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Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund Round 4
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is the fifth most lucrative transnational crime, worth up to £17bn a year globally. As well as threatening species with extinction, IWT destroys vital ecosystems. IWT also fosters corruption, feeds insecurity, and undermines good governance and the rule of law. The UK government is committed to tackling illegal trade of wildlife products. Defra manages the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund, which is a competitive grants scheme with the objective of tackling illegal wildlife trade and, in doing so, contributing to sustainable development in developing countries. Projects funded under the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund address one, or more, of the following themes: • Developing sustainable livelihoods to benefit people directly affected by IWT • Strengthening law enforcement • Ensuring effective legal frameworks • Reducing demand for IWT products Over £23 million has been committed to 75 projects since the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund was established in 2013; five projects were awarded in 2014 (via applications to the Darwin Initiative), fourteen in 2015, fifteen in 2016, thirteen in 2017, fourteen in 2018 and in the latest round in 2019. This round of funding includes the following projects (details of which can be found at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/811381/iwt-project-list-2019.pdf): IWT048, IWT049, IWT050, IWT051, IWT052, IWT053, IWT054, IWT055, IWT056, IWT057, IWT058, IWT059, IWT0760, IWT061.
Darwin Initiative
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
The Darwin Initiative is the UK’s flagship international challenge fund for biodiversity conversation and poverty reduction, established at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The Darwin Initiative is a grant scheme working on projects that aim to slow, halt, or reverse the rates of biodiversity loss and degradation, with associated reductions in multidimensional poverty. To date, the Darwin Initiative has awarded more than £195m to over 1,280 projects in 159 countries to enhance the capability and capacity of national and local stakeholders to deliver biodiversity conservation and multidimensional poverty reduction outcomes in low and middle-income countries. More information at https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/the-darwin-initiative and https://www.darwininitiative.org.uk/
Effect of urban vs rural context on effectiveness of a community intervention to prevent diarrhoea and stunting in young children in Mali
GCRF Health and Context award - The Problem Globally 1.7 billion diarrhoea episodes result in approximately 2 million deaths in 2010.1 Regionally, Africa has the greatest burden. Alongside poor infant feeding, diarrhoea diseases also contribute to infant malnutrition.2-4 Despite new vaccines, treatments and public health measures,3 diarrhoea and malnutrition remain considerable public health problems in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The period when a child starts eating solids (usually 6-24 months called complementary food (CF)), is associated with the highest rates of diarrhoea: over 50% of all diarrhoea deaths occur at 6-11 months.1 Most low-income households in LMIC cook ingredients at home or obtain food from informal street food-sellers who prepare the goods in their homes. Therefore home food handling, preparation and storage determine the scale of food contamination. Although many studies explore the effects of improved water supply, hygiene and nutrition of infant diets on infant diarrhoea and growth development, much less attention paid to studies of food safety remain scarce. Research in this area has been too general to reduce diarrhoea through food contamination. The World Health Organisation (WHO) advocates targeted interventions to support CF safety and hygiene. Ideally CF safety needs to be accompanied with achieving optimal dietary intake for young children, which also remains a challenge in LMIC. Research shows that infant health and safety advice has limited impact on behaviour change unless accompanied by means to motivate and empower mothers in the community. Yet previous interventions targeting diet or diarrhoea have seldom drawn on cultural dramatic arts and community assets to motivate behaviour change. African communities have a particularly strong cultural heritage to underpin such potential impact. Our Aim We propose a low-cost, scalable, and adaptable community intervention to reduce diarrhoea and improve the growth of young children in urban-poor and rural Mali. We will assess the effects in both settings, to inform replication and scaling of the intervention, because the dynamics of community life vary in each. Our Previous Work We combine two complementary interventions shown to be effective elsewhere in LMIC. A trial in the Gambia (developed through former work in Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) evaluated efforts to improve hygiene and safety of CF, while a trial in Kenya evaluated a community programme to improve breastfeeding and weaning food content. Our Plan After adaptation with communities, our intervention will empower local families to implement behaviour change. It will include campaign-like activities such as culturally relevant dramatic arts (drama, songs, stories), public meetings, certifications, and home visits, delivered by a small team: 5 days of community campaign visits dispersed during 35 days and including home visits by trained female volunteers, plus a reminder campaign day at 9 months. We will allocate 120 urban and rural sites in Mali by chance to receive the intervention, or not, and assess 27 households in each site after 15 months. The study is designed to quantify the influence of urban vs rural context, and to examine other societal influences (e.g. household poverty, women's work, and education, etc). Using observations, interviews, discussion groups, surveys and laboratory tests we will compare the implementation of the intervention in urban-poor and rural settings. Importantly, the intervention is designed to be sustainable through peer-education among mothers and older female volunteers (demonstrated after 32 months in Gambia), thus requiring only small levels of coordination resources from central government.
Core - International Collaboration Awards
International Collaboration Awards enable outstanding researchers in the UK to partner with the best research groups in developing countries on projects that address issues faced by developing countries.
DfE NI - GCRF QR funding
Grant to Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland to enable Northern Irish higher education institutes to carry out pre-agreed ODA-eligible activities in line with their institutional strategies. For Queen’s University Belfast in FY2019/20 this included: workshops in Cambodia, Vietnam, South Africa, and Uganda about health and education; 11 pilot projects spanning 16 eligible countries (Angola, Burundi, China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kosovo, Malaysia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe); and additional support to GCRF and NF-funded activities. For Ulster University in FY2019/20 funding supported six pump-priming projects on: LMIC maternal, neonatal and child health; PTSD in Rwanda; Decision-Making in Policy Making in Africa and Central Asia; and hearing impairment and dementia in China.
HEFCW - GCRF QR funding
Additional GCRF funding to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales to support Welsh higher education institutes (HEIs) to carry out ODA-eligible activities in line with their institutional strategies. ODA research grants do not represent the full economic cost of research and therefore additional funding is provided to Welsh HEIs in line with their research council grant income. In FY19/20 funding was allocated to Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff University and Swansea University. In FY19/20, the funding was used to fund: the full economic cost of existing ODA eligible activities (e.g. already funded by GCRF); small ODA-eligible projects; fellowships to ODA-eligible researchers; and to increase collaboration and impact. 53 ODA-eligible countries have been reported as benefiting from the funded work, with Brazil and India the most frequently mentioned. By region, the largest number of projects were based in the LDC’s (Least Developed Countries) in Asia, South America, and East Africa, with only a few projects in the middle-income countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia.
ODA BEIS analysts - cross-cutting for both ODA funds
ODA BEIS analysts. For the monitoring and evaluation and learning for NF and GCRF
SFC - GCRF QR funding
Formula GCRF funding to the Scottish Funding Council to support Scottish higher education institutes (HEIs) to carry out ODA-eligible activities in line with their three-year institutional strategies. ODA research grants do not represent the full economic cost of research and therefore additional funding is provided to Scottish HEIs in proportion to their Research Excellence Grant (REG). In FY19/20 funding was allocated to 18 Scottish higher education institutes to support existing ODA grant funding and small projects. GCRF has now supported more than 800 projects at Scottish institutions, involving over 80 developing country partners.
Global Challenges Research Fund Evaluation
The overall purpose of the GCRF evaluation is to assess the extent to which GCRF has achieved its objectives and contributed to its intended impacts.
Transformation Project - ODA Reporting Tool (ODART)
The Reporting ODA Digital Service (RODA) is the data submission, processing, reporting repository system for data on BEIS R&I ODA Eligible Programmes delivered by Delivery Partners
UUKi Delivery Support
These are delivery cost for shared learning workshops/training and best practice (for current and future applicants) on ODA assurance, eligibility, reporting and partnership working through either the NF and GCRF
ODA website - cross-cutting for both ODA funds
This is the website for NF and GCRF consortia that promotes funding calls and impact case studies as well as publishing report such as the annual report and monitoring and evaluation documentation.
Ad-hoc GCRF activity on BEIS Finance system
Increased contributions towards a range of research projects jointly funded with DFID, and funding for the Devolved Administrations for disbursement to universities within the devolved regions to fund the full economic cost of GCRF ODA research.
Royal Academy of Engineering Academies Collective Fund: Resilient Futures - Frontiers of Development
Frontiers of Development is part of the Joint Resilient Futures Initiative which is a collaboration between all four UK Academies under the GCRF. The aim of the JRF initiative is to construct a pipeline in the UK and the developing world for interdisciplinary researchers focused on tackling development challenges in a sustainable manner.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - Cardiff University
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - University of Sheffield
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - Lancaster University
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - Rothamsted
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - University of Warwick
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - Loughborough University
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.