Aid by Sector

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11 of 11

FSDA - Financial Sector Deepening Africa Platform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To drive inclusive growth through a combination of grants and development capital investments that build financial markets and institutions. The programme delivers ambitious multi-country activities and focused, local interventions which seek to strengthen capital markets, promote financial innovation, and help Africa finance a greener future.

Programme Id GB-1-205238
Start date 2017-3-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £699,472,395

CAFEF – Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To increase growth, jobs and incomes in fragile and conflict-affected states globally by providing political risk insurance to facilitate more foreign investment, leading to reduced poverty and increased stability. This will result in up to $180 million of additional foreign direct investment and the creation of up to 1800 direct jobs.

Programme Id GB-1-203331
Start date 2014-2-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £20,000,000

HiFi - Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To provide access to poor people to a broad range of financial services such as payments, savings, loans, and insurance by continuing to support piloting new ideas and approaches, and to support technical assistance regulators and commercial players for enhancing industry knowledge and practice about business models, pricing and design of financial products. Access to these services enables consumers to acquire productive assets, invest in health and education and make other purchases that enrich their lives.

Programme Id GB-1-203808
Start date 2014-9-19
Status Implementation
Total budget £49,135,339

Disaster Risk Insurance

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve the resilience of the private sector in poor countries to natural disasters by improving access to insurance products. By supporting the development of a market for private sector disaster risk insurance in developing countries, the project will sustainably help strengthen resilience, mitigate the effects of climate change and supporting economic development through private sector growth.

Programme Id GB-1-203809
Start date 2016-12-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £41,832,828

Centre for Disaster Protection (CDP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To protect poor and vulnerable people, save lives and help developing countries to get back on their feet more quickly after a disaster by working with governments to strengthen planning, embed early action, and use “risk financing” tools like insurance and contingent credit to finance more cost-effective, rapid and reliable response to emergencies. It aims to empower governments to build resilience to natural disasters and climate change, and take ownership of their risks, with more assistance delivered through pre-financed government-led systems. Funded by the UK Government Prosperity Fund until April 2021.

Programme Id GB-1-205231
Start date 2017-9-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £102,415,812

Risk Pools Programme (RPP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support a parametric (index-based) weather risk insurance pool that will provide participating African countries with predictable, quick-disbursing funds with which to implement pre-defined contingency response plans in the case of a drought.

Programme Id GB-1-203469
Start date 2014-3-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £100,222,790

GFP - Global Finance Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Leverages the UK’s unique position as the world’s leading financial centre to increase access to finance for firms and individuals where beneficiaries are in developing countries, promoting shared prosperity through inclusive economic growth overseas, and the development of new markets in developing countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300452
Start date 2018-4-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £122,187,218

Zimbabwe Economic Stability and Transformation (ZEST) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will support reforms to improve the economic and business environment in Zimbabwe, in order to unlock Zimbabwe’s prosperity potential. This will help reduce poverty in Zimbabwe through putting the country on a pathway to economic development and job creation. It will also benefit the UK through fostering trade and investment links

Programme Id GB-1-204694
Start date 2018-3-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

SME - Small Medium Enterprise Initiative

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Support through the International Finance Corporation scaling up of commercial banks' lending to Small and Medium Enterprises in DFID targeted developing countries in Africa and Asia, with a focus on FCAS. The Initiative will support scaling up of lending to small and medium enterprises through partnership with mainstream commercial banks, leasing companies and other non-banking finance companies in DFID priority countries. The Initiative will provide banks with risk sharing mechanisms, technical assistance and advisory services as well as improved credit history information and referencing in support of scaling up their financing to small and medium enterprises.

Programme Id GB-1-202935
Start date 2012-2-28
Status Implementation
Total budget £74,999,998

CLARE - CLimate And REsilience Framework Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

CLARE is a flagship research programme on climate adaptation and resilience, funded mostly (about 90%) by UK Aid through the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and co-funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. CLARE is bridging critical gaps between science and action by championing Southern leadership to enable socially inclusive and sustainable action to build resilience to climate change and natural hazards. Through long-term commitments and partnerships worldwide, and needs-driven, action-focused research, CLARE links up short-and long-term issues, enabling long-term, sustainable, and fair economic and social development in a changing climate whilst supporting action to reduce impacts now and providing a better understanding of climate risks.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300126
Start date 2019-6-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £96,276,487

UK - Ghana Partnership for Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote Ghana as an investment destination of choice in West Africa; to support investment into job-creating sectors, particularly through UK investment, partnering development partners including CDC; to support Global Britain objectives across HMG, on trade, prosperity, bilateral cooperation with China on investment issues; to support the UK Ghana Chamber to meet wider UK objectives around responsible development and trade.

Programme Id GB-1-205058
Start date 2018-5-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,882,063

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