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Leave No-one Behind Programme in Ghana
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Extreme poor and marginalised women, men, girls and boys, including all people with disability and mental health conditions, are engaged, empowered and able to enjoy improved wellbeing, social and economic outcomes and rights.
Syria Humanitarian Protection Programme (SHPP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Syria Protection Programme will provide civilians affected by armed conflict with specialised protection services
Building Resilience and an Effective Emergency Refugee Response (BRAER)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme will provide emergency life-saving assistance to the large influxes of refugees arriving in Uganda, build resilience among refugees and their host communities to reduce Uganda’s humanitarian burden, and deliver on UK Humanitarian Reform priorities. It will support the UK in its leadership role to develop new approaches to protracted crises and in delivering on the New York Declaration’s Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, with regional and global impact.
Kenya Integrated Refugee and Host Community Support Programme (PAMOJA)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To promote social and economic integration between approximately 400,000 refugees and 50,000 people living in host communities in Kenya by supporting the provision of basic humanitarian assistance and livelihood.
Yemen Independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Data Analysis (IMEDA)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve the effectiveness and targeting of humanitarian delivery in Yemen through the provision of independent oversight. The UK delivers humanitarian support on a large scale in Yemen, but due to the conflict, it has no staff in the country. This programme will check that programmes are delivering the intended benefits and help ensure that programmes provide a holistic range of support to those most in need.
Rohingya Response and National Resilience Programme (RRNRP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve protection and quality of humanitarian assistance for the Rohingya population living in refugee camps in southern Bangladesh, so that they can live full and meaningful lives. This to be done peacefully living alongside host communities, for whom the impacts of the crisis need to be reduced and development opportunities provided. The programme marks a shift in FCDO’s (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) response to the crisis by providing longer term, predictable support to address the needs of both refugees and host communities. Whilst the focus will be on sustaining and improving the humanitarian operation through provision of quality basic services, there will be a specific focus on stimulating the economy, rehabilitating the environment, and promoting stability for both populations’ benefit. The programme aim to support COVID-19 and early emergency recovery support for national resilience by providing support to the national COVID-19 and disaster response.
Syria Independent Monitoring 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The aim of this programme is to provide independent monitoring of DFID-funded projects in Syria. Due to security risks, DFID has no presence in Syria and our staff manage projects remotely from Lebanon and the UK. This means we are unable to directly monitor the delivery and quality of DFID projects. Independent monitoring is our principal method of ensuring funding in Syria is being used as intended. It allows us to verify partners reporting and enhances the quality of our oversight. It is also instrumental to our risk mitigation and quality and control measures. The expected impact of this programme is to improve portfolio and programme delivery and performance, leading to improved development outcomes and stronger public and ministerial confidence in DFID Syria programming.
Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (ZHARP) 2019-25
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will provide a monthly unconditional cash transfer of USD $13 to at least 11,000 people with very high levels of food insecurity in urban areas. Each person (up to 5 in one family) will receive the transfer for a minimum period of 9 months, allowing them to purchase basic food stuffs and try to avoid resorting to damaging coping strategies during the peak lean season. In addition, the programme will work on synergies with WFP and other donors to pilot approaches to building the resilience of vulnerable urban populations to economic and climatic shocks. WFP will also further develop and mainstream the Toose GBV approach in a form that can be added or ‘layered’ onto WFP assistance programmes across Zimbabwe and potentially globally.
Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Building in Somalia (HARBS) 2022-2028
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To meet the most urgent humanitarian needs of conflict and disaster affected populations through provision of life-saving assistance and contribute to resilience building of benefitting households to withstand shocks.
Enabling predictable, quick and effective responses to humanitarian crises
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support people affected by disasters, conflict and displacement globally, the programme will; provide high volumes of time-critical humanitarian assistance to save lives and mitigate suffering, through a high-performing Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), and potentially other emergency funds, that can rapidly release funds where and when they are needed most, including in advance of imminent crises; support strategic investments in improved quality and effectiveness of country level responses to urgent needs i.e. based on joint needs assessments and a collective approach to accountability.
Sahel Humanitarian Assistance and Protection Programme 2021-2028
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The SHAPP will provide assistance and protection for the most vulnerable in geographic hotspots of most acute need in the Sahel. Hotspots are found across the region where consequences of conflict, including violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, are making pre-existing food insecurity and malnutrition worse. The SHAPP will address as many basic needs as possible of the most vulnerable including child protection, support to victims or survivors of gender based violence, food, nutrition, water and sanitation. Human rights and international humanitarian law will remain at the centre of the new programme by informing and driving SHAPP design and priorities.
Building Resilience and Addressing Vulnerability to Emergencies (BRAVE)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
BRAVE aims to improve community resilience to climate change and the capacity of key government institutions responsible for delivering climate resilience, including systems for adaptive and shock responsive social protection.
Humanitarian Enablers Programme (HEP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme will contribute to making humanitarian responses by FCDO and the international humanitarian system more effective as a core priority of the UK Government’s International Development Strategy (IDS). It will support specialised enabling services which are aligned to the three priorities of the Humanitarian Framework: independent data collection and analysis (prioritise); contributing to improved access and inclusion of vulnerable groups (protect); and strengthening early warning and risk management (prevent). The programme will deploy enabling services in rapid onset and protracted crises; complementing and informing the FCDO’s response and providing “global public goods” that multiply the impact of others.
Food Security Safety Net Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
As FCDO Yemen’s flagship programme it will provide immediate life-saving assistance to those most in need (including women and marginalised groups) and ensure a more sustainable response to on-going high humanitarian needs and unexpected shocks in this protracted crisis context.
Affordability of Food & Finance in Yemen
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Yemen’s economic crisis exacerbates humanitarian need and political instability. With 90% of Yemen’s food imported, prices are rising – a major factor behind famine risk. Meanwhile, rising public discontent over currency instability and food prices could trigger Government collapse, undermining the peace process. The programme will provide funding to preserve and strengthen institutional capacity, help maintain access to trade finance to enable the continued flow of imports and stabilise food prices. Improved policies will help to stabilise the exchange rate and macroeconomy, reduce food price inflation and avoid further escalation of humanitarian needs. The programme will benefit populations across the country, by lowering the cost of food and increase access to hard currency.
Emergency Deployments Team 2 Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Humanitarian response capability to deliver Emergency Medical Teams and International Search and Rescue Teams in the event of a sudden onset disaster.
Responding to the needs of Women and Children in Yemen 301140
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will address the devastating impact the conflict in Yemen is having on women and children, particularly the most marginalised. It will provide access to life-saving integrated health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and protection services. This approach responds directly to two key UK humanitarian aims in Yemen: preventing famine and ensuring respect for International Humanitarian Law.
Syria Humanitarian Response Programme (SHRP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To provide timely and effective multi-sectoral humanitarian response to emerging needs and protracted displacement as agreed and set out by international partners in the Humanitarian Response Plan across whole of Syria.
Lebanon Humanitarian Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Lebanon Humanitarian Programme has three main objectives: i) address growing humanitarian needs across the country; ii) improve educational outcomes for the most vulnerable and marginalised out of school children in Lebanon; and iii) support more inclusive, sustainable, and accountable support systems for all vulnerable population groups. The LHP will provide critical and flexible humanitarian assistance to households across Lebanon, according to vulnerability rather than nationality. Recognising the need to ensure sustainability, the programme will also take a patient development approach as far as possible: providing technical assistance to support national systems and improve the efficiency of aid delivery.
Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Programme ( HARP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
In line with the G7 Famine Prevention Compact, Nigeria’s Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (HARP) will provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable and strengthen resilience, opening pathways to livelihoods. HARP will enhance overall effectiveness of the UN-led humanitarian response, including a focus on building Nigerian ownership.
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