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Sri Lanka
Ocean Country Partnership Programme
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
The Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) supports countries to manage the marine environment more sustainably, including by strengthening marine science expertise, developing science-based policy and management tools and creating educational resources for coastal communities. The programme is funded through official development assistance (ODA) as part of the UK’s £500 million Blue Planet Fund. Through the OCPP, the UK government partners with ODA-eligible countries to deliver positive impacts for coastal communities that depend on healthy marine ecosystems. Bilateral partnerships under the OCPP are primarily delivered by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), agencies of the UK government that possess unique expertise in marine science and management. The OCPP also funds two international initiatives that align with its aims and help to develop global public goods, the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) and the Friends of Ocean Action (FOA). GOAP is a global, multi-stakeholder partnership established to enable countries and other stakeholders to effectively measure and manage progress towards sustainable ocean development. FOA is a platform hosted by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, which brings together ocean leaders from a wide range of sectors to encourage action and investment into sustainable ocean projects. GOAP and FOA are both strategic partners of the OCPP, and are funded by the Blue Planet Fund (BPF). They do however remain independent organisations from OCPP, BPF, and Defra. Their work, and its intended outcomes and impacts, are strategically aligned with the OCPP and complement its programming in bilateral partnerships. GOAP and FOA were originally developed as separate business cases under the BPF, then in 2022 introduced as integrated components under OCPP to provide a clearer overall BPF offer to recipient countries. The investment to GOAP supports ODA-eligible countries to develop 'ocean accounts' to more accurately and comprehensively capture data on the natural capital assets contained within their oceans. Using this data - and through further technical, advisory, and capacity building support - GOAP aims to ensure that biodiversity is valued and integrated into policy making, decision making, and infrastructure investments in these countries, resulting in the inclusive and sustainable use and management of the ocean. An initial investment of £1million was awarded to GOAP in FY 2021/2. Following good performance in year one, a further £6million of investment was awarded, split evenly over FY's 2022/3, 23/4, and 24/5; giving a total of £7million. From December 2023, following evidence of strong value for money, this investment has since been uplifted to a total of £14.2million, involving new and expanded scope for certain activities, as well as extending the strategic partnership into FY 2025/6. FOA is a multi-stakeholder platform hosted by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, which brings together ocean leaders from a wide range of sectors to encourage action and investment into sustainable ocean projects. FOA, working closely with the High Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy, aims to mobilise ocean leaders to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. Through OCPP the investment supports pillars of FOA's work that strategically align with OCPP's own outcomes. There was an initial investment of £1million to FOA in FY 2021/2. After FOA performed well against investment and performance criteria in year one, a further investment of £2million was awarded in both FY's 2022/3 and 2023/4; rounding total investment for FOA to £5million.
Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund Round 7
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is a widespread and lucrative criminal activity causing major global environmental and social harm. The IWT has been estimated to be worth up to £17 billion a year. Nearly 6,000 different species of fauna and flora are impacted, with almost every country in the world playing a role in the illicit trade.
The UK government is committed to tackling illegal trade of wildlife products and is a long-standing leader in efforts to eradicate the IWT. Defra manages the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund, which is a competitive grants scheme with the objective of tackling IWT and, in doing so, contributing to sustainable development in developing countries. Projects funded under the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund address one, or more, of the following themes:• Developing sustainable livelihoods to benefit people directly affected by IWT,
• Strengthening law enforcement,
• Ensuring effective legal frameworks,
• Reducing demand for IWT products.
By 2023 over £51 million has been committed to 157 projects since the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund was established in 2013. This round of funding includes the following projects: IWT086 to IWT107. Further information can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/illegal-wildlife-trade-challenge-fund-iwtcf (Language: English)
Darwin Initiative
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
The Darwin Initiative is the UK’s flagship international challenge fund for biodiversity conversation and poverty reduction, established at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The Darwin Initiative is a grant scheme working on projects that aim to slow, halt, or reverse the rates of biodiversity loss and degradation, with associated reductions in multidimensional poverty. To date, the Darwin Initiative has awarded more than £195m to over 1,280 projects in 159 countries to enhance the capability and capacity of national and local stakeholders to deliver biodiversity conservation and multidimensional poverty reduction outcomes in low and middle-income countries. More information at https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/the-darwin-initiative and https://www.darwininitiative.org.uk/
Fleming Fund - Country and Regional Grants and Fellowships Programme
UK - Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
The Fleming Fund helps low- and middle-income countries to fight antimicrobial resistance. A management agent has been appointed to deliver: country grants 24 low- and middle-income countries, regional grants in West Africa, East and Southern Africa, South Asia and South East Asia, and a global fellowships programme. These initiatives aim to improve laboratory capacity and diagnosis as well as data and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Through the country and regional grants and the fellowships programme the Fleming Fund will: build laboratory capacity for diagnosis; collect data on drug resistance, drug quality, drug use and the burden of disease associated with AMR; enable the sharing of data relevant to AMR locally, regionally, and internationally; encourage the application of data to promote the rational use of antimicrobials; shape a sustainable system for AMR surveillance and data sharing; and increase national leadership in addressing AMR. Projects funded through Fleming Fund will benefit people in low- and middle-income countries, where the burden of drug resistant infection is greater.
REACT Mid-stage - Renewable Energy Access for the Conversion of Tuk-tuks
Following the successful early-stage project, this project aims to further develop the innovative technologies and business models that together will improve energy access to hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankan three-wheel tuk-tuk drivers. Tuk-tuk-drivers -- male and female - rely on their vehicles as an important source of income but currently lack access to energy which is affordable, reliable and carbon free. The project will convert internal combustion engine tuk-tuks to electricity and power them with clean and renewable solar energy. Tuk-tuks are the main light transport method in Sri Lanka and other adjacent countries such as India, Thailand and Indonesia - there are over 1.2 million tuk-tuks in Sri Lanka which generate considerable air pollution. The vast majority of these vehicles are powered by out-of-date two or four stroke petrol engines. In addition, the recent fuel price rise and severe supply instability has affected the tuktuk drivers' community who are subsisting on low-incomes. Following the innovative concept of tuktuk conversion and battery subscription scheme developed from the early-stage project, we aim to mature the user-centred technology and business model in this mid-stage project and address several technical and business challenges, to pave the way for successful exploitation. The design of the conversion kit including mechanical, electric and electronic components, will be reiterated and improved towards final products; long-term strategic suppliers will be identified and the partnership will be developed; partnerships with local garages and fuel stations (charge stations) will be developed; data will be collected and new business opportunities will be identified; training courses will be developed to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vehicles. A large trial will be conducted to prove the concept and collect valuable data. The team will also work with the local authorities to promote the technologies and businesses. The Technology lead for the project is an industrial firm, Alta Vison (Pvt) Ltd (AVL) who have a rich experience in renewable energy system installation and operation, and energy storage system development. Another business partner Large Minority who has valuable experience and connection with end-users will join the team. They are supported by two academic partners with sound track records and knowledge in mechanical and electric system design, electric and hybrid vehicle research and development. The team has both a strong technological and business background, as well as good understanding of the local market and the policy landscape in Sri Lanka.
Sodium-ion batteries for BESS in South Asia utilising a local materials supply chain
Battery Energy Storage System [BESS] are needed to maximise the utilisation of renewable energy sources, to support the functioning of electrical grids and to provide energy access to those in locations not yet grid-connected. Faradion's Sodium-Ion Battery [SIB] technology represents a lower cost, more sustainable alternative to existing lithium-ion or lead acid battery technologies normally used in BESS. Building on over a decade of SIB technology development and delivering low-voltage packs for residential applications, further innovation at Faradion in this project aims to develop a high-voltage BESS suited to manufacturing at a scale appropriate to the burgeoning demand in South Asia. In Sri Lanka, Ultracarb will specifically design a hard carbon material optimised for performance in SIBs. Using a sustainable waste by-product as the precursor for this material will allow the costs of SIBs to be reduced further and will encourage investment in cell manufacturing and related industry in the region. The anode developed by Ultracarb will then be incorporated in SIBs. SIBs containing the developed material will be integrated into a high-voltage BESS demonstrator unit that will undergo field trials in India. The challenging operating environment in India provides valuable information to inform future product development and will demonstrate the reliability of this technology in the South Asia region This project will enable the partners to establish local supply chains for materials and components in order to serve the rapidly expanding energy storage market in South Asia.
Off-Grid Renewable Energy Production and Storage with Organic Rankine Cycle, Solar and Waste (RESORCS)
According to the International Energy Agency, around four percent of the world electricity supply comes from solar electric cells. Solar energy is abundantly available in South Asia and in Sub Saharan Africa that is not harnessed nowhere near its full potential. The conventional technologies that harness solar energy are solar thermal and solar electric cells. Solar electric cells have a low conversion efficiency compared to solar heating cells and other thermal based energy conversion methods, for example an IC engine. Despite having a recycling efficiency of around 95%, recycling of solar electric cells is currently an expensive process. RESORCS project aims to design, construct and test an off-grid renewable energy production technology with a novel high output Rankine engine, local waste and solar energy harnessed with a concentrated solar collector. A concentrated solar collector can collect thermal energy efficiently and relatively cheaply. Collected thermal energy is used to propel a Rankine Cycle engine based rotary turbine generator to generate electricity. Thermal energy collected can be boosted using thermal energy produced with waste combustion and bio-gas generated using waste. This hybrid combination can produce high grade thermal energy that will also increase thermodynamic efficiency of the prime mover, in this case, the FeTu turbine. Thermal energy collected during day is stored in a thermal energy reservoir that can be regulated based on demand. Electricity generated can be used directly, fed to the grid or stored in a battery bank for night time use or during high demand. It can also be used to power sustainable clean transport systems such as electric cars. The system can be used either as a standalone application or a grid connected system. The system is suited for a cluster of households or a small-scale enterprise. In summary, the project aims to: design and optimise a concentrated solar collector system with environmentally friendly materials and technology for optimal efficiency; develop a thermal energy storage system and a Organic Rankine Cycle engine based turbine generator which is suitable for the concentrated solar collector system; design electricity generation and control system with the concentrated solar system Stirling engine generator with grid connectivity; design and integrate a waste combustion system to boost energy; prototype the combination system and test its performance in different modes of use; and investigate the design and impact of the system, pre and post design and construction
Core - International Collaboration Awards
International Collaboration Awards enable outstanding researchers in the UK to partner with the best research groups in developing countries on projects that address issues faced by developing countries.
DfE NI - GCRF QR funding
Grant to Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland to enable Northern Irish higher education institutes to carry out pre-agreed ODA-eligible activities in line with their institutional strategies. For Queen’s University Belfast in FY2019/20 this included: workshops in Cambodia, Vietnam, South Africa, and Uganda about health and education; 11 pilot projects spanning 16 eligible countries (Angola, Burundi, China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kosovo, Malaysia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe); and additional support to GCRF and NF-funded activities. For Ulster University in FY2019/20 funding supported six pump-priming projects on: LMIC maternal, neonatal and child health; PTSD in Rwanda; Decision-Making in Policy Making in Africa and Central Asia; and hearing impairment and dementia in China.
HEFCW - GCRF QR funding
Additional GCRF funding to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales to support Welsh higher education institutes (HEIs) to carry out ODA-eligible activities in line with their institutional strategies. ODA research grants do not represent the full economic cost of research and therefore additional funding is provided to Welsh HEIs in line with their research council grant income. In FY19/20 funding was allocated to Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff University and Swansea University. In FY19/20, the funding was used to fund: the full economic cost of existing ODA eligible activities (e.g. already funded by GCRF); small ODA-eligible projects; fellowships to ODA-eligible researchers; and to increase collaboration and impact. 53 ODA-eligible countries have been reported as benefiting from the funded work, with Brazil and India the most frequently mentioned. By region, the largest number of projects were based in the LDC’s (Least Developed Countries) in Asia, South America, and East Africa, with only a few projects in the middle-income countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia.
ODA BEIS analysts - cross-cutting for both ODA funds
ODA BEIS analysts. For the monitoring and evaluation and learning for NF and GCRF
SFC - GCRF QR funding
Formula GCRF funding to the Scottish Funding Council to support Scottish higher education institutes (HEIs) to carry out ODA-eligible activities in line with their three-year institutional strategies. ODA research grants do not represent the full economic cost of research and therefore additional funding is provided to Scottish HEIs in proportion to their Research Excellence Grant (REG). In FY19/20 funding was allocated to 18 Scottish higher education institutes to support existing ODA grant funding and small projects. GCRF has now supported more than 800 projects at Scottish institutions, involving over 80 developing country partners.
Global Challenges Research Fund Evaluation
The overall purpose of the GCRF evaluation is to assess the extent to which GCRF has achieved its objectives and contributed to its intended impacts.
Transformation Project - ODA Reporting Tool (ODART)
The Reporting ODA Digital Service (RODA) is the data submission, processing, reporting repository system for data on BEIS R&I ODA Eligible Programmes delivered by Delivery Partners
UUKi Delivery Support
These are delivery cost for shared learning workshops/training and best practice (for current and future applicants) on ODA assurance, eligibility, reporting and partnership working through either the NF and GCRF
ODA website - cross-cutting for both ODA funds
This is the website for NF and GCRF consortia that promotes funding calls and impact case studies as well as publishing report such as the annual report and monitoring and evaluation documentation.
Ad-hoc GCRF activity on BEIS Finance system
Increased contributions towards a range of research projects jointly funded with DFID, and funding for the Devolved Administrations for disbursement to universities within the devolved regions to fund the full economic cost of GCRF ODA research.
Royal Academy of Engineering Academies Collective Fund: Resilient Futures - Frontiers of Development
Frontiers of Development is part of the Joint Resilient Futures Initiative which is a collaboration between all four UK Academies under the GCRF. The aim of the JRF initiative is to construct a pipeline in the UK and the developing world for interdisciplinary researchers focused on tackling development challenges in a sustainable manner.
Royal Academy of Engineering Coherence & Impact - Frontiers Follow-on Funding
These mid-sized grants build on previously funded projects, helping them to scale up previous activities into fully formed research projects that tackle global challenges. COVID-19
OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - Cardiff University
The GNCAs represent an additional allocation from BEIS designed to reinvest in excellent UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund programmes and enable them to maximise development impact. This involves instances where funding can be utilized to 9 original grant objectives affected by the ODA review, or opportunities for new follow-on, knowledge exchange or impact activities. In either case, the funding is targeted to support research along the route to achieving economic or social impact in countries on the OECD DAC list.