Taadoud II: Transition to Development Resilience Building in Darfur
Project disclaimer
Catholic Relief Services (CRS), through the generous support of the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), supports returnee and conflict-affected populations in Darfur, Sudan to rebuild their livelihoods and to prepare for and respond to future shocks and stresses. CRS leading a consortium of six INGOs (CAFOD, NCA, Oxfam, UMCOR and WV) and Tufts University, is implementing the second phase of the Taadoud I (in Arabic, Taadoud means “working together towards one purpose, in solidarity.”) program. Leveraging learning and evidence from Taadoud I experience in Darfur, Taadoud II (2017-2022) focuses on improving natural resource management (NRM) and governance, reducing chronic malnutrition, and increasing the resilience of livelihoods of returnee and conflict-affected vulnerable populations within all the five states of Darfur. The development-focused approach targets the whole population that contains these vulnerable groups, with a necessary focus on returnees. This focus on resilience through a multiyear investment of community based NRM is uniquely necessary for the Darfur context characterized by climatic variability, protracted conflict and displacement, environmental degradation and miss management of natural resources and economic and political uncertainty.
Rural conflict-affected populations (returnees and hosting communities) at the project areas have resilient livelihoods. Taadoud will achieve its objective through an integrated apprach of Natural Resources Management (NRM), improved livelihoods productivity and contribution to the improvement of malnutrition in collaborations with other actors. 1. Natural Resource Management: Following traditional patterns, NRM will essentially be used as an entry-point for building the necessary institutions for negotiating and managing natural resource issues from which conflict may arise. This involves strengthening institutions and facilitating dialogue inclusive of all natural resource users within a catchment area. The project will also provide technical support to improve the productivity of natural resources, from the community to the household level. This activity is done in close collaboration and participation with Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Animal Resources, Forest Departments, Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Aid Commission. 2. Improved Livelihoods Productivity: Taadoud II also seeks to increase the productivity of individual household livelihood strategies by increasing access to financial services for investment in livelihood activities or to smooth out income gaps and improving household assets to increase reserves, such as grain silos or animals. Larger reserves mean that households will not need to resort to negative coping strategies in the face of a shock. 3. Improved Nutrition: The project focusing on the prevention side, contributes to the improvements of the health and nutritional status of the household through the promotion of essential health, nutrition and hygiene practices as well as improved access to food and consumption smoothing. Through the support from the project, vulnerable individuals who become acutely malnourished are referred to nutrition treatment programs with treatment providers provided by other nutrition focused actors and Government of Sudan Ministry of Health.
Target Groups
Returnee, conflict affected and hosting communities in five Darfur States targeting 177,583 Households.
The country, countries or regions that benefit from this Programme.
Status Post-completion
The current stage of the Programme, consistent with the International Aid Transparency Initiative's (IATI) classifications.
Programme Spend
Programme budget and spend to date, as per the amounts loaded in financial system(s), and for which procurement has been finalised.
Participating Organisation(s)
Help with participating organisations
- Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD)
- Norwegian Church Aid
- Oxfam America
- Peace Light for Rural Development Organization
- Tufts University
- United Methodist Committee on Relief
- West Darfur Youth Organization
- World Vision
- World Vision International
Sector groups as a percentage of total Programme budget according to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) classifications.
A comparison across financial years of forecast budget and spend to date on the Programme.