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UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Programme d’Appui pour la Consolidation de la Stabilité en RDC (PACS-RDC)

IATI Identifier: GB-GOV-1-300899


The programme will support our objective to build peace in eastern DRC. It will focus on the three provinces in eastern DRC (Ituri, North and South Kivus) worst affected by violent conflict leveraging our comparative advantage by deploying HMG expertise from Kinshasa, Goma, London and New York to influence the DRC government, MONUSCO and other donors. The Concept Note includes a multi-donor stabilisation programming alongside targeted UK bilateral support on DDR, conflict prevention and conflict sensitivity.


The country, countries or regions that benefit from this Programme.
Congo (Democratic Republic), Developing countries, unspecified, South of Sahara, regional
Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official position.

Status Implementation

The current stage of the Programme, consistent with the International Aid Transparency Initiative's (IATI) classifications.

Programme Spend

Programme budget and spend to date, as per the amounts loaded in financial system(s), and for which procurement has been finalised.

Participating Organisation(s)

Help with participating organisations

Accountable:Organisation responsible for oversight of the activity

Extending: Organisation that manages the budget on behalf of the funding organisation.

Funding: Organisation which provides funds.

Implementing: Organisations implementing the activity.


Sector groups as a percentage of total Programme budget according to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) classifications.


A comparison across financial years of forecast budget and spend to date on the Programme.

Policy Marker(s)

ODA measures in relation to their realisation of OECD development policy objectives

Gender Equality significant objective

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