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Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
Kenya Devolution Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme aims to strengthen the effectiveness of Kenya's devolution. It will support county governments to better plan, deliver and monitor the delivery of public services in key sectors including agriculture, climate change, education, health, water and urban services.
Aawaz II - Inclusion, Accountability and Preventing Modern Slavery Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support a Pakistani society and government institutions that support increased voice, choice and control for marginalised groups, protect them from exploitation and prevent discrimination and intolerance at all levels. The programme has a focus on child labour, gender-based violence, child and force marriages, and intolerance against minorities and other socially excluded groups.
TradeMark East Africa - Strategy 2 (Regional)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme aims to increase sustainable and shared prosperity in East Africa by increasing trade within the region and with the rest of the world. Specifically, it supports three intermediate outcomes that contribute to reducing barriers to trade (1) improved sustainable efficiency and capacity of transport infrastructure (2) effective trade systems and procedures, and (3) improved trade regulatory environment. The programme is implemented by TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), which is an aid-for-trade organisation established by the UK in 2010. ARD co-funds TMEA with Kenya (300137), Uganda (205164), Tanzania (300529), and Rwanda (204495). Ultimately it intends to indirectly alleviate poverty by increasing trade and economic growth in such a way that improves the the well-being of poor people, particularly those working in sectors and geographic areas most affected by international trade.
Sudan Free of Female Genital Mutilation Phase 2 (SFFGM2)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To decrease the prevalence of Female Genital Cutting in Sudan and open space for wider programme on gender equality, supoorting SDG5. The programme will change social norms in target communities and at scale, support an improved legal environment, strengthen systems combatting FGM and other harmful practices, and catalyse a wider response to gender equality in Sudan. Primary beneficiaries will be girls and women in target communities, locations and states in Sudan.
Strengthening public financial management and revenue collection in Rwanda.
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve Local Government Public Financial Management, audit and domestic revenue generation in Rwanda. Stronger public financial management will directly support poverty reduction by increasing economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public resources. Increased domestic revenue collection will reduce Rwanda's dependence on aid and will support sustainable growth.
Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme works with government and civil society at federal and state levels to reduce inefficiency and corruption in the use of Nigerian resources and therefore improve delivery of services, including for women, girls and persons with disability. It does this in partnership with other DFID programmes supporting service delivery by helping Nigerian stakeholders improve accountability for use of resources including improving processes for raising revenue, allocating resources, planning and programme implementation.
South Africa Demographic Dividend Partnership
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Promotion of positive demographic trends for inclusive growth across Africa by harnessing South Africa’s enabling policy environment for sexual reproductive health and rights, women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Western Balkans – Freedom and Resilience Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will address long-term, structural issues across the region, including ethno-nationalist division, and support transparency and accountability in government, as well as underlying society challenges such as discrimination and violence against women and girls. The Programme will comprise a portfolio of interventions in three areas: reconciliation and peacebuilding in conflict-affected communities; empowering women and girls and tackling Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and gender-based violence; and strengthening government capacity, transparency and accountability. Programming will be country-led, with Posts able to bid for funds in support of projects in line with their priorities.
Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.
Security and Justice Programme 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To achieve better security and access to justice. It will help improve the justice and rehabilitation experience of women who have survived violence. While a focus on GBV will run through the programme, other systemic reform initiatives will also impact on how other forms of violence, such as political violence, are prevented and managed.
Somalia Stability Fund III
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Somalia Stability Fund III will work to build stability in Somalia. It will do so by deepening understanding of the core underlying causes and drivers of conflict and instability. It will address them in ways that help widen and deepen the political settlement (agreements between different political actors), at multiple levels, and help build resilience to conflict and violence when these political settlement processes inevitably come under stress.
Promoting Equalities Regional Programme (PEP-Regional)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme will build capabilities on gender and equalities through scaling up provision of practical advice, technical expertise, and support to posts and regions. The programme will strengthen bridges between posts and central teams, sharing evidence, lessons and best practice. It will support posts to identify and act on opportunities through policy, ODA programmes, and diplomacy to meet our raised ambition. Posts will be better able to navigate available FCDO resources, including centres of expertise and Helpdesk facilities, including those covering disability, violence against women and girls and LGBT+ rights. By bringing together UK influence, investment, expertise and evidence, this programme will strengthen progress on tackling gender and equalities and bring about wider benefits through investing in people and in capabilities. The programme will be delivered predominantly through additional regional gender and equality advisory roles.
Support to Social Protection Programme 2 (SSPP2)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support the Government of Mozambique to develop a bigger, better and more shock responsive social protection system. SSPP2 will help poor and vulnerable people meet their basic needs and cope better with crises through social protection. It will expand the Government of Mozambique’s social protection programmes to deliver more cash transfers to the most vulnerable. It will provide technical assistance to improve social protection programme delivery and value for money, making government programmes more efficient, effective and equitable. It will develop government capacity to respond to crises quickly and effectively through the national social protection system. The programme will leverage additional donor and government resources of about £70m per year. Ultimately, SSPP2 will support the creation of a sustainable, nationally owned system to redistribute revenues from gas that Mozambique is expected to start earning in the next decade.
Advancing gender equality through support to Women's Rights Organisations and Women’s Movements
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To provide funding for women’s organisations, movements and networks working to advance women's rights and gender equality at the regional, national, and grassroots levels in the Global South.
Ethiopia – Human Rights and Peacebuilding Programme (HARP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Human Rights and Peacebuilding (HARP) programme will support the UK’s strategic response to conflict in Ethiopia. The programme will support peacebuilding initiatives in areas where the UK has a comparative advantage. This will build the capacity of local peace actors (particularly women and youth), provide safe spaces for dialogue and engage with government to respond to community needs. The UK has proven success in investing in these areas in Ethiopia – particularly through the CSSF Funded work of Conciliation Resources in Somali Regional State. HARP will look to continue this activity, as well as supporting further peacebuilding activity in other conflict areas.
Building Peace and Security in Iraq (BPSI)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme builds upon the UK’s previous humanitarian support in Iraq, whilst taking a new approach to programming and advocacy. At the local level, BPSI will support up to five local communities in the conflict-affected governorates of Ninewa, Anbar, Salah al-Din, Diyala, and Kirkuk. A consortium of Iraqi NGOs and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) will address specific barriers preventing IDPs from reintegrating, such as housing, civil documentation, services and community grievances. Third Party Monitoring (TPM) will provide additional oversight and assurance. BPSI will support annually approximately 15,000 IDPs with documentation, legal assistance and services; 20 community rehabilitation projects to improve local infrastructure; and 10 social cohesion and peacebuilding activities to improve host community acceptance of IDPs. A focus will be given to supporting female headed IDP households.
LGBT+ Rights Programme – supporting LGBT+ rights organisations
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will transform the lives of millions of LGBT+ people around the world by reducing violence and discrimination against the LGBT+ community and by improving access to services and legislative reform. This will be achieved through the provision of technical and legal support , learning, evidence and advice and support for grassroots LGBT+ organisations
Supporting Inclusive Growth in Somalia (SIGS)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
SIGS programme is the UK’s flagship economic development programme in Somalia. Designed as a flexible and adaptive programme it will provide an immediate response to Covid19. It now has a stronger focus on remittances, supporting UK political leadership in this area, and, accelerated support to key Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (MSME) sectors including domestic food production and marketing. SIGS will deliver activities to 1. Develop and diversify businesses in approx. 4 high-value sectors. 2. Stimulate investment through developing the financial sector and related policy and or regulatory capacity. 3. Develop the evidence base on inclusive, sustainable, economic development in Somalia. SIGS will provide an essential policy and influencing resource for UK leadership on HIPC debt relief and or the associated reforms, including on the financial sector and counter terrorist financing.
Supporting the Africa-led Movement to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Phase II
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This second phase will continue to work with others to support a movement within countries and globally to raise awareness and understanding of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and build support for efforts to end the practice. Phase I of the programme was called “Towards Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Africa and Beyond” and ran from 2013-2018.
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