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Improving Essential Equipment for aided Overseas Territories

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The programme will pay for essential equipment to the islands of Montserrat, St Helena and Tristan da Cunha. This includes essential healthcare screening equipment for hospital use, fire safety and sea rescue equipment as well as a new generator on Montserrat. The programme will ensure the islands are equipped with life safety equipment. In the case of Montserrat, the generator will provide energy supply on the island and is a required due to maintenance and repair of existing generators being no longer commercially viable. These Overseas Territories remains highly dependent on UK ODA support and the specified life safety equipment is not available. This programme will enhance economic development and contribute to the welfare of people on the aided Overseas Territories.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301594
Start date 2022-12-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £7,164,454

PIDG2 - Second phase of FCDO's Support to the Private Infrastructure Development Group .

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The aim of PIDG is to mobilise private investment in infrastructure, in order to increase service provision for the poor, boost economic growth, trade and jobs to alleviate poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300351
Start date 2018-5-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £821,182,372

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