Aid by Sector
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
Conflict Resolution Department (CRD) Conflict Resolution Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme primarily funds key mediation organisations delivering against the UK’s negotiation, mediation and peace process ambitions, specifically on bringing about negotiated political settlements that govern and end violence and refocusing peace processes as a central tool for conflict resolution, working with a range of national and international partners.
Programme d’Appui pour la Consolidation de la Stabilité en RDC (PACS-RDC)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme will support our objective to build peace in eastern DRC. It will focus on the three provinces in eastern DRC (Ituri, North and South Kivus) worst affected by violent conflict leveraging our comparative advantage by deploying HMG expertise from Kinshasa, Goma, London and New York to influence the DRC government, MONUSCO and other donors. The Concept Note includes a multi-donor stabilisation programming alongside targeted UK bilateral support on DDR, conflict prevention and conflict sensitivity.
Ethiopia – Human Rights and Peacebuilding Programme (HARP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Human Rights and Peacebuilding (HARP) programme will support the UK’s strategic response to conflict in Ethiopia. The programme will support peacebuilding initiatives in areas where the UK has a comparative advantage. This will build the capacity of local peace actors (particularly women and youth), provide safe spaces for dialogue and engage with government to respond to community needs. The UK has proven success in investing in these areas in Ethiopia – particularly through the CSSF Funded work of Conciliation Resources in Somali Regional State. HARP will look to continue this activity, as well as supporting further peacebuilding activity in other conflict areas.
Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Informing the National Curriculum and Youth Policy for Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal
Increasing child and youth participation in decision-making and to inform national curricula and youth policies relating to peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia, Nepal. Benefits teachers, students, policymakers. SDG:4,16,17
Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Informing the National Curriculum and Youth Policy for Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal
Increasing child and youth participation in decision-making and to inform national curricula and youth policies relating to peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia, Nepal. Benefits teachers, students, policymakers. SDG:4,16,17
Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Informing the National Curriculum and Youth Policy for Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal
Increasing child and youth participation in decision-making and to inform national curricula and youth policies relating to peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia, Nepal. Benefits teachers, students, policymakers. SDG:4,16,17
Global Security Rapid Analysis
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To produce research analysis and best practice guidance that will help to inform global policy on how development programming and policy can have the greatest impact on stability and security overseas.
Strengthening Peace and Resilience in Nigeria (SPRiNG)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
SPRiNG is to support a more stable and peaceful Nigeria in which citizens benefit from reduced violence, and increased resilience to the pressures of climate change (Impact). It will do this by supporting, and shifting incentives of, Nigerian stakeholders so they are more willing and able to respond to conflict, security, justice and natural resource management challenges in target areas (Outcome). SPRiNG is 15-20% International Climate Finance (ICF) eligible.
Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism in the Northern Territories (Re-INVENT)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve safety and security institutions at national level and in 6 counties that provide more effective, accountable and responsive services to a public that is actively engaged in improving safety and security in Kenya.
UK-Jamaica Violence Prevention Partnership
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To assist the Government of Jamaica to manage extreme levels of violence to stem gang violence using the public health model.
Security and Justice Programme 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Security and Justice Programme (SJP) ultimately aims to help to enhance public safety in Nepal and improve people’s trust in a key institution: the police. It will contribute to increased responsiveness of security and justice providers, particularly gender-based violence (GBV) and increased prevention of GBV and wider public safety problems. Understanding and influencing different social and organisational norms will run through the whole programme to address the prevalence of violence against women and girls. The programme also has a particular focus on the organisational development of the Nepal Police, investigation capability, problem-solving community policing and better climate-resilient solar-powered infrastructure for service delivery, notably police women and children service centres (WCSCs).
Somalia Security and Justice Programme II
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Somalia Security and Justice Programme aims to promote more affordable, accountable, able and acceptable policing and justice systems in targeted areas that provide a visible security presence and facilitate the peaceful resolution of disputes with lessons from these informing the development of the federal architecture
Bangladesh-Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics (B-CAPP) Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To protect civic space, foster political collaboration, reduce corruption, and mitigate conflict and violence in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh- Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics programme will mobilise civil society and media coalitions, provide citizens groups with tools to monitor public services, improve decision making within political parties and promote women and youth leadership.
Tackling Serious and Organised Crime in Ghana (SOCG)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will seek to reduce the negative impact that SOC has on Ghana’s development, by improving governance and raising awareness, commitment and capacity to address it within government, civil society and business. In doing so, it will address direct threats to the UK, and support wider UK security objectives.
Creating Safer Space: Strengthening Civilian Protection Amidst Violent Conflict
Enabling the creation of safe spaces for communities amidst violence and preventing displacement by enhancing unarmed civilian protection practices. Benefits prevention orgs, local communities in Colombia, Myanmar, South Sudan & Philippines. SDGs:11,16,17
Creating Safer Space: Strengthening Civilian Protection Amidst Violent Conflict
Enabling the creation of safe spaces for communities amidst violence and preventing displacement by enhancing unarmed civilian protection practices. Benefits prevention orgs, local communities in Colombia, Myanmar, South Sudan & Philippines. SDGs:11,16,17
Creating Safer Space: Strengthening Civilian Protection Amidst Violent Conflict
Enabling the creation of safe spaces for communities amidst violence and preventing displacement by enhancing unarmed civilian protection practices. Benefits prevention orgs, local communities in Colombia, Myanmar, South Sudan & Philippines. SDGs:11,16,17
Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Preventing violent conflict and building peace are UK international priorities that cannot be addressed alone. FCDO support will to the international system supports communities and regions to better develop and manage change and conflict peacefully - contributing to poverty reduction, and UK national security objectives. Supporting an effective approach to conflict and fragility by investing in areas of the multilateral and international system that are prioritising conflict prevention. This programme aims to achieve this through support to - the Peacebuilding Fund which is the UN Secretary-General’s only dedicated peacebuilding resource; the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention aims to ensure that Resident Coordinators have the political advice and support they require to engage meaningfully on peacebuilding across the UN Country Team and Secondments to increase UK influence of the conflict prevention agenda.
Responsible and Inclusive Business Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme aims to i) strengthen the enabling environment for UK and international business to implement RBC standards and ii) support the private sector’s contribution to inclusive growth and accelerated delivery of the SDGs. It supports implementation of the UK’s new RBC commitments to the OECD and revised guidelines. It renews the FCDO’s programme partnerships with key multilateral and civil society delivery partners with the relevant expertise, geographical coverage and mandates, in support of shared objectives with DBT, with a view to informing design of a future multi-year programme.
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