Aid by Sector

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Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme works with government and civil society at federal and state levels to reduce inefficiency and corruption in the use of Nigerian resources and therefore improve delivery of services, including for women, girls and persons with disability. It does this in partnership with other DFID programmes supporting service delivery by helping Nigerian stakeholders improve accountability for use of resources including improving processes for raising revenue, allocating resources, planning and programme implementation.

Programme Id GB-1-204822
Start date 2015-8-31
Status Implementation
Total budget £129,933,146

Partnerships for Development

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Partnerships for Development (formerly known as GREAT for Partnership) will multiply the UK’s development impact by boosting partnerships between UK’s institutions and their counterparts in the developing world. It will leverage the skills and expertise from a range of UK institutions and supply them initially to DFID partner countries, based on tailored demand. It will initially prioritise the Extractives, Financial Accountability and Anti-Corruption sectors.

Programme Id GB-1-205191
Start date 2016-8-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £21,896,716

Evidence for Development

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Evidence for Development (E4D) programme aims to strengthen the data and evidence ecosystem in Nepal. It focuses on federal, provincial, local government and non-government actors to promote use of data and evidence for more effective and efficient programmes and policies and longer-term strategic portfolio design and management. It also aims to foster a culture of learning in the British Embassy Kathmandu (BEK), among other Development Partners and in the Governments of Nepal.

Programme Id GB-1-203385
Start date 2015-10-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £24,479,697

Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

Programme Id GB-GOV-3-CSSF
Start date 2017-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,327,339,663

BBC World Service

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Increasing the provision of, and access to, impartial news and information that responds to audience needs in English and local languages in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, South America & Central America

Programme Id GB-GOV-3-BBCWS
Start date 2016-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £558,559,531.71

Wajibika Programme in Tanzania

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The vision for the Wajibika programme is that it uses a strategic and flexible mix of ODA funding and coordinated diplomatic influencing to help Tanzania move further in the direction of a more "Open Society." Promoting an open societies agenda in Tanzania will contribute to an improved policy environment for reform e.g. on the business environment and education, both which are top UK priorities for Tanzania - and facilitate more open Tanzanian relationships with key partners, including the UK. The Wabijika Programme in Tanzania will be a flagship Open Societies programme for FCDO Tanzania. It will strengthen media and civil society, promote more inclusive politics and improve accountability, delivering HMG's Force for good.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301011
Start date 2023-7-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £12,299,972

Democratic Resilience Platform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To provide a platform to enable programmes to be developed to improve the governance and democracy of FCDO priority countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300956
Start date 2022-12-20
Status Implementation
Total budget £16,388,843

Serious Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To counter serious and organised crime, build the investigative capacity of select partners and close the loopholes in the justice system that hinders the prosecution of cases.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300970
Start date 2020-3-25
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,118,052

Bangladesh-Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics (B-CAPP) Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To protect civic space, foster political collaboration, reduce corruption, and mitigate conflict and violence in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh- Collaborative, Accountable and Peaceful Politics programme will mobilise civil society and media coalitions, provide citizens groups with tools to monitor public services, improve decision making within political parties and promote women and youth leadership.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301120
Start date 2023-2-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £26,999,982

Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301454
Start date 2022-3-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £30,773,473

Western Balkans – Freedom and Resilience Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will address long-term, structural issues across the region, including ethno-nationalist division, and support transparency and accountability in government, as well as underlying society challenges such as discrimination and violence against women and girls. The Programme will comprise a portfolio of interventions in three areas: reconciliation and peacebuilding in conflict-affected communities; empowering women and girls and tackling Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and gender-based violence; and strengthening government capacity, transparency and accountability. Programming will be country-led, with Posts able to bid for funds in support of projects in line with their priorities.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301457
Start date 2022-9-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £31,314,332

India Challenge Enabling Fund (ICE)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

ICE will support innovations, build evidence, share knowledge and technical expertise as pilots or strategic interventions to support the objectives of the India-UK road map and the Country Business Plan through ODA funding that supports development in India. It will aim to co-design interventions with Indian and UK institutions – government, civil society, think tanks – on specific questions/areas that will inform state/central policies, unlock resources, and promote sustainable and inclusive outcomes.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400020
Start date 2023-10-19
Status Implementation
Total budget £729,393

Central Asia Small Projects Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will provide the mechanism for embassies to develop small projects to further the aims of the Country Business Plans and develop learning to support wider programming initiatives, with the overall aim of supporting development in the region.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400222
Start date 2024-6-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,999,990

Eastern Neighbourhood Small Projects Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will provide the mechanism for embassies to develop small projects to further the aims of the Country Business Plans and develop learning to support wider programming initiatives, with the overall aims of supporting development in the region. This is part of the FCDO’s official development assistance and falls under the OECD DAC ODA rules.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400223
Start date 2024-6-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £2,015,155

UK Embassy Fund - Thailand

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

International Programme (IP) ODA fund to support Post's small projects and work on Human Rights, Democracy, Good governance, Rule of law, and Foreign Policies in Thailand.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400443
Start date 2024-10-29
Status Implementation
Total budget £115,000

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