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Aid by Sector

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The eco.business Fund

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

The eco.business fund is a public-private partnership investment fund which aims to shift incentives in financial institutions (i.e. Banks) towards investing in nature, by embedding social and environmental risk into investment decisions, catalysing transformational change in the financial sector. The fund will increase lending to businesses which incorporate sustainable practices that contribute to biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, climate change mitigation and adaptation to its impact across South America: Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-ICF-P0003-EcoB
Start date 2015-12-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £32,625,178

Land Degradation Neutrality Fund

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs

The LDN Fund invests in projects which reduce or reverse land degradation and thereby contribute to ‘Land Degradation Neutrality’. The LDN Fund is co-promoted by the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Mirova. It is a public-private partnership using public money to increase private sector investment in sustainable development. The fund invests in sustainable agriculture, forestry and other land uses globally. The Fund was launched at the UNCCD’s COP 13 in China in 2017.

Programme Id GB-GOV-7-PO009-LDN
Start date 2019-12-12
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,000,000

Justice and Stability in the Sahel (JASS) Phase II

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The first phase of the Justice and Stability in the Sahel programme ran from September 2021 to March 2023 with interventions in Mali. Lessons learnt from this first phase have informed an expanded second phase running from April 2023 to March 2026, which includes interventions in Niger and a broadening of programme interventions, most notably incorporating climate adaptation activities. Phase II will expand the programme, widening to include access to justice and managing conflict, taking an evidence-based approach. This second phase will enable the UK to protect our short-term stabilisation investments by tackling underlying drivers of fragility and conflict.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301252
Start date 2021-8-31
Status Implementation
Total budget £17,532,967

UK Caribbean Infrastructure Fund

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

As announced by the UK government in September 2015, the UK Caribbean Infrastructure Fund will create critical economic infrastructure including: bridges; renewable energy; ports; water; and sea defences that will increase productivity and resilience to natural disasters and climate change. This fund aims to improve economic development in 8 ODA eligible and 1 ODA eligible Overseas Territory by helping to boost growth and creating jobs across the region.

Programme Id GB-1-205157
Start date 2016-1-26
Status Implementation
Total budget £349,394,205

Sustainable Inclusive Livelihoods through Tea Production in Rwanda

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The project supports job creation and increased incomes by working with smallholder farmers to develop greenfield tea. The Wood Foundation Africa (TWFA) will set up and run two Services Companies supporting approximately 12,000 smallholder tea farmers over 7,500 hectares. Farmers will be supported to produce tea for the first time, employing best farming practices, including understanding and managing climate risk and variability.The Services Company will be co-owned by the farmers. This will lead to improved incomes and livelihoods (in particular nutrition and education) for the farmers and their families. Unilever and Luxmi will build a factory which will heavily rely on the tea supplied by the smallholder farmers with support from The Wood Foundation Africa.

Programme Id GB-1-204941
Start date 2016-8-24
Status Implementation
Total budget £11,676,066

Investments in Forests and Sustainable Land Use

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support public-private partnerships that demonstrate how companies, communities, smallholders and governments can work collaboratively to reduce deforestation and benefit forest dependent communities

Programme Id GB-1-202745
Start date 2014-12-9
Status Implementation
Total budget £115,708,858

Agriculture Transformation in Ghana

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To accelerate economic transformation in Ghana through developing markets for agriculture and trade, improving resilience to climate change, and creating additional jobs and increased incomes by focusing on the development of high potential value chains in pro-poor sectors, supporting them to become productive, competitive and attractive for investment.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300794
Start date 2020-1-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

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