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Aid by Sector

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Transboundary Water Management in Southern Africa

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The project will support countries in Southern Africa to manage their shared water resources, thereby helping 2-3 million poor people to better cope with the impacts of existing climate variability and climate change (especially floods and drought). It will do this by improving assessment and planning concerning these resources, and designing and building water infrastructure such as irrigation schemes, water supply or hydropower schemes. This will help poor and vulnerable people gain access to clean and safe water, produce a predictable agricultural yield and store water for when it is needed during the dry months of the year. The programme will also help countries to communicate hydrological data between themselves – thus providing downstream countries with advance notice of floods and enabling countries to optimise how much water is stored in each country to ensure each has enough to meet their basic requirements.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300230
Start date 2016-9-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £35,823,393

African Cities Research Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Research which will produce new operationally-relevant knowledge and evidence on African ‘cities as systems’. The research will help policy makers and those who manage cities to tackle the most significant problems constraining growth and development in individual African Cities, leading to the development of, and investment in, more effective economic development and poverty-reduction policies and programmes in African cities, by DFID and its partners.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300180
Start date 2019-4-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £34,962,544

CLARE - CLimate And REsilience Framework Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

CLARE is a framework research programme to develop new, more demand responsive evidence, innovation and capacity to enable developing country governments and communities to better address climate change challenges and opportunities and develop more effective disaster risk management and recovery. The programme will support research to improve our understanding of weather and climate systems across Africa and the likely impacts of future change. It will also support research and innovation focused on low-carbon and climate resilient technology as well as help strengthen local capacity to do and use cutting edge climate research and evidence for development.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300126
Start date 2019-6-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £97,171,201

Climate Smart Development for Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This will help Nepal to cope with impacts of climate change (CC) and promote clean development. It will provide strategic support to the Govt of Nepal to design and implement CC policies, to integrate resilience throughout government planning. This will:Improve resilience of 700,000 poor & vulnerable people (especially women) to floods, landslides, droughts in most remote districts;Improve resilience of businesses in 5 growing urban centres & 3 river basins through investments in urban planning, large scale irrigation systems & flood management;Facilitate connection of over 25,000 households to new micro-hydro power installations; connect over 70,000 homes to solar power & install RET in more than 200 schools/health clinics;Develop industry standard for ‘clean’ brick production and enable over half of the brick kilns (at least 400) to adopt more efficient technologies;Improve design of future CC programming & beyond through generation of world class evidence

Programme Id GB-1-204984
Start date 2016-10-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £49,709,461

REACH: Improving water security for poor people

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A £22.5m Research programme to support sustainable reduction in water insecurity in developing countries by producing robust and accessible evidence for governments, municipalities and other investment\policy decision makers and therefore long term, improved wellbeing for poor people dependent on water for livelihoods, health, environmental services in Africa and South Asia. This contributes towards the sustainable development goals by providing efficient and sustainably managed water systems which will support increased water security for 10 million people, while helping sustain and preserve water resources.

Programme Id GB-1-201880
Start date 2013-8-29
Status Implementation
Total budget £22,799,998

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