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain Solutions

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

This activity supports a number of different areas of work which aim to accelerate the climate benefits of the Kigali Amendment (KA) to the Montreal Protocol (MP) and encourage uptake of energy efficient and climate friendly solutions. This includes (1) The creation of an African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chains (ACES) in Rwanda. ACES will accelerate deployment of sustainable (environmental, economic and social) cold-chain solutions throughout Africa. (2) The development and deployment of an HFC outlook model to address information gaps on energy use and energy related CO2 emissions from the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP) market. It will assist in reducing cost of the transition for Article 5 countries to the Montreal Protocol and increase the climate benefit of action under the MP. (3) Increasing countries technical capacity and providing insights on global best practice of EE improvements of cooling products in parallel with HFC phase down, through model regulations and sustainable public procurement in ASEAN and Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-32CPL-00499-KA
Start date 2021-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £21,080,834.90

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) phase III

UK - Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

The UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) funds outstanding global health research through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The NIHR provides funding to the Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 3 (Global Health EDCTP3) Joint Undertaking which works to deliver new solutions to reduce the burden of poverty-related infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and to strengthen research capacities to prepare and respond to re-emerging infectious diseases. Global Health EDCTP3 builds on EDCTP Phase 2, which NIHR has been contributing to since 2016 (GB-GOV-10-EDCTP2). As EDCTP transitions to Global Health EDCTP3, calls under the new work packages will support further clinical research and training in sub-Saharan Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-10-EDCTP3
Start date 2023-12-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £30,088,385.78

Royal Academy of Engineering Core - Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation


The Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation aims to stimulate and reward engineering entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa. The Africa Prize encourages ambitious and talented sub-Saharan African engineering innovators from all disciplines to apply their skills to develop scalable solutions to local challenges, highlighting the importance of engineering as an enabler of improved quality of life and economic development. Crucial commercialisation support is awarded to a shortlist of innovative applicants, through an eight-month period of training and mentoring.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-RAENG-GCRF-03
Start date 2018-6-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,770,852.69

Royal Academy of Engineering Innovation & Commercialisation - Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation Alumni


By focusing on building engineering capacity in Sub Saharan Africa, this programme will have a primary focus on some of the poorest countries in the developing world and will help strengthen their resilience and response to crisis and help promote global prosperity. COVID-19

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-GCRF-InCAP
Start date 2019-7-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,725,780.85

Royal Academy of Engineering Innovation & Commercialisation - Africa Prize CARE


Project CARE aims to support African Engineering entrepreneurs to make and supply PPE which is effectively used in hospitals and clinics in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as to respond to other COVID-19 related challenges in their communities. COVID-19

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-GCRF-InCCARE
Start date 2020-3-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £575,974

Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

Programme Id GB-GOV-3-CSSF
Start date 2017-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,327,339,663

BBC World Service

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Increasing the provision of, and access to, impartial news and information that responds to audience needs in English and local languages in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, South America & Central America

Programme Id GB-GOV-3-BBCWS
Start date 2016-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £558,559,531.71

Unlocking Digital Impact for Development.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will help to deliver the strategic goals of DFID’s Digital Strategy, which aims to harness digital technology to deliver on the SDGs. The programme budget is £18.5 million between 2019-20 to 2023-24. Delivery will primarily be through the Digital Impact Alliance, housed within the UN Foundation. There is a separate pillar to finance complementary policy research and advice activities with other partners, including Digital Pathways at Oxford, as well as a learning and evaluation pillar. The programme will identify, trial and institutionalise good practice and common standards for digital development work. It will deliver sustainable and reusable digital products which create new or improved services; replicable business and partnership models to increase the use of digital products and data; data-driven policy-making tools and products to inform and advance transformation; and training offerings and skills-building tools to improve investments in digital technologies.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300718
Start date 2019-12-16
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,386,472

Global Risk Financing Programme [GRiF]

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To save lives and reduce the impacts of shocks, like droughts, hurricanes and floods through enabling earlier and more effective response and faster recovery. It provides finance to support governments and humanitarian agencies to use risk financing instruments, like insurance and contingent credit, to access more rapid finance in emergencies, and to strengthen preparedness of local systems for disaster response and recovery. It will focus on disasters, but will develop over time to cover a wider range of risks, including famine.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300751
Start date 2019-8-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £151,300,000

I2I - Ideas to Impact - Testing new technologies and innovative approaches to address development challenges.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

I2I stimulates technological innovations addressing intractable development challenges, initially in the focal areas of energy, water and climate, and then increasingly in emerging “frontier” technologies with broader applicability. It tests different funding mechanisms and approaches - including prizes, peer-to-peer financing, Frontier Technology Livestreaming, and innovative cross-government partnerships - for ensuring technology ideas lead to a real-world development impact.

Programme Id GB-1-201879
Start date 2014-4-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £40,401,290

REACH: Improving water security for poor people

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A £22.5m Research programme to support sustainable reduction in water insecurity in developing countries by producing robust and accessible evidence for governments, municipalities and other investment\policy decision makers and therefore long term, improved wellbeing for poor people dependent on water for livelihoods, health, environmental services in Africa and South Asia. This contributes towards the sustainable development goals by providing efficient and sustainably managed water systems which will support increased water security for 10 million people, while helping sustain and preserve water resources.

Programme Id GB-1-201880
Start date 2013-8-29
Status Implementation
Total budget £22,526,952

Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa ,SRIA, will strengthen the research systems in FCDO partner countries, in Africa, so that both local and donor research investment achieves economic and social impact. It will do this by strengthening the institutions that regulate and shape research in country to ensure that research investment is aligned with national development priorities. It will invest in the building blocks of research, for example, access to global research, recruitment and retention of researchers and more equitable research partnerships between northern and southern researchers. Whilst also driving increased coherence of UK ODA research spend to ensure it has a greater impact.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300781
Start date 2018-11-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £20,582,272

The Reproductive Health Supplies Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To meet the contraceptive needs of over 20 million women per year; to reduce unintended pregnancies and maternal deaths; to improve maternal, newborn and child health, and to contribute to universal health coverage. This will be achieved by funding activities to improve the availability, quality, supply and access to key reproductive health commodities, including for those in hard to reach areas. This will support women's rights and the 2030 agenda.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300713
Start date 2019-12-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £312,015,335

ARCAN - Africa Regional Climate and Nature Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The impact will be increased resilience of Africa economies and communities to the impacts of a changing climate, sustainable and environmentally sound economic development and low carbon green energy generation and access.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300808
Start date 2022-1-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £265,909,439

The UK's Contribution to ATscale, the global partnership for assistive technology

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve access to assistive technology, also known as AT, by contributing to ATscale, the global partnership for assistive technology. This funding and funding from other donors will be used to catalyse access to AT for 500 million people by 2030, through ATscale's two strategic objectives as follows. 1. Develop an Enabling Environment for increased access to high-quality, affordable AT by growing political will, advocating for and informing policy reform, mobilising investment, and strengthening systems and service delivery at global, regional, and country levels. 2. Identify interventions required to Shape Markets and overcome supply and demand-side barriers for priority AT. ATscale already works at global level and is choosing countries for in-depth support. The priority products for ATscale are wheelchairs, glasses, hearing aids, prosthetics and orthotics, and digital devices. This delivers on a commitment at the Global Disability Summit in July 2018.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300727
Start date 2019-12-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £20,100,003

Enabling predictable, quick and effective responses to humanitarian crises

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support people affected by disasters, conflict and displacement globally, the programme will; provide high volumes of time-critical humanitarian assistance to save lives and mitigate suffering, through a high-performing Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), and potentially other emergency funds, that can rapidly release funds where and when they are needed most, including in advance of imminent crises; support strategic investments in improved quality and effectiveness of country level responses to urgent needs i.e. based on joint needs assessments and a collective approach to accountability.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300844
Start date 2020-7-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £399,999,998

Climate Action for a Resilient Asia

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A Technical Assistance facility will build capacity of national and subnational governments and vulnerable communities to integrate climate resilience into government-wide policy and planning and also work with the private sector, banks and financial regulators to support the integration of climate-related risks into investment decisions. A portion of the programme budget will be earmarked for coordinated policy work and regional cooperation in specific sectors or themes which require a regional approach where we have existing successful regional partnerships which can be scaled up, and or there is demand from country offices for a multi-country approach. Enable management of the programme including monitoring and evaluation, research, knowledge dissemination, communication, advisory support to country offices if required.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301000
Start date 2022-2-23
Status Implementation
Total budget £276,117,633