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Accelerating Ethiopia's Economic Transformation(Accelerate)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will support the Ethiopian Government’s vision of export-led manufacturing growth through foreign and domestic investments to become a reality more quickly and in a sustainable and inclusive way.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300702
Start date 2020-3-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

UK - Ghana Partnership for Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote Ghana as an investment destination of choice in West Africa; to support investment into job-creating sectors, particularly through UK investment, partnering development partners including CDC; to support Global Britain objectives across HMG, on trade, prosperity, bilateral cooperation with China on investment issues; to support the UK Ghana Chamber to meet wider UK objectives around responsible development and trade.

Programme Id GB-1-205058
Start date 2018-5-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,842,879

Corridors for Growth

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To increase Tanzania’s infrastructure for trade in three ways (i) Co-financing the Dar Port expansion together with the World Bank and Tanzania Port Authority will double port capacity and enable Tanzania’s entire trade volume to increase by two thirds. (ii) Project preparation funding for six more major regional transport projects are expected to catalyse up to £600m of development finance incorporating climate resilent design. (iii) Launching a new approach to Public-Private Partnerships will improve infrastructure in municipal areas and build capacity for larger PPP’s in the future.The programme is expected to reduce the costs of doing business in Tanzania, contributing to growth, more jobs and lower poverty. The short-term beneficiaries will be users such as traders, logistics providers and public citizens. International business including from the UK will benefit from better access to trade.In the medium to long run employment is expected to increase from indirect effects.

Programme Id GB-1-204369
Start date 2016-9-23
Status Implementation
Total budget £61,745,400

India Infrastructure Policy Fund

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To help the Government of India to improve the policy and regulatory framework, and to create financing solutions for infrastructure projects, including by leveraging foreign investment in infrastructure. This will lead to at least 8 Public Private Partnership studies to enhance leveraging of private investment in the sector.

Programme Id GB-1-203908
Start date 2013-7-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £5,244,288

The Ethiopia Investment Advisory Facility (EIAF) Phase II Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme aim to provide flexible, demand-led technical assistance to Government of Ethiopia ministries, agencies and state-owned enterprises in order to enhance the effectiveness of public investments and improve the enabling environment for exporters. By providing technical expertise and capacity building in the areas of public investment management; industrial parks and their supporting infrastructure; and trade logistics, EIAF II aims to contribute to outward oriented, manufacturing led, sustainable and inclusive growth in Ethiopia.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300588
Start date 2018-11-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Zimbabwe Economic Stability and Transformation (ZEST) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will support reforms to improve the economic and business environment in Zimbabwe, in order to unlock Zimbabwe’s prosperity potential. This will help reduce poverty in Zimbabwe through putting the country on a pathway to economic development and job creation. It will also benefit the UK through fostering trade and investment links

Programme Id GB-1-204694
Start date 2018-3-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £9,167,234

Supporting Inclusive Growth in Somalia (SIGS)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

SIGS programme is the UK’s flagship economic development programme in Somalia. Designed as a flexible and adaptive programme it will provide an immediate response to Covid19. It now has a stronger focus on remittances, supporting UK political leadership in this area, and, accelerated support to key Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (MSME) sectors including domestic food production and marketing. SIGS will deliver activities to 1. Develop and diversify businesses in approx. 4 high-value sectors. 2. Stimulate investment through developing the financial sector and related policy and or regulatory capacity. 3. Develop the evidence base on inclusive, sustainable, economic development in Somalia. SIGS will provide an essential policy and influencing resource for UK leadership on HIPC debt relief and or the associated reforms, including on the financial sector and counter terrorist financing.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300370
Start date 2020-8-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £38,571,242

Private Enterprise Programme Zambia Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To create investment in Zambia by building the capacity of micro, small and medium sized enterprises. The programme will aim to systematically transform the finance and investment environment for SMSEs in Zambia, by helping companies with potential to grow and become the engine of job creation in the economy. In addition, the programme will also provide independent technical advice and assistance to Zambian government bodies and private sector organisations engaged in projects that harness the potential of Zambia’s infrastructure, cities and towns to act as drivers for economic growth and job creation. Furthermore, the programme will support trade facilitation initiatives that will help reduce time spent at the Nakonde boarder post. The programme will create jobs at scale, including for women, disabled, and rural communities with high levels of poverty. SMSEs supported by the programme will help to improve nutrition outcomes and improve climate resilience of smallholder farmers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300635
Start date 2020-4-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Poorest States Inclusive Growth Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To enhance economic value generated for the poor as producers, consumers and employees by investing in impact enterprises. This will benefit up to 30 enterprises and generate employment incomes of at least £10m.To ensure poor and vulnerable people in low income states (especially women) benefit from economic growth through better access to financial services, and investing in private sector projects that will benefit the poor as producers, consumers and employers. This will benefit 12 million low income households with improved access to financial services and upto 30 enterprises in attracting additional investments worth £56 million.

Programme Id GB-1-114293
Start date 2008-12-23
Status Implementation
Total budget £63,723,076

Strengthening Africa's Science Granting Councils Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will deepen ongoing work with the African Science granting Councils in the same thematic areas as those covered by the first phase of SGCI research management; monitoring learning and evaluation; knowledge transfer to the private sector; and enhanced networks and partnerships amongst councils and with other science system actors. It will extend focus into two new cross cutting dimensions; research excellence and gender equality and inclusivity. It will strengthen national Science Technology and Innovation systems and contribute to socio economic development in sub Saharan Africa by enhancing more effective and inclusive management of research and innovation by Councils in sub Saharan Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301049
Start date 2022-2-28
Status Implementation
Total budget £9,753,782

Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The UK will co-host – with Ukraine – the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC23) in London on 21-22 June. The aim is to deliver tangible progress to support Ukraine’s recovery and build support for the reforms needed to ensure Ukraine’s reconstruction and post-war prosperity. The URC will bring together a diverse range of actors from the international community, private sector and civil society to demonstrate sustained international support for Ukraine. It will aim to help Ukraine to unlock the investment and expertise it needs to rebuild as a resilient democracy with a green and modernised economy and the ability to deter and withstand future Russian aggression. While ensuring coherence with continuing humanitarian needs, the URC will focus on the role of the private sector in supporting recovery and reconstruction. It will consider how the international community can help unlock barriers to investment.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400026
Start date 2023-5-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £9,003,745

Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300667
Start date 2018-11-2
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Improving the management of public funds for the benefit of people in Myanmar

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve the use of public finances so that they benefit the people of Myanmar. The expected results include contributing to increasing tax collection from large tax payers by 40% by 2020. The UK will fund a World Bank led programme to work with the Ministry of Planning and Finance to improve their ability to manage public funds and the capacity of parliament to provide oversight of public spending. The programme will also separately support tax administration, fiscal decentralisation, social accountability, and Myanmar’s involvement in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.

Programme Id GB-1-203996
Start date 2014-3-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £31,499,975

Revenue Mobilisation, Investment and Trade Programme - ReMIT

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme, through provision of high quality technical assistance, aims to support Pakistan to implement reforms that lock in macroeconomic stability and improve conditions for high and sustained growth, mutual prosperity, job creation and poverty reduction. The TA will be provided to; • Strengthen tax revenue mobilisation, helping to raise Pakistan’s tax to GDP ratio from 13 percent to 18 percent by increasing the number of tax payers; • Address the investment environment challenges faced by local and UK businesses, moving Pakistan towards being one of the top 50 countries to do business in; • Facilitate trade and drive competitiveness, addressing barriers to trade in order to reduce Pakistan's trade deficit; • Modernise macroeconomic policy making and implementation process.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300134
Start date 2019-11-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £43,832,473

Enterprise and Assets Growth Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Improved Micro Small and Medium Enterprise access to appropriate financial services translating into higher economic benefits for state, and poor and marginalised groups, in Pakistan. EAGR programme will also contribute to the UK government commitment to respond to the challenges and opportunities of climate change by making green investments in SMEs within Pakistan which is an ODA eligible country.

Programme Id GB-1-202495
Start date 2014-5-19
Status Implementation
Total budget £147,415,897

UK Trade Partnerships Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The UK Trade Partnerships Programme (UKTP) aims to increase trade with developing countries that have preferential trading arrangements with the UK. From 2018 to 2023 this has been with Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) partner countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific. From FY23/24, all developing countries with preferential trading arrangements with the UK have been eligible for support i.e. EPA countries and countries eligible to import goods to the UK using the Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS). The programme delivers: (i) technical assistance to support the implementation of the new UK EPAs and the DCTS; (ii) communications campaigns to increase awareness amongst businesses in EPA and DCTS countries about the preferential access offered under these arrangements and how to use these preferences; and (iii) targeted support, e.g. with logistics or export marketing, to promote exports from EPA and DCTS countries to the UK.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300602
Start date 2019-4-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

IMPACT - Investment to fund innovative solutions for development and help develop sustainable investment markets

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Investment to fund innovative solutions for development and help develop sustainable investment markets that work for the poor. FCDO is aiming to catalyse the market for impact investment in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Impact investments are those which have both a financial and social return by benefiting poor and low-income people through improved access to affordable goods and services and income generating opportunities. The Impact Programme aims to promote solutions to the barriers and constraints that are preventing Impact Investing from scaling up in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The programme seeks to foster a significant increase in the volume and distribution of impact investment, reaching the underserved as consumers, suppliers, distributors or employees, in hard to reach, difficult geographies, and through innovative business models.

Programme Id GB-1-202939
Start date 2012-12-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £139,555,009

M4D - Mobile for Development Strategic Partnership

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To work jointly with the industry group representing mobile phone operators worldwide, the GSMA, and its subsidiary Mobile for Development, to identify and support the development and use of new, innovative ways in which mobile phone technologies and mobile network infrastructure can be used to improve the reach, delivery and affordability of life-enhancing services to poor people in Africa and Asia. As a result of this work some 14 million poor people are expected to benefit from improved access to life enhancing services by 2020.

Programme Id GB-1-203804
Start date 2016-2-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £76,827,270

Innovative Ventures & Technologies for Development (INVENT)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To encourage innovation amongst the private sector by provision of investment capital and business development services. To innovative enterprises in low income states of India for enterprises in developing countries by 2024. This will contribute to MDGs by benefitting 1 million individuals with improved access to affordable and efficient services in the Low Income States of India and Developing Countries.

Programme Id GB-1-202927
Start date 2013-9-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £35,267,983

Kenya Catalytic Jobs Fund

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Kenya Catalytic Jobs Fund will test innovations that have the potential for large-scale job creation, unlocking barriers in key productive sectors and/or generating employment for those that are most vulnerable e.g. youth living with disability. The programme will focus particularly on youth and through a flexible fund, it will provide a mix of technical assistance and grant support to innovations with the aim to generatre evidence on what works and what doesn't in creating jobs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300557
Start date 2018-10-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

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