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Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain Solutions

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

This activity supports a number of different areas of work which aim to accelerate the climate benefits of the Kigali Amendment (KA) to the Montreal Protocol (MP) and encourage uptake of energy efficient and climate friendly solutions. This includes (1) The creation of an African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chains (ACES) in Rwanda. ACES will accelerate deployment of sustainable (environmental, economic and social) cold-chain solutions throughout Africa. (2) The development and deployment of an HFC outlook model to address information gaps on energy use and energy related CO2 emissions from the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP) market. It will assist in reducing cost of the transition for Article 5 countries to the Montreal Protocol and increase the climate benefit of action under the MP. (3) Increasing countries technical capacity and providing insights on global best practice of EE improvements of cooling products in parallel with HFC phase down, through model regulations and sustainable public procurement in ASEAN and Africa.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-32CPL-00499-KA
Start date 2021-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £21,080,834.90

Increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Eastern Caribbean

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures and to improve energy security in the Eastern Caribbean

Programme Id GB-1-205061
Start date 2015-6-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £19,349,998

MECS - Modern Energy Cooking Services

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

MECS is an FCDO research and innovation programme that seeks to accelerate the uptake of modern energy cooking services in developing countries in Africa, South Asia, and the Indo Pacific, contributing to the transition from biomass to genuinely clean cooking fuels. It develops research around modern energy cooking services, it funds pilots to scale-up new clean cooking technologies and business models in developing countries, and it conducts policy research to inform and influence countries and key stakeholders to adopt principles around MECS in their own strategies and planning. MECS is delivered via two lead organisations - Loughborough University and the World Bank ESMAP – in collaboration with hundreds of regional and local downstream partner organisations (including 16 other universities). It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and is one of the main FCDO programmes contributing to the £1b Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021-2026.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300123
Start date 2018-10-7
Status Implementation
Total budget £55,149,993

Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301454
Start date 2022-3-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £36,523,466

TEA - Transforming Energy Access

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

TEA is the flagship FCDO research and innovation platform supporting early-stage testing and scale-up of innovative technologies and business models that accelerate access to affordable, clean, and modern energy in developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, enabling sustainable and inclusive growth. TEA seeks to improve clean energy access for 25 million people, create 170,000 green jobs, and leverage £1.3 billion of additional investment into clean energy technology research, innovation and scale-up. It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and it is the main FCDO platform for delivery of the £1 billion UK Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021 and 2026. TEA is delivered by four lead FCDO partners - Carbon Trust, Innovate UK, Shell Foundation, and ESMAP – and a network to date of more than 750 downstream partners delivering research and innovation activities in more than 60 countries.

Programme Id GB-1-204867
Start date 2016-3-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £244,891,476

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