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Support to the International Security Sector Advisory Team

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To deliver effective security and justice interventions through the International Security Sector Advisory Team by providing guidance to help bilateral donors and multilateral organisations deliver effective and politically-informed security and justice responses based on lessons from the field and the evidence base. Also to improve the co-ordination and technical support between donors and their engagement with multilateral organisations in the security and justice sector.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300614
Start date 2019-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Enhancing Digital and Innovations for Agri-food Systems and Livelihoods (eDIAL) Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will increase productivity and incomes for farmers by harnessing digital and innovation; generate evidence on scalable approaches to deliver market access for smallholders at scale; and mainstream this evidence by improving open data policies in FCDO focus countries. The programme will support FCDO country offices with other UK ODA to maximise opportunities from digital in agriculture and market systems programmes. eDIAL has four components: partnership with the BMGF Digital Farmer Services portfolio, (2) partnership with GSMA on MNO-agribusiness investments, (3) support to GODAN on open data for ag, and (4) a new demand-driven facility to support country offices and other UK ODA with technical assistance for programme design and piloting new technologies.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300644
Start date 2019-3-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Security and Stabilisation Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

OCSM’s Security and Stabilisation Department will increase the UK’s effectiveness in preventing or reducing conflict through a) the application of stabilisation principles and b) applying security sector reform (SSR) best practice. This includes developing a UK unique selling point (“USP”) on state reconstruction and acting as a convening power for HMG on all aspects of SSR policy and practice, including disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) and defection. The Programme will deliver a facet of the UK’s conflict prevention, management, and resolution agenda, as set out in the Integrated Review to reduce the frequency and intensity of conflict and instability, to alleviate suffering, and minimise the opportunities for state and non-state actors to undermine international security. The SSD incorporates two important areas of the conflict agenda where we can bring significant added value for HMG and internationally: Stabilisation, and Security Sector Reform.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301575
Start date 2022-10-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £359,992

Tackling Illicit Finance Globally TIFiG

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Illicit financial flows IFFs cross multiple borders and are inherently secret. There is therefore currently limited understanding of illicit flows globally or how to tackle them. Yet illicit finance is an issue of rapidly increasing interest and concern to the UK. This two year programme of up to £4.5 million initiates delivery of DFID’s new ambition on illicit finance by building the understanding of the harm IFFs cause to poor people in developing countries, the nature, drivers and interconnectedness of these flows; and our ability to tackle them effectively. It includes delivery of the National Security Adviser’s commitment for DFID to provide £2m in FY 2019 2020 to the National Economic Crime Centre NECC.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300789
Start date 2019-8-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £0