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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

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Gender-Responsive Social Protection

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To enhance outcomes for women and girls from social protection systems, DFID will generate high quality research and evidence on what interventions are most effective, and provide advisory services and resources to DFID and partners such as the World Bank and UNICEF. This will allow them to design, implement and monitor and evaluate social protection systems that deliver improved results for women and girls. This will reduce poverty, improve access to education and health, reduce violence against women and girls, and improve economic opportunities for the poorest and most marginalised women and girls, contributing to SDG 1 (end poverty) and 5 (gender equality). The programme will work in both stable and fragile contexts, and will have a particular focus on strengthening outcomes for women and girls with disabilities.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300468
Start date 2018-7-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,672,332

Shule Bora - Quality Education

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A national education programme to improve the quality of pre-primary and primary schools in Tanzania. The programme will improve learning outcomes for all children, improve transition rates to secondary school for girls, reduce physical and sexual violence in and around schools, and help children with disabilities access quality education. The programme will work with the Government of Tanzania on achieving these outcomes through a payment-by-results mechanism, supported by technical assistance. The programme will also directly deliver innovative approaches to improving education quality in 9 regions of Tanzania through a contracted Managing Agent, alongside ongoing evaluation and learning.

Programme Id GB-1-205254
Start date 2020-3-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £82,421,272

Hygiene, Handwashing & Behaviour Change Coalition for COVID 19 response programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To develop an innovative partnership with Unilever to provide funding, for a ‘Hygiene, Handwashing & Behaviour Change’ Coalition for Covid19, matched with in-kind support and technical expertise by Unilever. Under Unilever leadership, the coalition will bring together academia (e.g. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), INGOs (e.g. Oxfam) and UN agencies, to deliver mass communications, hygiene products and digital behaviour change programmes on the importance of hand and environmental hygiene in low- and middle-income countries. This will build on recent investments Unilever has made in response to Covid19 and will allow scale up across multiple countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301168
Start date 2020-4-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £77,627,363

Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) programme aims to improve vulnerable coastal communities' resilience to climate change and prosperity from a more sustainable use of their marine environment. COAST will achieve this through a multi-component approach focused on: i) protecting and restoring coastal habitats providing nature based solutions (e.g. mangroves, seagrass, coral reefs), ii) improving small scale fisheries management, governance, sustainability and productivity, iii) scaling more sustainable, climate resilient, low carbon aquaculture production by coastal communities and the private sector, and iv) strengthening coastal planning and governance. COAST will focus in up to six priority countries, first building evidence around themes ii) and iii) and supporting science based blue carbon policies, followed by regulatory strengthening and grants for local level projects. COAST is part of the UK's £500m Blue Planet Fund portfolio.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301203
Start date 2023-7-20
Status Implementation
Total budget £154,174,363

Ethiopia – Human Rights and Peacebuilding Programme (HARP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Human Rights and Peacebuilding (HARP) programme will support the UK’s strategic response to conflict in Ethiopia. The programme will support peacebuilding initiatives in areas where the UK has a comparative advantage. This will build the capacity of local peace actors (particularly women and youth), provide safe spaces for dialogue and engage with government to respond to community needs. The UK has proven success in investing in these areas in Ethiopia – particularly through the CSSF Funded work of Conciliation Resources in Somali Regional State. HARP will look to continue this activity, as well as supporting further peacebuilding activity in other conflict areas.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301191
Start date 2022-1-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £40,999,930

Tax Transformation Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To transform Ethiopia’s tax system so that the Ethiopian Government can fund more services for its population from its own revenues and become less dependent on aid. It takes an accelerated ‘delivery approach’ to tax reform that will generate at least £295million of additional tax revenue, reduce compliance costs for taxpayers, and support a better environment for businesses by improving clarity and the fairness of the tax system for businesses and investors. In doing so, it will create a platform for further sustainable increases in tax revenue and improve the Government's ability to assess the distributional impacts of its tax policies, particularly on the poor.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300553
Start date 2018-4-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £20,466,308

Strengthening disaster resilience in Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This project will strengthen disaster resilience in Nepal, particularly to earthquakes, by working with urban centres to build and plan more safely; supporting the strengthening of critical public infrastructure to earthquakes; working to strengthen national capacity to respond to crises and ensure that the international community is prepared; and ensuring that the UK is able to support a humanitarian response should a crises hit.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300003
Start date 2016-9-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £53,136,628

Strengthening Foundations of Federalism in Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

In addition, the programme through other components like Coherence supports local elected leaders, local government associations, and provincial and federal government to promote inclusive decision-making processes and capacity of local governments (input code: 15150- democratic participation and civil society). A modest pilot is also being implemented to test if issues-based approach to development problem solving will promote state-citizen engagement and improve development outcomes especially those contributing to a meaningful inclusion of women and marginalised groups. Both coherence and the pilot will be grounded in evidence and regular political economy analysis (isc: 43082, 15170 - governance research; women's equality organizations and institutions)

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300009
Start date 2019-12-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,816,495

UK - Ghana Partnership for Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote Ghana as an investment destination of choice in West Africa; to support investment into job-creating sectors, particularly through UK investment, partnering development partners including CDC; to support Global Britain objectives across HMG, on trade, prosperity, bilateral cooperation with China on investment issues; to support the UK Ghana Chamber to meet wider UK objectives around responsible development and trade.

Programme Id GB-1-205058
Start date 2018-5-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Transparency and Accountability to improve economic development and service delivery(TRACTION)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve accountability responsiveness in the delivery of public goods (including business environment) and services at local and national levels. This will be achieved through changes in the way government does business such as improvements in oversight in use of public finances, improvements in how budgets are allocated to reflect needs and more politicians seeking to legitimise themselves based on the delivery of public goods - both at election time and between elections.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300035
Start date 2018-5-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £18,089,411

Somalia Monitoring Programme Phase 3

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Somalia Monitoring Programme Phase 3 aims to generate and promote use of better evidence and statistics to define, deliver and adjust FCDO programmes in Somalia. It is designed to ensure that British Embassy Mogadishu (BEM), Somali officials and the international community have access to the evidence and statistics needed to ensure programmes and policies are targeted, effective and adaptive; and that risks are identified and managed. SMP 3 involves two key components: the first is Third-Party Monitoring and Learning (TPML) of UK (FCDO) programming in the field, to ensure that our activities deliver expected outcomes, and Campaign Goals in the Somalia Country Plan. The second is support to the Somali National Statistics System to collect, analyse, and use key data enabling the authorities to better target policies and systems that deliver development outcomes.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300858
Start date 2021-10-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £12,701,569

Digital Access Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Prosperity Fund cross-HMG 'Digital Access Programme' is a FCDO-led partnership with DCMS. It aims to catalyse more inclusive, affordable, safe and secure digital access for excluded and underserved communities in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and Indonesia. Increased digital inclusion in the programme countries will form the basis for more thriving digital ecosystems that generate high-skilled jobs, opportunities for local digital entrepreneurship focused on country-specific development challenges, as well as potential partnerships with international and UK business aimed at mutual prosperity. The Digital Access programme will also focus on learning about sustainable models and enablers for digital inclusion. The learnings will be shared with key stakeholders and other partner countries, thereby amplifying the impact of the programme.

Programme Id GB-1-204963
Start date 2019-7-16
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

FCDO Research Commissioning Centre

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

FCDO will establish a new Research Commissioning Centre to introduce streamlined and flexible commissioning options that accelerate research delivery in line with FCDO needs. The programme will embed a new operating model for research based on a strategic partnership between FCDO and the UK academic sector. This will deliver some of the recommendations made in the government's Independent Review of Research Bureaucracy, and bring FCDO’s approach to commissioning research in line with other UK government departments that fund research and the wider UK research sector. This will lead to more efficient, faster and nimble processes for sourcing FCDO mission-driven research, responsive to organisational priorities and needs. The programme will also establish a new centralised digital platform for all FCDO research investments to improve accessibility to FCDO's research granting opportunities and research outputs, and the visibility of results and impacts to an external audience.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301165
Start date 2022-8-26
Status Implementation
Total budget £24,999,994

Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation (SAFE) Programme Zimbabwe

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will prevent and respond to the most severe types of gender-based violence in Zimbabwe, including child marriage and modern slavery. The programme will deliver community-level projects to (1) prevent violence by changing harmful attitudes and behaviours towards women and girls, and (2) respond to violence by increasing access to services for survivors. This will empower communities to protect women and girls’ safety, rights and choices, leading to improved development outcomes and reduction of child marriage and modern slavery. The programme will also improve the availability of and implementers’ capacity to use evaluation evidence, research and data to optimise impact, value for money, and targeting in programming.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300024
Start date 2019-4-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £8,226,028

UK Expertise for Green Cities and Infrastructure Programme (GCI)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve the impact and effectiveness of FCDO programming in climate resilient urban development infrastructure planning and delivery; to accelerate inclusive and sustainable economic growth by connecting people to labour markets and infrastructure services; to address the impacts of climate change through better urban planning and delivery of resilient infrastructure projects.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300566
Start date 2020-2-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £168,977,747

Data and Research in Education (DARE) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will address key constraints in Pakistan's education system to enable quality education for all children, particularly for girls and those marginalised by location, ethnicity, religion and disability. On the one hand it will work with the state to the strengthen the education data system. This is crucial for efficient and effective education service delivery by enabling better identification of need, allocation of resources and measurement of progress - particularly for girls. On the other hand, the programme will work with civil society to promote innovative solutions to the challenges identified through better data, and expose these to rigorous research to build evidence on what works.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300575
Start date 2020-9-25
Status Implementation
Total budget £22,836,636

Better Regional Migration Management

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To maximise the socio economic benefits of regular migration in East Africa through improved migration management and to better understand the impact of regular migration on countries of origin.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301228
Start date 2021-7-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £28,650,031

Delivering sustainable and equitable increases in family planning in Kenya

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To acheive additional family planning results in Kenya as per DFID's Family Planning 2020 commitments.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300107
Start date 2018-6-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £28,618,739

Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund – Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme provides support to strengthen Nepal’s Public Finance Management (PFM) systems in the context of the implementation of federalism.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300007
Start date 2017-12-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £4,191,059

Support to the Palestinian Authority to Deliver Basic Services, Build Stability and Promote Reform in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SSRP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support the Palestinian Authority (PA) to meet the needs of the Palestinian people. Funding will enable around 25,000 young Palestinians with access to an education, provide up to 3,700 immunisations for children, and 185,000 medical consultations each year. This will help to build and strengthen the capacity of PA institutions through public financial management reform, and build stability in the region by preserving the two state solution.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300050
Start date 2017-1-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £137,999,995

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