

In 2008 FCDO announced that its bilateral aid programme in Niger would wind down to final closure in 2011. With the advent of a new Government in the UK, a thorough review was undertaken of all FCDO’s bilateral aid programmes, with the aim of focusing UK assistance where it can have the greatest possible impact. This review has endorsed the closure of the Niger programme as announced in 2008. FCDO has no office or staff based in Niger. The closure of the programme in 2011 marks the end of our existing bilateral commitments. The sole UK funded development project in Niger has been in partnership with the French Development Agency with the aim of accelerating progress towards Education and Gender MDGs in line with the Government of Niger’s (GoN) 10 year plan. The UK will continue to respond to humanitarian emergencies, such as current ongoing work in Niger through the West African Humanitarian Response Fund. The UK will also continue to support poverty reduction in Niger through our contributions to multilateral agencies and Civil Society Organisations. These funds are managed centrally.

Note: Many country summaries were written prior to the creation of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and are being incrementally refreshed.
Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official position.

Sectors and budgets in Niger

Help with Sector and Budget Figures
Please note that although budgets are generally split by year, some departments publish budgets that span multiple years. These are represented in the first year of their allocation. Cross-government allocations such as Prosperity Fund and Conflict, Stability and Security Fund are known to duplicate budgets published by other departments, as well as using multi-year budgets.


Sectors groups as a percentage of country budgets according to the Development Assistance Committee's classifications.


Programme budget total by year approved at the Programme level to date.

Current finacial year - 2024/2025 £319

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