Aid by Sector

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1 - 20 of 120

On and off Grid Small Scale Renewable Energy in Uganda

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve the environment for private investment in Uganda’s renewable energy sector by accelerating the market for off grid solar energy and supporting the construction of at least 17 on-grid small scale power plants. This will increase Uganda’s energy production by approximately 20%, improve access to clean and modern energy for over 200,000 households and businesses or 1.2m people; mobilise up to £240 million in private finance and stabilise Uganda’s power sector finances by saving approximately $260m to 2.7bn during the period 2013-35, and lead to greenhouse gas emission savings of between 1 and 10 MtCO2e.

Programme Id GB-1-203624
Start date 2013-3-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £27,499,995

TEA - Transforming Energy Access

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

TEA is the flagship FCDO research and innovation platform supporting early-stage testing and scale-up of innovative technologies and business models that accelerate access to affordable, clean, and modern energy in developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, enabling sustainable and inclusive growth. TEA seeks to improve clean energy access for 25 million people, create 170,000 green jobs, and leverage £1.3 billion of additional investment into clean energy technology research, innovation and scale-up. It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and it is the main FCDO platform for delivery of the £1 billion UK Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021 and 2026. TEA is delivered by four lead FCDO partners - Carbon Trust, Innovate UK, Shell Foundation, and ESMAP – and a network to date of more than 750 downstream partners delivering research and innovation activities in more than 60 countries.

Programme Id GB-1-204867
Start date 2016-3-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £244,891,476

REPP - Renewable Energy Performance Platform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Renewable Energy Performance Platform is a private finance investment vehicle to mobilise private sector development activity and investment in small and medium scale renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa. This is through providing technical assistance, development capital and ‘viability gap’ financing, giving communities access to clean energy supplies and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301517
Start date 2022-6-29
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,280,000

Increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Eastern Caribbean

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures and to improve energy security in the Eastern Caribbean

Programme Id GB-1-205061
Start date 2015-6-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,349,998

Accelerating Investment and Infrastructure in Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To accelerate private investment and economic growth in Nepal by providing technical expertise to help Nepalese institutions develop major infrastructure; improve the business climate for domestic and foreign investors; improve the implementation of economic policy and test new approaches for local economic development. This will result in at least £600 million of private investment into growth-boosting sectors and a reduction by at least 10% in time or cost for at least five regulatory processes perceived as burdensome by the private sector.

Programme Id GB-1-203427
Start date 2014-8-4
Status Implementation
Total budget £46,299,991

PIDG2 - Second phase of FCDO's Support to the Private Infrastructure Development Group .

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The aim of PIDG is to mobilise private investment in infrastructure, in order to increase service provision for the poor, boost economic growth, trade and jobs to alleviate poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300351
Start date 2018-5-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £821,182,372

Climate Smart Development for Nepal

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This will help Nepal to cope with impacts of climate change (CC) and promote clean development. It will provide strategic support to the Govt of Nepal to design and implement CC policies, to integrate resilience throughout government planning. This will:Improve resilience of 700,000 poor & vulnerable people (especially women) to floods, landslides, droughts in most remote districts;Improve resilience of businesses in 5 growing urban centres & 3 river basins through investments in urban planning, large scale irrigation systems & flood management;Facilitate connection of over 25,000 households to new micro-hydro power installations; connect over 70,000 homes to solar power & install RET in more than 200 schools/health clinics;Develop industry standard for ‘clean’ brick production and enable over half of the brick kilns (at least 400) to adopt more efficient technologies;Improve design of future CC programming & beyond through generation of world class evidence

Programme Id GB-1-204984
Start date 2016-10-6
Status Implementation
Total budget £49,709,461

Pacific Clean Energy Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Pacific Clean Energy Programme (PCEP) will support increased investment in renewable energy, and aims to improve access to electricity, increase the proportion of electricity from renewable sources, and reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400021
Start date 2023-5-17
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,999,976

MECS - Modern Energy Cooking Services

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

MECS is an FCDO research and innovation programme that seeks to accelerate the uptake of modern energy cooking services in developing countries in Africa, South Asia, and the Indo Pacific, contributing to the transition from biomass to genuinely clean cooking fuels. It develops research around modern energy cooking services, it funds pilots to scale-up new clean cooking technologies and business models in developing countries, and it conducts policy research to inform and influence countries and key stakeholders to adopt principles around MECS in their own strategies and planning. MECS is delivered via two lead organisations - Loughborough University and the World Bank ESMAP – in collaboration with hundreds of regional and local downstream partner organisations (including 16 other universities). It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and is one of the main FCDO programmes contributing to the £1b Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021-2026.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300123
Start date 2018-10-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £55,149,993

Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain Solutions

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

This activity supports a number of different areas of work which aim to accelerate the climate benefits of the Kigali Amendment (KA) to the Montreal Protocol (MP) and encourage uptake of energy efficient and climate friendly solutions. This includes (1) The creation of an African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chains (ACES) in Rwanda. ACES will accelerate deployment of sustainable (environmental, economic and social) cold-chain solutions throughout Africa. (2) The development and deployment of an HFC outlook model to address information gaps on energy use and energy related CO2 emissions from the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP) market. It will assist in reducing cost of the transition for Article 5 countries to the Montreal Protocol and increase the climate benefit of action under the MP. (3) Increasing countries technical capacity and providing insights on global best practice of EE improvements of cooling products in parallel with HFC phase down, through model regulations and sustainable public procurement in ASEAN and Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-32CPL-00499-KA
Start date 2021-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £21,080,834.90

Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301454
Start date 2022-3-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £36,523,466

UK - Ghana Partnership for Jobs and Economic Transformation (JET)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote Ghana as an investment destination of choice in West Africa; to support investment into job-creating sectors, particularly through UK investment, partnering development partners including CDC; to support Global Britain objectives across HMG, on trade, prosperity, bilateral cooperation with China on investment issues; to support the UK Ghana Chamber to meet wider UK objectives around responsible development and trade.

Programme Id GB-1-205058
Start date 2018-5-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £15,842,879

Manufacturing Africa - Foreign Direct Investment

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Manufacturing Africa helps drive the inclusive economic transformation needed to create jobs for the future and set countries on a trajectory out of poverty. It is expected to generate £1.2 billion of new Foreign Direct Investment in manufacturing sectors in Africa. It will do this by working with African Governments and international companies to facilitate new investments, such as by developing the business case for firms to undertake investment, or by supporting their negotiations with Government, and by addressing sector specific barriers preventing those particular investments from taking place. MA also aims to reduce carbon emissions from manufacturing through thought leadership as well as delivering technical assistance and supporting investments that facilitate climate change mitigation and or adaptation.

Programme Id GB-1-205226
Start date 2017-5-2
Status Implementation
Total budget £102,614,891

Private Enterprise Programme Zambia Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To create investment in Zambia by building the capacity of micro, small and medium sized enterprises. The programme will aim to systematically transform the finance and investment environment for SMSEs in Zambia, by helping companies with potential to grow and become the engine of job creation in the economy. In addition, the programme will also provide independent technical advice and assistance to Zambian government bodies and private sector organisations engaged in projects that harness the potential of Zambia’s infrastructure, cities and towns to act as drivers for economic growth and job creation. Furthermore, the programme will support trade facilitation initiatives that will help reduce time spent at the Nakonde boarder post. The programme will create jobs at scale, including for women, disabled, and rural communities with high levels of poverty. SMSEs supported by the programme will help to improve nutrition outcomes and improve climate resilience of smallholder farmers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300635
Start date 2020-4-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

The Evidence Fund - 300708

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Evidence Fund procures and manages research and evaluations that primarily benefit ODA eligible countries. Most research and evaluations paid for by the Evidence Fund are country-specific, and all respond to requests for evidence to inform programme or policy decisions. Primarily serving research requests from HMG’s Embassies and High Commissions in ODA eligible countries, and from HMG policy and strategy teams, the Evidence Fund strengthens the evidence behind the UK’s priority international development investments and development diplomacy. The Evidence Fund also invests modest amounts of non-ODA, to strengthen the evidence behind wider UK foreign policy.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300708
Start date 2020-7-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

I2I - Ideas to Impact - Testing new technologies and innovative approaches to address development challenges.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

I2I stimulates technological innovations addressing intractable development challenges, initially in the focal areas of energy, water and climate, and then increasingly in emerging “frontier” technologies with broader applicability. It tests different funding mechanisms and approaches - including prizes, peer-to-peer financing, Frontier Technology Livestreaming, and innovative cross-government partnerships - for ensuring technology ideas lead to a real-world development impact.

Programme Id GB-1-201879
Start date 2014-4-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £35,453,775

TRANSFORM - Transformative Market Based Models for low income household needs

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To deliver market based solutions to meet low income households needs by providing private sector creativity and commercial sector approaches to social marketing and demand creation to deliver innovative solutions and new approaches. This will benefit 100 million people by adopting behaviours and accessing household technologies and services that lead to sustained improvements in health, livelihoods, environment and wellbeing. This contributes towards the post-MDG, Nutrition and WASH agendas. The project will be for 5 years.To identify, test and deliver innovative market based solutions that meet the needs of poor households for basic services such as water, sanitation and hygiene in low-income African countries. Part of the DFID-Unilever partnership agreement, this five year project aims to utilise private sector creativity, social marketing and demand creation methods and techniques to promote behavioural change and accessibility of new technologies and services that lead to sustained improvements in health, livelihoods, environment and wellbeing of 100 million poor people.

Programme Id GB-1-204415
Start date 2014-11-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £40,149,988

M4D - Mobile for Development Strategic Partnership

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To work jointly with the industry group representing mobile phone operators worldwide, the GSMA, and its subsidiary Mobile for Development, to identify and support the development and use of new, innovative ways in which mobile phone technologies and mobile network infrastructure can be used to improve the reach, delivery and affordability of life-enhancing services to poor people in Africa and Asia. As a result of this work some 14 million poor people are expected to benefit from improved access to life enhancing services by 2020.

Programme Id GB-1-203804
Start date 2016-2-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £76,827,270

SMEP - Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) programme will tackle the problem of pollution generated by manufacturing and industrial activity in developing countries. Pollution linked to manufacturing and industry in developing countries is causing very high (and in some cases catastrophic) levels of environmental degradation, which are leading to long-term health problems among workers and the general population, as well as widespread contamination of vital resources, including drinking water, livestock, soils and food crops. The SMEP programme will contribute to the identification, development and application of technology-based solutions, cleaner production methods and systems that will reduce the environmental impact and pollution generated by manufacturing in developing countries, leading to long-term environmental sustainability, improved health standards and greater production efficiency.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300124
Start date 2018-8-21
Status Implementation
Total budget £24,649,997

Rural Electrification in Sierra Leone

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

“To increase access to clean energy through the creation of environmentally and economically sustainable electric mini-grid systems for small remote rural communities in Sierra Leone by 2020. This is expected to directly benefit around 360,000 people in rural Sierra Leone, and indirectly help up to 1.8 million people access low carbon electricity. This will add more than 10 Mega Watts (MW) to the country’s power generation capacity of an estimated average peak demand requirement of 300-500 MW. There will be a welfare increase in rural communities in terms of saved fuel costs, improved health and education outcomes, improved communications and access to information and health and safety. The project will also result in a significant reduction in Sierra Leone’s future Green House Gas emissions through supported private investment in the installation and operation of renewably-powered mini-grids’”.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300303
Start date 2016-10-24
Status Implementation
Total budget £37,739,324

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