Deepening Democracy Programme
To improve the Kenyan Government’s accountability to its citizens by delivering peaceful, transparent, inclusive elections and providing support to non-governmental organisations, oversight bodies and independent commissions that can influence and deliver reforms thereby supporting the goal of making Kenya a more stable democracy
The country, countries or regions that benefit from this Programme.
Status Post-completion
The current stage of the Programme, consistent with the International Aid Transparency Initiative's (IATI) classifications.
Programme Spend
Programme budget and spend to date, as per the amounts loaded in financial system(s), and for which procurement has been finalised.
Participating Organisation(s)
Help with participating organisations
Accountable:Organisation responsible for oversight of the activity
Extending: Organisation that manages the budget on behalf of the funding organisation.
Funding: Organisation which provides funds.
Implementing: Organisations implementing the activity.
- Accountable
- Funding
World Vision Kenya ELECTORAL LAW AND GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE IN AFRICA Institute for Law and Environmental Governance National Democratic Institute Mercy Corps Europe CARE International UK Saferworld Basel Institute on Governance Christian Aid Uraia Trust DAI Europe Trócaire (Northern Ireland) Deloitte United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Sector groups as a percentage of total Programme budget according to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) classifications.
A comparison across financial years of forecast budget and spend to date on the Programme.
Policy Marker(s)
ODA measures in relation to their realisation of OECD development policy objectives
Download IATI Data for GB-1-204437