Aid by Sector
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme works with government and civil society at federal and state levels to reduce inefficiency and corruption in the use of Nigerian resources and therefore improve delivery of services, including for women, girls and persons with disability. It does this in partnership with other DFID programmes supporting service delivery by helping Nigerian stakeholders improve accountability for use of resources including improving processes for raising revenue, allocating resources, planning and programme implementation.
Partnerships for Development
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Partnerships for Development (formerly known as GREAT for Partnership) will multiply the UK’s development impact by boosting partnerships between UK’s institutions and their counterparts in the developing world. It will leverage the skills and expertise from a range of UK institutions and supply them initially to DFID partner countries, based on tailored demand. It will initially prioritise the Extractives, Financial Accountability and Anti-Corruption sectors.
Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.
Western Balkans – Freedom and Resilience Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will address long-term, structural issues across the region, including ethno-nationalist division, and support transparency and accountability in government, as well as underlying society challenges such as discrimination and violence against women and girls. The Programme will comprise a portfolio of interventions in three areas: reconciliation and peacebuilding in conflict-affected communities; empowering women and girls and tackling Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and gender-based violence; and strengthening government capacity, transparency and accountability. Programming will be country-led, with Posts able to bid for funds in support of projects in line with their priorities.
Bangladesh-Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics (B-CAPP) Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To protect civic space, foster political collaboration, reduce corruption, and mitigate conflict and violence in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh- Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics programme will mobilise civil society and media coalitions, provide citizens groups with tools to monitor public services, improve decision making within political parties and promote women and youth leadership.
Empowering Palestinian Institutions and Civil Society in the Occupied Palestinian Territories - EPICS OPTs
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
EPICS aims to improve the viability, legitimacy and inclusion of governance and service delivery, to protect and support civic space, and to empower women, in the OPTs. It will provide technical assistance to PA institutions across governance sectors, with a particular focus on financial viability and provision of essential services, in order to protect the fiscal viability and legitimacy of the PA in a declining context. EPICS will protect and support Palestinian civic space by supporting CSOs to hold the PA and other local duty bearers to account for governance and service delivery. EPICS will strengthen women’s empowerment, primarily through supporting coalition building among local and grassroots organisations. Through improving PA viability and legitimacy, it will help reduce the drivers of instability and extremism.
Strengthening Foundations of Federalism in Nepal
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
In addition, the programme through other components like Coherence supports local elected leaders, local government associations, and provincial and federal government to promote inclusive decision-making processes and capacity of local governments (input code: 15150- democratic participation and civil society). A modest pilot is also being implemented to test if issues-based approach to development problem solving will promote state-citizen engagement and improve development outcomes especially those contributing to a meaningful inclusion of women and marginalised groups. Both coherence and the pilot will be grounded in evidence and regular political economy analysis (isc: 43082, 15170 - governance research; women's equality organizations and institutions)
Nigeria Governance and Climate Change Programme (NGCP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The NGCP is designed to support more accountable and inclusive institutions to respond to Nigeria’s governance and climate change challenges. This is a governance programme, seeking to address the governance challenges that undermine development and perpetuate social exclusion in Nigeria.
Security and Justice Programme 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To achieve better security and access to justice. It will help improve the justice and rehabilitation experience of women who have survived violence. While a focus on GBV will run through the programme, other systemic reform initiatives will also impact on how other forms of violence, such as political violence, are prevented and managed.
Ethiopia – Human Rights and Peacebuilding Programme (HARP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Human Rights and Peacebuilding (HARP) programme will support the UK’s strategic response to conflict in Ethiopia. The programme will support peacebuilding initiatives in areas where the UK has a comparative advantage. This will build the capacity of local peace actors (particularly women and youth), provide safe spaces for dialogue and engage with government to respond to community needs. The UK has proven success in investing in these areas in Ethiopia – particularly through the CSSF Funded work of Conciliation Resources in Somali Regional State. HARP will look to continue this activity, as well as supporting further peacebuilding activity in other conflict areas.
Open Society Enabling Fund (OSEF)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Open Societies Enabling Fund is aimed at supporting and bolstering active contributions of civil society groups in defending Indonesia’s open society with the particular context of 2024 national and local elections amidst the trend of shrinking civic space, increased prosecution of human rights defenders, and further entrenchment of minority rights.
Strengthening Peace and Resilience in Nigeria (SPRiNG)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
SPRiNG is to support a more stable and peaceful Nigeria in which citizens benefit from reduced violence, and increased resilience to the pressures of climate change (Impact). It will do this by supporting, and shifting incentives of, Nigerian stakeholders so they are more willing and able to respond to conflict, security, justice and natural resource management challenges in target areas (Outcome). SPRiNG is 15-20% International Climate Finance (ICF) eligible.
Building sustainable anti-corruption action in Tanzania (BSAAT)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To reduce the role of corruption as a barrier to poverty reduction in Tanzania by improving the capacity and coordination of the criminal justice system in corruption cases, improving integrity and governance in the private sector, and influencing social change through research and media.
African Union Conflict and Governance Support Programme (AUCG)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
AUCG will work to strengthen the conflict prevention, conflict management and governance capabilities of the African Union (AU). In doing so, it will help tackle emerging threats to the UK and Africa earlier and before they result in violent conflict. Emphasis will be put on strengthening the AU’s early warning, analysis and early response capacity and capability, including the AU’s ability to effectively mediate in situations before or during conflict. AUCG will also support the AU’s ability to effectively monitor elections across the African continent, helping to promote open societies and create a more democratic world, and will increase women’s meaningful participation in political and peace processes.
Public Financial Management Multi Donor Trust Fund – Phase II
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme provides support to strengthen Nepal’s Public Finance Management (PFM) systems in the context of the implementation of federalism.
Democratic Resilience Platform
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To provide a platform to enable programmes to be developed to improve the governance and democracy of FCDO priority countries.
The Evidence Fund - 300708
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Evidence Fund procures and manages research and evaluations that primarily benefit ODA eligible countries. Most research and evaluations paid for by the Evidence Fund are country-specific, and all respond to requests for evidence to inform programme or policy decisions. Primarily serving research requests from HMG’s Embassies and High Commissions in ODA eligible countries, and from HMG policy and strategy teams, the Evidence Fund strengthens the evidence behind the UK’s priority international development investments and development diplomacy. The Evidence Fund also invests modest amounts of non-ODA, to strengthen the evidence behind wider UK foreign policy.
Support to the Palestinian Authority to Deliver Basic Services, Build Stability and Promote Reform in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SSRP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support the Palestinian Authority (PA) to meet the needs of the Palestinian people. Funding will enable around 25,000 young Palestinians with access to an education, provide up to 3,700 immunisations for children, and 185,000 medical consultations each year. This will help to build and strengthen the capacity of PA institutions through public financial management reform, and build stability in the region by preserving the two state solution.
Conflict Resolution Department (CRD) Conflict Resolution Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme primarily funds key mediation organisations delivering against the UK’s negotiation, mediation and peace process ambitions, specifically on bringing about negotiated political settlements that govern and end violence and refocusing peace processes as a central tool for conflict resolution, working with a range of national and international partners.
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