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TradeMark East Africa - Strategy 2 (Regional)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme aims to increase sustainable and shared prosperity in East Africa by increasing trade within the region and with the rest of the world. Specifically, it supports three intermediate outcomes that contribute to reducing barriers to trade (1) improved sustainable efficiency and capacity of transport infrastructure (2) effective trade systems and procedures, and (3) improved trade regulatory environment. The programme is implemented by TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), which is an aid-for-trade organisation established by the UK in 2010. ARD co-funds TMEA with Kenya (300137), Uganda (205164), Tanzania (300529), and Rwanda (204495). Ultimately it intends to indirectly alleviate poverty by increasing trade and economic growth in such a way that improves the the well-being of poor people, particularly those working in sectors and geographic areas most affected by international trade.
Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs.
Trademark Tanzania Strategy 2
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme aims to increase sustainable and shared prosperity in East Africa by increasing East Africa’s trade with the region and the rest of the world. Specifically, the programme will (i) invest in improving the efficiency and capacity of transport, logistics and trade infrastructure at key port and border points; (ii) invest in systems to improve trading standards, reduce non-tariff barriers and enhance transparency in trade processes; (iii) improve the regulatory and policy environment for trade; and (iv) support private sector advocacy for trade competitiveness, the export capacity of East African businesses and the greater participation of women and small and growing businesses in trade.
UK Trade Partnerships Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The UK Trade Partnerships Programme (UKTP) aims to increase trade with developing countries that have preferential trading arrangements with the UK. From 2018 to 2023 this has been with Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) partner countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific. From FY23/24, all developing countries with preferential trading arrangements with the UK have been eligible for support i.e. EPA countries and countries eligible to import goods to the UK using the Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS). The programme delivers: (i) technical assistance to support the implementation of the new UK EPAs and the DCTS; (ii) communications campaigns to increase awareness amongst businesses in EPA and DCTS countries about the preferential access offered under these arrangements and how to use these preferences; and (iii) targeted support, e.g. with logistics or export marketing, to promote exports from EPA and DCTS countries to the UK.
African Continental Free Trade Area Support Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will support the successful negotiation and implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). It will contribute to the reduction of barriers to trade across the continent, increase economic integration and improve the trading environment for both UK and African business. The programme will support faster and more complete implementation of the AfCFTA, working at both continental and national levels. Fully implementing the AfCFTA could lift an additional 30 million people from extreme poverty and 68 million people from moderate poverty.
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