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Enabling predictable, quick and effective responses to humanitarian crises

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support people affected by disasters, conflict and displacement globally, the programme will; provide high volumes of time-critical humanitarian assistance to save lives and mitigate suffering, through a high-performing Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), and potentially other emergency funds, that can rapidly release funds where and when they are needed most, including in advance of imminent crises; support strategic investments in improved quality and effectiveness of country level responses to urgent needs i.e. based on joint needs assessments and a collective approach to accountability.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300844
Start date 2020-7-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £294,463,533

Ethiopia Crises 2 Resilience (EC2R)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Ethiopia Crises to Resilience (EC2R) programme is aimed to alleviate the impact of the conflict and drought to the poorest Ethiopians. The programme tries to address urgent humanitarian needs while maintaining the delivery of essential services across the country.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301474
Start date 2022-1-31
Status Implementation
Total budget £196,277,175

Sudan Humanitarian Preparedness and Response (SHPR)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Sudan’s Humanitarian Preparedness and Response will contribute to reducing excess mortality and morbidity resulting from conflict, climate related hazards, disease outbreaks and economic shocks by: 1. Providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people facing ongoing crisis, with a focus on protection services, cash transfers and community management of acute malnutrition. 2. Preparing for and responding to sudden crises and spikes in need through country-based contingency funds. A flexible internal crisis risk facility will strengthen UK preparedness to respond to major disasters in Sudan. 3. Strengthening the effectiveness of in-country humanitarian preparedness and response. A flexible Enabling Facility will provide third-party services and technical assistance to improve gathering and analysis of data on risks and needs and early warning systems, monitoring and accountability mechanisms, and a shift to locally led interventions.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301450
Start date 2022-8-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £30,682,918

Kenya Integrated Refugee and Host Community Support Programme (PAMOJA)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote social and economic integration between approximately 400,000 refugees and 50,000 people living in host communities in Kenya by supporting the provision of basic humanitarian assistance and livelihood.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300139
Start date 2018-11-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £54,000,807

Rohingya Response and National Resilience Programme (RRNRP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve protection and quality of humanitarian assistance for the Rohingya population living in refugee camps in southern Bangladesh, so that they can live full and meaningful lives. This to be done peacefully living alongside host communities, for whom the impacts of the crisis need to be reduced and development opportunities provided. The programme marks a shift in FCDO’s (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) response to the crisis by providing longer term, predictable support to address the needs of both refugees and host communities. Whilst the focus will be on sustaining and improving the humanitarian operation through provision of quality basic services, there will be a specific focus on stimulating the economy, rehabilitating the environment, and promoting stability for both populations’ benefit. The programme aim to support COVID-19 and early emergency recovery support for national resilience by providing support to the national COVID-19 and disaster response.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300554
Start date 2021-4-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £200,497,992

Africa Humanitarian Response Fund II (AHRF II)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will deliver quality humanitarian assistance in African contexts where the FCDO has no in-country humanitarian expertise or where a regional response is more efficient than a country-by-country approach. It will address severe humanitarian needs where the UK has comparative advantages. It will prioritise life-saving assistance to vulnerable populations in protracted humanitarian contexts in the Central Africa Republic, Eritrea, Cameroon, and Madagascar and allow the FCDO to respond to both sudden onset and emerging humanitarian crises. It will also provide technical assistance, operational support and preparedness drawing on UK expertise and scientific evidence.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301381
Start date 2023-8-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £77,999,966

UK Humanitarian Support in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The “Humanitarian Support in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs)” programme aims to improve the resilience of households to mitigate the consequences of the protracted protection crisis in the OPTs; save lives during emergency spikes, for example a flare up in violence; and prevent a further deterioration in the humanitarian situation until a more durable political solution is reached.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400022
Start date 2023-7-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £85,139,168

Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Building in Somalia (HARBS) 2022-2028

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To meet the most urgent humanitarian needs of conflict and disaster affected populations through provision of life-saving assistance and contribute to resilience building of benefitting households to withstand shocks.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300978
Start date 2022-8-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £330,758,156

Building Resilience and an Effective Emergency Refugee Response (BRAER)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will provide emergency life-saving assistance to the large influxes of refugees arriving in Uganda, build resilience among refugees and their host communities to reduce Uganda’s humanitarian burden, and deliver on UK Humanitarian Reform priorities. It will support the UK in its leadership role to develop new approaches to protracted crises and in delivering on the New York Declaration’s Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, with regional and global impact.

Programme Id GB-1-205206
Start date 2018-7-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £163,910,645

Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience in South Sudan (HARISS) 2015 - 2024

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

HARISS aims to save lives, avert suffering, maintain dignity, and reinforce coping capacities for people affected by conflict, disasters, and shocks in South Sudan. It is a large-scale, multi-sector and multi-year humanitarian programme providing humanitarian assistance and resilience building activities (although these reduced from 2022). HARISS focuses on: • Life-saving humanitarian assistance • Humanitarian protection for the most vulnerable • Resilience-building • Support to the enabling environment

Programme Id GB-1-204019
Start date 2015-3-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £782,826,373

Food Security Safety Net Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

As FCDO Yemen’s flagship programme it will provide immediate life-saving assistance to those most in need (including women and marginalised groups) and ensure a more sustainable response to on-going high humanitarian needs and unexpected shocks in this protracted crisis context.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301125
Start date 2022-6-24
Status Implementation
Total budget £243,850,003

Better Lives for Somali Women and Children

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To achieve UK's manifesto commitment of reducing preventable deaths, the Better Lives for Somali Women and Children will continue to respond to the health and nutrition needs of the Somali people. There will be a continued focus on delivering an essential package of health services. The programme will strengthen the Somali Health Authorities oversight of service provision, which will in turn promote local accountability and allow them increasingly to respond to the needs of their populations. This programme approach aims to support long term sustainability and state building that is part of the wider strategic agenda. There will also be a climate change mitigation component (ICF) within the programme.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300857
Start date 2022-4-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £113,619,995

Building Resilience and adapting to climate change in Malawi

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme aims to strengthen the resilience of poor households in Malawi to withstand current and projected weather and climate-related shocks and stresses. This will in turn halt the annual cycle of humanitarian crises that blights people’s lives, harms poverty reduction efforts and swallows up resources. The UK will invest up to £90.5 million over eight years [2018-2026] to provide direct benefits to 1.7 million poor and vulnerable people in Malawi [approximately 300,000 households].The programme also supports environmental and resilience outcomes through reducing deforestation directly and indirectly.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300113
Start date 2018-7-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £89,167,985

Support to Social Protection Programme 2 (SSPP2)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support the Government of Mozambique to develop a bigger, better and more shock responsive social protection system. SSPP2 will help poor and vulnerable people meet their basic needs and cope better with crises through social protection. It will expand the Government of Mozambique’s social protection programmes to deliver more cash transfers to the most vulnerable. It will provide technical assistance to improve social protection programme delivery and value for money, making government programmes more efficient, effective and equitable. It will develop government capacity to respond to crises quickly and effectively through the national social protection system. The programme will leverage additional donor and government resources of about £70m per year. Ultimately, SSPP2 will support the creation of a sustainable, nationally owned system to redistribute revenues from gas that Mozambique is expected to start earning in the next decade.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300825
Start date 2020-9-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £38,446,453

Sahel Humanitarian Assistance and Protection Programme 2021-2028

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The SHAPP will provide assistance and protection for the most vulnerable in geographic hotspots of most acute need in the Sahel. Hotspots are found across the region where consequences of conflict, including violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, are making pre-existing food insecurity and malnutrition worse. The SHAPP will address as many basic needs as possible of the most vulnerable including child protection, support to victims or survivors of gender based violence, food, nutrition, water and sanitation. Human rights and international humanitarian law will remain at the centre of the new programme by informing and driving SHAPP design and priorities.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300943
Start date 2021-12-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £163,060,760

Humanitarian Enablers Programme (HEP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will contribute to making humanitarian responses by FCDO and the international humanitarian system more effective as a core priority of the UK Government’s International Development Strategy (IDS). It will support specialised enabling services which are aligned to the three priorities of the Humanitarian Framework: independent data collection and analysis (prioritise); contributing to improved access and inclusion of vulnerable groups (protect); and strengthening early warning and risk management (prevent). The programme will deploy enabling services in rapid onset and protracted crises; complementing and informing the FCDO’s response and providing “global public goods” that multiply the impact of others.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301072
Start date 2022-8-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £6,356,249

Responding to the needs of Women and Children in Yemen 301140

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will address the devastating impact the conflict in Yemen is having on women and children, particularly the most marginalised. It will provide access to life-saving integrated health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and protection services. This approach responds directly to two key UK humanitarian aims in Yemen: preventing famine and ensuring respect for International Humanitarian Law.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301140
Start date 2023-7-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £154,874,984

Syria Humanitarian Response Programme (SHRP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To provide timely and effective multi-sectoral humanitarian response to emerging needs and protracted displacement as agreed and set out by international partners in the Humanitarian Response Plan across whole of Syria.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301143
Start date 2022-3-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £416,576,419

Humanitarian Action and Recovery after Crisis programme (HARC)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

DRC is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, driven by conflict, poor governance, a predatory political system, and low state capacity. Civilians, particularly women and children, are often targeted by armed actors. It is a protracted crisis. FCDO and partners in DRC have a role in shifting the trajectory. To do this the UK needs a holistic approach to address new humanitarian needs, support recovery and household ability to cope with shocks and help survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recover. BEK will focus our programme on the east of DRC with flexibility to respond to new crises that may develop elsewhere in the country.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301448
Start date 2023-4-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £139,885,881

Emergency Deployments Team 2 Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Humanitarian response capability to deliver Emergency Medical Teams and International Search and Rescue Teams in the event of a sudden onset disaster.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301054
Start date 2022-7-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £27,219,457

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