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Aid by Sector
Clean Energy Transition Programme (CETP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) leverages the IEA’s unique energy expertise across all fuels and technologies to accelerate global clean-energy transitions, particularly in major emerging economies. The Programme includes collaborative analytical work, technical cooperation, training and capacity building and strategic dialogues.
Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
To support the implementation of carbon pricing instruments in developing countries as a means to deliver cost-effective greenhouse gas mitigation.
South East Asia Energy Transition Programme (ETP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Technical Assistance programme involving donor countries and philanthropies to support the energy transition across developing countries in South East Asia.
Global Climate Partnership Fund (GCPF)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
GCPF is a public-private partnership which seeks to mobilise investment flows in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in developing and emerging markets, with the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. GCPF primarily does this by providing debt finance via local financial institutions, extending credit lines so they can offer loans for small-scale low carbon projects. GCPF also supports local finance institutions through technical assistance and capacity building.
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) is a multi-donor trust fund that provides technical assistance to help shape global energy policies and leverage significant development financing. It primarily targets six Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan and Vietnam) where the most new, unabated coal-fired power generation is due to begin operation (from 2018 to 2020). ESMAP is influential in advising countries on the clean energy transition, with significant demand for its technical assistance.
Transformative Carbon Asset Fund (TCAF)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Transformative Carbon Asset Facility will target sector or policy wide programmes where the implementing country is planning to take climate mitigation action. This could be via regulations, fiscal policies, feed-in-tariff or incentives. As long as these plans are in line with the TCAF programme selection criteria, in collaboration with the implementing entity (normally a Government ministry) TCAF will design a methodology that pays for the verified emissions reductions of the programme above its intended ambition, giving targeted support to unlock the barriers to allow the increased ambition to be realised.
Climate Smart Development for Nepal
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This will help Nepal to cope with impacts of climate change (CC) and promote clean development. It will provide strategic support to the Govt of Nepal to design and implement CC policies, to integrate resilience throughout government planning. This will:Improve resilience of 700,000 poor & vulnerable people (especially women) to floods, landslides, droughts in most remote districts;Improve resilience of businesses in 5 growing urban centres & 3 river basins through investments in urban planning, large scale irrigation systems & flood management;Facilitate connection of over 25,000 households to new micro-hydro power installations; connect over 70,000 homes to solar power & install RET in more than 200 schools/health clinics;Develop industry standard for ‘clean’ brick production and enable over half of the brick kilns (at least 400) to adopt more efficient technologies;Improve design of future CC programming & beyond through generation of world class evidence
Private Enterprise Programme Zambia Phase II
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To create investment in Zambia by building the capacity of micro, small and medium sized enterprises. The programme will aim to systematically transform the finance and investment environment for SMSEs in Zambia, by helping companies with potential to grow and become the engine of job creation in the economy. In addition, the programme will also provide independent technical advice and assistance to Zambian government bodies and private sector organisations engaged in projects that harness the potential of Zambia’s infrastructure, cities and towns to act as drivers for economic growth and job creation. Furthermore, the programme will support trade facilitation initiatives that will help reduce time spent at the Nakonde boarder post. The programme will create jobs at scale, including for women, disabled, and rural communities with high levels of poverty. SMSEs supported by the programme will help to improve nutrition outcomes and improve climate resilience of smallholder farmers.
UK Expertise for Green Cities and Infrastructure Programme (GCI)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve the impact and effectiveness of FCDO programming in climate resilient urban development infrastructure planning and delivery; to accelerate inclusive and sustainable economic growth by connecting people to labour markets and infrastructure services; to address the impacts of climate change through better urban planning and delivery of resilient infrastructure projects.
TEA - Transforming Energy Access
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
TEA is the flagship FCDO research and innovation platform supporting early-stage testing and scale-up of innovative technologies and business models that accelerate access to affordable, clean, and modern energy in developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, enabling sustainable and inclusive growth. TEA seeks to improve clean energy access for 25 million people, create 170,000 green jobs, and leverage £1.3 billion of additional investment into clean energy technology research, innovation and scale-up. It contributes to International Climate Finance (ICF) objectives and it is the main FCDO platform for delivery of the £1 billion UK Ayrton Fund for clean energy innovation between 2021 and 2026. TEA is delivered by four lead FCDO partners - Carbon Trust, Innovate UK, Shell Foundation, and ESMAP – and a network to date of more than 750 downstream partners delivering research and innovation activities in more than 60 countries.
UK Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (UKNIAF)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Improve management of Nigeria’s infrastructure, making it more sustainable and climate resilient, including work on power sector reform, Public Private Partnerships and road maintenance.
Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs.
Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support provincial economic development and sustainable energy in Pakistan. The programme objective is to address two binding constraints to economic and urban development in Pakistan: weak planning; and energy. The programme aims • To support Pakistan's poorest province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to plan and finance the infrastructure and investment it needs for growth, jobs and prosperity. • To address Pakistan’s energy crisis by providing innovative financial solutions to industry for the adoption of sustainable energy practices. The programme will also contribute to Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office International Climate Fund (ICF) obligations.
Revenue Mobilisation, Investment and Trade Programme - ReMIT
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The programme, through provision of high quality technical assistance, aims to support Pakistan to implement reforms that lock in macroeconomic stability and improve conditions for high and sustained growth, mutual prosperity, job creation and poverty reduction. The TA will be provided to; • Strengthen tax revenue mobilisation, helping to raise Pakistan’s tax to GDP ratio from 13 percent to 18 percent by increasing the number of tax payers; • Address the investment environment challenges faced by local and UK businesses, moving Pakistan towards being one of the top 50 countries to do business in; • Facilitate trade and drive competitiveness, addressing barriers to trade in order to reduce Pakistan's trade deficit; • Modernise macroeconomic policy making and implementation process.
Increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Eastern Caribbean
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures and to improve energy security in the Eastern Caribbean
ARCAN - Africa Regional Climate and Nature Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The impact will be increased resilience of Africa economies and communities to the impacts of a changing climate, sustainable and environmentally sound economic development and low carbon green energy generation and access.
Bangladesh Climate and Environment Programme (BCEP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To help deliver a more climate resilient, less carbon intensive and cleaner Bangladesh. The programme will help tackle adaptation, energy, environmental management and climate governance challenges at national and local level, in communities across Bangladesh.
Climate Investment Fund for Pakistan (CIFPAK)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
CIFPAK will mobilise private climate finance to support Pakistan’s green growth and climate resilience ambitions. Currently the 8th most climate vulnerable country in the world, the World Bank estimates that Pakistan will require US$348 billion of investment to become climate resilient and make the transition to a low-carbon economy by 2030. CIFPAK aims to crowd in private climate finance using a blended finance approach (public/private, concessional/non-concessional), supported by targeted technical assistance. It will have a specific focus on mobilising private investment for climate adaptation. The programme will support delivery of Pakistan’s National Adaptation Plan and also aims to deepen Pakistan’s capital markets. Programme’s approved budget is £108m (£70m fiscal CDEL and £38m RDEL) over seven years (April 2024 – March 2031).
Pioneering a Holistic approach to Energy and Nature-based Options in MENA for Long-term stability - PHENOMENAL
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To tackle water scarcity, build adaptation and resilience and scale up International Climate Finance in the Middle East and North Africa.
Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.
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