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UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) is the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) flagship technical assistance programme and is funded via the UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF) commitment. UK PACT operates in countries with high greenhouse gas emissions that are eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) and have potential for high emissions reduction. UK PACT supports these countries to increase and implement their ambitions for emissions reductions in line with internationally agreed commitments (NDCs). UK PACT works strategically to leverage the UK’s position as a global leader in tackling climate change to provide support and share expertise, build strong relationships with other governments, and deliver transformational assistance
Carbon Initiative For Development (Ci-Dev)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) aims to increase the flow of international carbon finance, primarily into Least Developed Countries (LDCs). It launched in 2013 and supports climate change mitigation in pursuit of the Paris Agreement’s goals and facilitates access to cleaner energy and other poverty reducing technologies. It guarantees a revenue stream if projects deliver their expected benefits, builds local capacity to develop projects and monitor carbon emissions, and pilots projects that could serve as blueprints to increase LDC access to the international carbon market
The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The NAMA Facility is a targeted fund set up in 2012 by Germany and the UK to help finance measures that tackle and shift challenging sectors within a country’s climate mitigation action plans. Projects in these plans (their Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Plans) funded by the NAMA Facility offer good potential for replication and are important building blocks towards implementing ambitious NDCs. The NAMA Facility has an open access competitive structure and projects are wide ranging in type (energy efficiency, transport, agriculture, renewables, waste) and geography (Asia, Africa and South and Central America) and noticeable for high level of country support.
NDC Partnership
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The NDC Partnership is a international partnership aiming to help turn countries’ climate targets under the Paris Agreement, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), into specific strategies and measures. It also aims to achieve greater harmonisation among the various donor programmes supporting NDCs.
Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) programme will work through secondary providers to provide training, in addition to technical, legal and logistical support for developing country negotiators, in order to build the capacity of the least developed and most climate vulnerable states to participate in the international negotiations process and be more effective in influencing its outcomes.
Global Fund For Coral Reefs (GFCR)
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Coral reefs are amongst the most valuable ecosystems on earth, harbouring the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem, supporting 25% of marine life and providing a myriad of benefits to thousands of species. The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) is a project within the Blue Planet Fund portfolio. The GFCR is the first Multi-partner Trust Fund for Sustainable Development Goal 14. It provides finance for coral reefs with particular attention on Small Island Developing States. The GFCR promotes a ‘protect-transform-restore-recover’ approach through the creation and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to save and protect coral reefs in the face of serious decline and extinction. The GFCR has four main outcomes: Protect priority coral reef sites and climate change-affected refugia Transforming the livelihoods of coral reef-dependent communities Restoration and adaptation technologies Recovery of coral reef-dependent communities to major shocks
UK contribution to the World Bank Group PROBLUE Programme to facilitate sustainable finance for healthy oceans
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
PROBLUE is the World Bank’s leading multilateral mechanism for leveraging and disbursing blue finance towards sustainable ocean sectors and activities. It is a multi-donor trust fund that supports the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, Life Below Water, and the Bank’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. PROBLUE aims to do this by reducing the existing blue finance gap by creating the necessary enabling environment for public and private sectors to shift from unsustainable to sustainable activities.
Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain Solutions
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
This activity supports a number of different areas of work which aim to accelerate the climate benefits of the Kigali Amendment (KA) to the Montreal Protocol (MP) and encourage uptake of energy efficient and climate friendly solutions. This includes (1) The creation of an African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chains (ACES) in Rwanda. ACES will accelerate deployment of sustainable (environmental, economic and social) cold-chain solutions throughout Africa. (2) The development and deployment of an HFC outlook model to address information gaps on energy use and energy related CO2 emissions from the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP) market. It will assist in reducing cost of the transition for Article 5 countries to the Montreal Protocol and increase the climate benefit of action under the MP. (3) Increasing countries technical capacity and providing insights on global best practice of EE improvements of cooling products in parallel with HFC phase down, through model regulations and sustainable public procurement in ASEAN and Africa.
Supporting Montserrat and St Helena to enhance welfare and development through improved environmental management.
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
This programme is delivered by JNCC and aims to improve environmental management. This includes better management of water resources, fisheries and landscapes and to enhance economic security, welfare and development of local communities dependent on the natural environment for their livelihoods. This includes farmers dependent on scarce water resources and island communities where better fisheries management increases food supply and incomes. Landscape scale management enhances security of food and water supply and reduces vulnerability to natural disasters such as drought or storm associated flooding and coastal hurricane storm surge.
Global Programme on Sustainability
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
The programme supports sustainable economic growth that is both long-lasting and resilient to climate-related stressors. It does this through the integration of natural capital into decision making by governments, the private sector and financial institutions. The inability to value natural capital can undermine long-term growth and critically, the livelihoods of the poorest people dependent on ecosystems for their livelihoods. This programme directly addresses this challenge by (i) investing in data and research on natural capital; (ii) assisting countries to integrate this analysis into government policy making; and (iii) integrating this data and analysis into financial sector decision making.
Championing Inclusivity in Plastic Pollution (CHIPP)
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Championing Inclusivity in Plastic Pollution (CHIPP) comprises two components: (1) £1.6m contribution for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’s Tide Turners Plastic Challenge (TTPC) (2) £2m contribution to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC). CHIPP’s overall objective is to foster an inclusive approach to tackling plastic pollution at all levels in ODA-eligible countries, from young people and communities to international action. TTPC is a youth environmental education and advocacy initiative which seeks to educate and empower young people on marine plastic pollution and how they can address it in their communities. The objective of this programme is to influence behaviour change, share knowledge, build awareness, and promote inclusive environmental stewardship in young people and give them a voice in the fight against plastic pollution. Its core deliverable is an educational course delivered in partnership with educational institutions. The INC contribution supports the inclusive participation of ODA-eligible country negotiators in the agreement of an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution by providing travel support and facilitating regional intersessional meetings.
United Nations Development Programme: Climate Promise
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
The UNDP Climate Promise programme helps developing countries implement their national climate pledges – Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The programme aims to increase ambition, implementation and engagement for NDCs under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Defra's contribution focuses on the Forest, Land and Nature work area, contributing to increase the representation of nature in 8 countries’ NDCs through to COP27, the Global Stocktake in 2023 and to 2026. Project activities include: - Supporting countries in assessing the extent to which nature could contribute to meet climate targets, and establishing the steps required to meet this potential; - Supporting countries to develop detailed delivery plans and policies across relevant sectors that would enable them to maximise the role of nature in reaching the Paris climate goal; - Supporting countries in implementing delivery plans and policies, so that commitments and targets could be delivered through concrete actions. The UNDP Climate Promise aligns with the Prime Minister’s commitment of at least £3 billion of ICF to climate change solutions that protect and restore nature and biodiversity over five years, HMG’s Integrated Review, Response to the Dasgupta Review and COP26 commitments including the Glasgow Leaders Declaration.
Achieving sustainable forest management through community managed protected areas in Madagascar
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
This project aims to reduce deforestation and forest degradation within Madagascar’s national park network by supporting community and regional authorities to manage and monitor natural resources more effectively. It also seeks to transform the way in which communities use the forest by investing in sustainable farming practices and alternative livelihoods. By demonstrating proof of concept for community-based forest management, this project seeks to help communities to attract new investment and access market-based opportunities that guarantee the long-term financial sustainability of the protected area network. In this way, the project aims to create a successful model that could be replicated across the protected area network.
A cultural politics of nature reserves: resource tensions, state-formation, and indigenous Bedouin
"This research will be the first sustained geographical study of nature reserves in Jordan and will use interdisciplinary thinking and decolonising methodologies to examine the relationships between resource politics, indigeneity, and postcolonial state formation. Global resource scarcity has seen increasing tensions between states and indigenous groups over the control and management of natural resources. Existing literature often reduces these tensions to simple binaries between states which want to exploit resources and indigenous populations who have traditional, ecological relationships with resources. These tensions are therefore often portrayed as violent indigenous and non-indigenous confrontations. This research brings nuance to these long-held assumptions through a focus on nature reserves in Jordan to investigate how resource struggles occur in everyday sites and are connected to postcolonial state formation, differing social histories and relationships with resources and situated understandings of indigeneity. With resource tensions predicted to increase it is important to understand the everyday spaces in which these struggles occur. By focusing on nature reserves in Jordan, I hypothesise that tensions between states and indigenous populations over resources are the result of (post)colonial state formation, contested understandings of indigeneity, and ideas of resource management rooted in North American and European models. Geographically, this project focuses on nature reserves in Jordan for three primary reasons: it is an understudied postcolonial location; it faces growing natural resource scarcity, especially water scarcity; and indigeneity, resources and national identity are entangled in complex and contested ways. In nature reserves in Jordan, resource tensions are not violent confrontations over extraction of resources such as oil, but instead everyday tensions over how states, NGOs, and Bedouin relate to and understand resources, alongside their role in national identity formation. The control and management of natural resources in Jordan is connected to colonial legacies of land management and the struggles of forming identity and controlling transborder resources as a result of postcolonial state formation. Nature reserves in Jordan illustrate how indigenous identities are selectively incorporated into nature reserves to forge national identity, while indigenous groups are simultaneously displaced from these sites and their relationships with resources ignored. Despite the rise in nature reserves throughout the Middle East remarkably few studies have explored the unique ways resource tensions are connected to (post)colonial state formation and indigeneity in these sites. This research will provide politically urgent insights that move beyond dominant and binary framings of resource tensions by putting this specific instance of (post)colonial state making into dialogue with existing explorations of indigeneity and nature reserves to produce an original re-conceptualisation of the relationships between indigeneity, resources, and postcolonial state formation. This research is taken from a decolonial methodological perspective in which indigenous scholars argue the persistence of colonialism and Eurocentric knowledge systems is in part due to the methods used by researchers. This project will employ a decolonial methodological approach by combining textual analysis of official state narratives of nature reserves with participatory methods that centre Bedouin relationships with resources. The outputs will be co-produced with participants and benefit indigenous communities beyond the end of the project. This research will fundamentally alter the way in which resource tensions between indigenous groups and the state are understood, the links between resource politics and postcolonialism, and the everyday spaces in which these tensions emerge." COVID-19
Trademark Tanzania Strategy 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme aims to increase sustainable and shared prosperity in East Africa by increasing East Africa’s trade with the region and the rest of the world. Specifically, the programme will (i) invest in improving the efficiency and capacity of transport, logistics and trade infrastructure at key port and border points; (ii) invest in systems to improve trading standards, reduce non-tariff barriers and enhance transparency in trade processes; (iii) improve the regulatory and policy environment for trade; and (iv) support private sector advocacy for trade competitiveness, the export capacity of East African businesses and the greater participation of women and small and growing businesses in trade.
Learning and Evidence for New Strategies in the Sahel (LENS)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Learning and Evidence for New Strategies in the Sahel programme (LENS) will provide £4 million over 5 years (2021-22 to 2025-26) to generate, and facilitate timely use of, context-relevant research, analysis and evidence products that inform UK engagements and influence those of others. It will provide a mechanism to commission, strategically disseminate, and support the effective use of research and evidence products with target stakeholders at critical decision-making points.
Trade Strategy Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support developing countries use trade to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction. The programme will provide analytical, evidence-based research, and trade diagnostics tools and databases. The programme activities aim to build the trade capacity in 72 developing countries to better integrate into the global trading system in order to enhance their economic development. The research and knowledge will support developing countries to gain access to global markets as well as inform policy making decisions contributing to achieving poverty reduction, integral to DFID’s Economic Development Strategy. The programme will also provide financial and technical support to develop sustainable trade strategies that will have a positive impact on poor people’s lives through the promotion of private sector development and job opportunities.
FSDA - Financial Sector Deepening Africa Platform
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To drive inclusive growth through a combination of grants and development capital investments that build financial markets and institutions. The programme delivers ambitious multi-country activities and focused, local interventions which seek to strengthen capital markets, promote financial innovation, and help Africa finance a greener future.
POF - Pioneer Outcomes Funds
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
A programme to leverage private finance into high performing development projects using Impact Bonds and other pay-for-outcomes models at scale to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. A multi-donor programme to commission development projects effectively and efficiently using new instruments that facilitate better links between financial markets and providers delivering pay-for-success contracts.
Climate Smart Development for Nepal
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This will help Nepal to cope with impacts of climate change (CC) and promote clean development. It will provide strategic support to the Govt of Nepal to design and implement CC policies, to integrate resilience throughout government planning. This will:Improve resilience of 700,000 poor & vulnerable people (especially women) to floods, landslides, droughts in most remote districts;Improve resilience of businesses in 5 growing urban centres & 3 river basins through investments in urban planning, large scale irrigation systems & flood management;Facilitate connection of over 25,000 households to new micro-hydro power installations; connect over 70,000 homes to solar power & install RET in more than 200 schools/health clinics;Develop industry standard for ‘clean’ brick production and enable over half of the brick kilns (at least 400) to adopt more efficient technologies;Improve design of future CC programming & beyond through generation of world class evidence
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