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Private Enterprise Programme Zambia Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To create investment in Zambia by building the capacity of micro, small and medium sized enterprises. The programme will aim to systematically transform the finance and investment environment for SMSEs in Zambia, by helping companies with potential to grow and become the engine of job creation in the economy. In addition, the programme will also provide independent technical advice and assistance to Zambian government bodies and private sector organisations engaged in projects that harness the potential of Zambia’s infrastructure, cities and towns to act as drivers for economic growth and job creation. Furthermore, the programme will support trade facilitation initiatives that will help reduce time spent at the Nakonde boarder post. The programme will create jobs at scale, including for women, disabled, and rural communities with high levels of poverty. SMSEs supported by the programme will help to improve nutrition outcomes and improve climate resilience of smallholder farmers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300635
Start date 2020-4-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £84,999,990

Zimbabwe Economic Stability and Transformation (ZEST) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will support reforms to improve the economic and business environment in Zimbabwe, in order to unlock Zimbabwe’s prosperity potential. This will help reduce poverty in Zimbabwe through putting the country on a pathway to economic development and job creation. It will also benefit the UK through fostering trade and investment links

Programme Id GB-1-204694
Start date 2018-3-8
Status Implementation
Total budget £9,167,234

SheTrades Commonwealth +

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

SheTrades Commonwealth aims to increase economic growth and job creation in Commonwealth countries by enabling the increased participation of women-owned business in trade.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300593
Start date 2018-5-29
Status Implementation
Total budget £13,917,076

Central Asia Enterprise and Innovation Programme (EIP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Stronger, diversified and inclusive private sector business environment and reduced risks from external shocks.

Programme Id GB-1-204989
Start date 2018-1-25
Status Implementation
Total budget £8,953,421

Support for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Developing countries will reform their trade facilitation laws, procedures, processes and systems in a manner consistent with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This programme will reduce inefficient border processes, excessive red tape and administrative bottlenecks which stop businesses reaching customers and increase the costs of trade. Helping countries to trade more and grow their way out of poverty is a key part of DFID’s Economic Development Strategy.

Programme Id GB-1-204713
Start date 2015-4-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £14,633,656

Trade Strategy Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support developing countries use trade to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction. The programme will provide analytical, evidence-based research, and trade diagnostics tools and databases. The programme activities aim to build the trade capacity in 72 developing countries to better integrate into the global trading system in order to enhance their economic development. The research and knowledge will support developing countries to gain access to global markets as well as inform policy making decisions contributing to achieving poverty reduction, integral to DFID’s Economic Development Strategy. The programme will also provide financial and technical support to develop sustainable trade strategies that will have a positive impact on poor people’s lives through the promotion of private sector development and job opportunities.

Programme Id GB-1-205260
Start date 2017-12-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £25,224,999

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