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Digital Access Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Prosperity Fund cross-HMG 'Digital Access Programme' is a FCDO-led partnership with DCMS. It aims to catalyse more inclusive, affordable, safe and secure digital access for excluded and underserved communities in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and Indonesia. Increased digital inclusion in the programme countries will form the basis for more thriving digital ecosystems that generate high-skilled jobs, opportunities for local digital entrepreneurship focused on country-specific development challenges, as well as potential partnerships with international and UK business aimed at mutual prosperity. The Digital Access programme will also focus on learning about sustainable models and enablers for digital inclusion. The learnings will be shared with key stakeholders and other partner countries, thereby amplifying the impact of the programme.

Programme Id GB-1-204963
Start date 2019-7-16
Status Implementation
Total budget £62,838,521

M4D - Mobile for Development Strategic Partnership

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To work jointly with the industry group representing mobile phone operators worldwide, the GSMA, and its subsidiary Mobile for Development, to identify and support the development and use of new, innovative ways in which mobile phone technologies and mobile network infrastructure can be used to improve the reach, delivery and affordability of life-enhancing services to poor people in Africa and Asia. As a result of this work some 14 million poor people are expected to benefit from improved access to life enhancing services by 2020.

Programme Id GB-1-203804
Start date 2016-2-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £115,520,852

PIDG2 - Second phase of FCDO's Support to the Private Infrastructure Development Group .

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The aim of PIDG is to mobilise private investment in infrastructure, in order to increase service provision for the poor, boost economic growth, trade and jobs to alleviate poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300351
Start date 2018-5-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £822,708,152

TradeMark East Africa - Strategy 2 (Regional)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme aims to increase sustainable and shared prosperity in East Africa by increasing trade within the region and with the rest of the world. Specifically, it supports three intermediate outcomes that contribute to reducing barriers to trade (1) improved sustainable efficiency and capacity of transport infrastructure (2) effective trade systems and procedures, and (3) improved trade regulatory environment. The programme is implemented by TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), which is an aid-for-trade organisation established by the UK in 2010. ARD co-funds TMEA with Kenya (300137), Uganda (205164), Tanzania (300529), and Rwanda (204495). Ultimately it intends to indirectly alleviate poverty by increasing trade and economic growth in such a way that improves the the well-being of poor people, particularly those working in sectors and geographic areas most affected by international trade.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300257
Start date 2018-1-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £21,610,147

Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300667
Start date 2018-11-2
Status Implementation
Total budget £90,856,740

Africa Technology and Innovation Partnerships - ATIP

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will strengthen innovation ecosystems in Africa, with a focus on Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa, in order to stimulate inclusive economic growth and the scaling of technology enabled businesses to solve development challenges.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300704
Start date 2020-1-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £31,338,428

The Evidence Fund - 300708

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Evidence Fund procures and manages research and evaluations that primarily benefit ODA eligible countries. Most research and evaluations paid for by the Evidence Fund are country-specific, and all respond to requests for evidence to inform programme or policy decisions. Primarily serving research requests from HMG’s Embassies and High Commissions in ODA eligible countries, and from HMG policy and strategy teams, the Evidence Fund strengthens the evidence behind the UK’s priority international development investments and development diplomacy. The Evidence Fund also invests modest amounts of non-ODA, to strengthen the evidence behind wider UK foreign policy.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300708
Start date 2020-7-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £37,873,708

Unlocking Digital Impact for Development.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will help to deliver the strategic goals of DFID’s Digital Strategy, which aims to harness digital technology to deliver on the SDGs. The programme budget is £18.5 million between 2019-20 to 2023-24. Delivery will primarily be through the Digital Impact Alliance, housed within the UN Foundation. There is a separate pillar to finance complementary policy research and advice activities with other partners, including Digital Pathways at Oxford, as well as a learning and evaluation pillar. The programme will identify, trial and institutionalise good practice and common standards for digital development work. It will deliver sustainable and reusable digital products which create new or improved services; replicable business and partnership models to increase the use of digital products and data; data-driven policy-making tools and products to inform and advance transformation; and training offerings and skills-building tools to improve investments in digital technologies.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300718
Start date 2019-12-16
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,386,472

Educate the Most Disadvantaged Children in Bangladesh

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support 360,000 marginalised children, including 216,000 girls, to gain foundational skills, i.e. literacy, numeracy, socio-emotional and life skills through Educate the Most Disadvantage Children in Bangladesh (EMDC-B) programme. EMDC will focus on the poorest girls and children with disabilities, with the goal of improving system-wide support for all marginalised children.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300580
Start date 2021-11-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £38,499,999

Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund – Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme provides support to strengthen Nepal’s Public Finance Management (PFM) systems in the context of the implementation of federalism.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300007
Start date 2017-12-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £4,059,683

Strengthening Africa's Science Granting Councils Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will deepen ongoing work with the African Science granting Councils in the same thematic areas as those covered by the first phase of SGCI research management; monitoring learning and evaluation; knowledge transfer to the private sector; and enhanced networks and partnerships amongst councils and with other science system actors. It will extend focus into two new cross cutting dimensions; research excellence and gender equality and inclusivity. It will strengthen national Science Technology and Innovation systems and contribute to socio economic development in sub Saharan Africa by enhancing more effective and inclusive management of research and innovation by Councils in sub Saharan Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301049
Start date 2022-2-28
Status Implementation
Total budget £11,336,801

Digital Identity as an Enabler for Development

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will support governments to implement trusted, secure and inclusive digital Identification and civil registration systems, informed by international evidence and experience, by supporting the World Bank Group’s Identification for Development initiative, known as ID4D, between 2019-2020 to 2024-25. This programme will finance ID4D to, first, produce evidence-based guidance on the preferred approaches for digital identification and illustrate the development value of the systems, second, establish and support global platforms, convening and peer-to-peer exchange to share lessons and experiences of what works and why, and third, provide technical assistance to over 30 governments and regional institutions to support countries to roll-out digital identification and civil registration systems. DFID will also support an independent evaluation of the World Bank Group’s ID4D programme during the course of this grant.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300745
Start date 2019-11-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,292,556

Education Quality Improvement Programme in Bangladesh EQUIP-B

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve the quality of primary and secondary education through needs-based, targeted technical assistance (TA) via Education Quality Improvement Programme in Bangladesh (EQUIP-B). EQUIP-B will contribute to strengthen education system’s efficiency and effectiveness, specifically targeting improved learning outcomes and girls’ retention in primary and secondary education. Major focus areas include improved teachers’ skills and efficiency, learning assessment, girls’ friendly school environment, develop integrated data management system and its use, and evidence-based influencing of policies and programmes.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301052
Start date 2021-11-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,999,999

Technology Centre of Expertise to make it easier for FCDO staff to enhance their technology for development offer.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Tech CoE will make it easier for FCDO staff at post and in policy teams to mobilise the right mix of UK and world-class expertise to enhance their technology for development offer to partner countries. The Tech CoE will: • Deliver a technical assistance facility that provides LMICs with the tools and support to develop their domestic technology ecosystems and to shape the international system to the benefit of all. • Invest in new research to build the global evidence base, consolidate existing evidence and lessons learned and improve knowledge management and signposting to existing evidence and learning resources. • Leverage/deploy British expertise. Enhance the UK brand by promoting experts and institutions and/or showcase our ability to convene experts in a community of practice

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400101
Start date 2024-4-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £3,596,488

Supporting Cambodia’s graduation from LDC status

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This project supports the foundations of Cambodia’s upcoming graduation from LDC status by reinforcing health and education initiatives including cancer screening, STEM careers and primary education through bespoke small scale interventions.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400444
Start date 2024-11-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £54,848

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