Aid by Sector

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ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This Programme supports ODA-eligible Association of South East Asia Nations members grow sustainably and meet the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals by financing infrastructure investments linked to clear, measurable green targets. The Programme helps the UK meet is International Climate Fund targets and is consistent with HMG’s Indo-Pacific Tilt and FCDO’s climate objectives in Asia.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300128
Start date 2022-4-26
Status Implementation
Total budget £113,700,112

Pacific Clean Energy Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Pacific Clean Energy Programme (PCEP) will support increased investment in renewable energy, and aims to improve access to electricity, increase the proportion of electricity from renewable sources, and reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400021
Start date 2023-5-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,999,976

TEA - Transforming Energy Access

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

TEA is the flagship FCDO research and innovation platform supporting early-stage testing and scale-up of innovative technologies and business models that accelerate access to affordable, clean, and modern energy in developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, enabling sustainable and inclusive growth. TEA seeks to improve clean energy access for 25 million people, create 170,000 green jobs, and leverage £1.3 billion of additional investment into clean energy technology research, innovation and scale-up. It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and it is the main FCDO platform for delivery of the £1 billion UK Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021 and 2026. TEA is delivered by four lead FCDO partners - Carbon Trust, Innovate UK, Shell Foundation, and ESMAP – and a network to date of more than 750 downstream partners delivering research and innovation activities in more than 60 countries.

Programme Id GB-1-204867
Start date 2016-3-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £244,891,476

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