Driving transparent, legal and sustainable forestry practices through financial, market and governance incentives
Project disclaimer
This project will significantly increase SPOTT’s ability to influence major producers and traders of for-est-products from FLEGT-VPA countries, major trading hubs (including China), and other high-risk are-as. This will be achieved by strengthening the alignment of SPOTT to legal and best practice reform processes (e.g. FLEGT-VPA, REDD+, SDGs); multi-year SPOTT assessments of major traders and pro-ducers; briefings, analysis and technical support delivered through a formalised network of major financial institutions (and other influencers); and improvements to SPOTT’s online platform.
The country, countries or regions that benefit from this Programme.
Status Post-completion
The current stage of the Programme, consistent with the International Aid Transparency Initiative's (IATI) classifications.
Programme Spend
Programme budget and spend to date, as per the amounts loaded in financial system(s), and for which procurement has been finalised.
Participating Organisation(s)
Help with participating organisations
- Zoological Society of London
Sector groups as a percentage of total Programme budget according to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) classifications.
A comparison across financial years of forecast budget and spend to date on the Programme.
Download IATI Data for GB-COH-RC000749-DFID-BAB12-002