Aid by Sector

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Strengthening Foundations of Federalism in Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

In addition, the programme through other components like Coherence supports local elected leaders, local government associations, and provincial and federal government to promote inclusive decision-making processes and capacity of local governments (input code: 15150- democratic participation and civil society). A modest pilot is also being implemented to test if issues-based approach to development problem solving will promote state-citizen engagement and improve development outcomes especially those contributing to a meaningful inclusion of women and marginalised groups. Both coherence and the pilot will be grounded in evidence and regular political economy analysis (isc: 43082, 15170 - governance research; women's equality organizations and institutions)

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300009
Start date 2019-12-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £16,239,093

Ocean Country Partnership Programme

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

The Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) supports countries to manage the marine environment more sustainably, including by strengthening marine science expertise, developing science-based policy and management tools and creating educational resources for coastal communities. The programme is funded through official development assistance (ODA) as part of the UK’s £500 million Blue Planet Fund. Through the OCPP, the UK government partners with ODA-eligible countries to deliver positive impacts for coastal communities that depend on healthy marine ecosystems. Bilateral partnerships under the OCPP are primarily delivered by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), agencies of the UK government that possess unique expertise in marine science and management. The OCPP also funds two international initiatives that align with its aims and help to develop global public goods, the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) and the Friends of Ocean Action (FOA). GOAP is a global, multi-stakeholder partnership established to enable countries and other stakeholders to effectively measure and manage progress towards sustainable ocean development. FOA is a platform hosted by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, which brings together ocean leaders from a wide range of sectors to encourage action and investment into sustainable ocean projects.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-BPFOCPP
Start date 2021-7-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £64,200,000

Urban Resilience Programme in South Africa

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Urban Resilience Programme will fund technical assistance (TA) for inclusive, sustainable and climate-resilient economic development in South African cities. The programme will support South Africa’s ambitions for green recovery, sustainable growth and institution building. The programme will build on the learning and achievements of Future Cities, which successfully delivered strategies for urban governance, spatial planning and economic development in Durban/eThekwini, Johannesburg and Cape Town

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301487
Start date 2023-3-14
Status Implementation
Total budget £7,825,042

The Evidence Fund - 300708

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Evidence Fund procures and manages research and evaluations that primarily benefit ODA eligible countries. Most research and evaluations paid for by the Evidence Fund are country-specific, and all respond to requests for evidence to inform programme or policy decisions. Primarily serving research requests from HMG’s Embassies and High Commissions in ODA eligible countries, and from HMG policy and strategy teams, the Evidence Fund strengthens the evidence behind the UK’s priority international development investments and development diplomacy. The Evidence Fund also invests modest amounts of non-ODA, to strengthen the evidence behind wider UK foreign policy.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300708
Start date 2020-7-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £34,224,172

India Challenge Enabling Fund (ICE)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

ICE will support innovations, build evidence, share knowledge and technical expertise as pilots or strategic interventions to support the objectives of the India-UK road map and the Country Business Plan through ODA funding that supports development in India. It will aim to co-design interventions with Indian and UK institutions – government, civil society, think tanks – on specific questions/areas that will inform state/central policies, unlock resources, and promote sustainable and inclusive outcomes.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400020
Start date 2023-10-19
Status Implementation
Total budget £729,393

Climate Action for a Resilient Asia

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A Technical Assistance facility will build capacity of national and subnational governments and vulnerable communities to integrate climate resilience into government-wide policy and planning and also work with the private sector, banks and financial regulators to support the integration of climate-related risks into investment decisions. A portion of the programme budget will be earmarked for coordinated policy work and regional cooperation in specific sectors or themes which require a regional approach where we have existing successful regional partnerships which can be scaled up, and or there is demand from country offices for a multi-country approach. Enable management of the programme including monitoring and evaluation, research, knowledge dissemination, communication, advisory support to country offices if required.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301000
Start date 2022-2-23
Status Implementation
Total budget £272,371,251

United Kingdom National Commission for the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Provide Independent Advice on Education, Communication, Science and Culture in relation to UNESCO’s programme’s in order to improve their impact, ensuring benefits for all countries including the UK.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301547
Start date 2022-8-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £675,805

Brazil - Newton Advanced Fellowship


Awards for early to mid-career international researchers who have already established (or in process of establishing) a research group. Awards support researchers in their own country, providing funding for training and development in collaboration with a UK partner, with the intention of transferring knowledge and research capabilities to partner countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_BRA_NAF0010
Start date 2019-7-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £305,415

Brazil - Newton International Fellowship


Scheme supports early-career international researchers to spend two years undertaking research at a host university or research institution in the UK, enabling them to benefit from a period within a first class research environment in some of the UK’s best universities. Awards provide stipend, research monies, and relocation costs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_BRA_NIF0006
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £640,733

China - Newton Advanced Fellowship


Awards for early to mid-career international researchers who have already established (or in process of establishing) a research group. Awards support researchers in their own country, providing funding for training and development in collaboration with a UK partner, with the intention of transferring knowledge and research capabilities to partner countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_CHN_NAF0011
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £291,500

China - Newton International Fellowship


Scheme supports early-career international researchers to spend two years undertaking research at a host university or research institution in the UK, enabling them to benefit from a period within a first class research environment in some of the UK’s best universities. Awards provide stipend, research monies, and relocation costs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_CHN_NIF0006
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £598,916

India - Newton International Fellowship


Scheme supports early-career international researchers to spend two years undertaking research at a host university or research institution in the UK, enabling them to benefit from a period within a first class research environment in some of the UK’s best universities. Awards provide stipend, research monies, and relocation costs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_IND_NIF0005
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £297,327

Mexico - Newton International Fellowship


Scheme supports early-career international researchers to spend two years undertaking research at a host university or research institution in the UK, enabling them to benefit from a period within a first class research environment in some of the UK’s best universities. Awards provide stipend, research monies, and relocation costs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-AMS_MEX_NIF0005
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £46,000

Jordan-UK El Hassan bin Talal Research Chair in Sustainability


The Jordan – UK El Hassan bin Talal Research Chair in Sustainability is a joint initiative between the British Academy and the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS). Its aim is to enhance the research and innovation capacity of Jordan for long-term sustainable development. The initiative is supported by the Newton-Khalidi Fund. This call is open to applicants with established expertise in any area relevant to the challenges of sustainability, particularly in the context of Jordan. Such areas could relate to, but need not necessarily be limited to: food security, water, energy and the environment, cities and infrastructure, climate change, sustainable livelihoods, health and well-being, migration and displacement, inequalities, and education. Specific objectives include expanding research and innovation capacity within the social sciences and humanities in Jordan with a particular focus on the area of sustainable development and issues of relevance and importance to the local context; and improving Jordan’s international research and innovation competitiveness while responding to socio-economic challenges in the country.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NF-BAJORC-1007
Start date 2020-9-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £480,057

Philippines - PhD Placements


Philippines - PhD Placements is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_PHL_394
Start date 2015-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £157,000

South Africa - PhD Placements


South Africa - PhD Placements is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_ZAF_410
Start date 2016-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £754,343.74

South Africa - Bilateral Chairs


South Africa - Bilateral Chairs is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_ZAF_401
Start date 2016-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,000

South Africa - Researcher Links Travel Grants


South Africa - Researcher Links Travel Grants is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_ZAF_416
Start date 2015-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £2,073

South Africa - Trilateral Research Chairs


South Africa - Trilateral Research Chairs is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_ZAF_409
Start date 2017-7-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £150,000

South Africa - University Staff Doctoral Programme


South Africa - University Staff Doctoral Programme is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-NEWT-BC_ZAF_415
Start date 2019-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £330,000

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