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18 of 18

Teacher Effectiveness and Equitable Access for Children (TEACH) in Zimbabwe

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To safeguard educational gains made over the last decade. During this current period of economic instability and beyond, TEACH will sustain improvements made to learning outcomes and will target the poorest and most disadvantaged learners, including those with a disability. It will build on the learning from the previous United Kingdom (UK) support through the Education Development Fund but shifts focus to where it matters most by: • targeting the poorest schools so that they remain functional and can meet basic operational needs. • Testing and adapting evidence-based approaches to improve teacher effectiveness in the classroom, contributing to wider reforms of the national education system. • Supporting the Zimbabwean Government to end violence in schools by developing a comprehensive approach to safeguarding and positive discipline • Strengthening effective education systems so that they are more inclusive • Supporting improving financing of education

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300252
Start date 2019-7-26
Status Implementation
Total budget £12,993,276

Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS) programme will take an integrated approach to help Syrians in need to feed themselves and their families. It will help around 65,000 Syrians in need per year to be less reliant on harmful coping behaviours (like skipping meals, child labour, or recruitment to violent and extremist groups) and less dependent on emergency aid, and to be more self-reliant and more economically and socially resilient to shocks and stresses. It will deliver interventions at local level, and particularly target women, young people, and those with disabilities, whom we know are especially vulnerable in the various Syria contexts.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301209
Start date 2022-3-18
Status Implementation
Total budget £116,136,958

Mozambique Agricultural Jobs and Climate-Resilient Investment Programme (MAJI)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To improve incomes, create better/more jobs for women and men in Mozambique and support their resilience to climate shocks.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300777
Start date 2023-8-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Disability Inclusive Development Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will deliver a set of interventions to support people with disabilities in a number of developing countries. The programme will deliver tangible outcomes for people with disabilities including access to education, jobs, healthcare and reduced stigma and discrimination and encourage global actors to prioritise the issue. The programme will also test innovative approaches to disability inclusion and generate high quality research to fill gaps and discover what works in this under-resourced area. A lack of attention and funding has severely limited evidence of what works to deliver inclusion in international development for approximately 800 million people with disabilities in developing countries. Interventions that work will be scaled up, widening their reach, and new learning and evidence shared across the global development community and national governments.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300397
Start date 2017-12-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £45,385,556

Western Balkans – Freedom and Resilience Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will address long-term, structural issues across the region, including ethno-nationalist division, and support transparency and accountability in government, as well as underlying society challenges such as discrimination and violence against women and girls. The Programme will comprise a portfolio of interventions in three areas: reconciliation and peacebuilding in conflict-affected communities; empowering women and girls and tackling Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and gender-based violence; and strengthening government capacity, transparency and accountability. Programming will be country-led, with Posts able to bid for funds in support of projects in line with their priorities.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301457
Start date 2022-9-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £29,490,756

Disability Capacity Building Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote the rights of people with disabilities in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by supporting the delivery of small grants, training and partnership building between UN agencies, governments, private sector and disabled persons organisations.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300778
Start date 2020-2-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Supporting Economic Empowerment and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SEED OPTs)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

This programme will focus DFID economic development assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) in the areas of water, electricity, access & movement and trade, and fiscal losses and customs. Programme activities will support institutional capacity building and infrastructure development, working closely with the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. The overarching goal is to support economic growth and job creation in the OPTs.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300667
Start date 2018-11-2
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Asia Regional Trade and Connectivity Programme (ARTCP)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

Increased levels of trade and investment across regions targeted sectors and geographical areas in Central, West and South Asia, with greater access to markets and services for poor people, including women.

Programme Id GB-1-204469
Start date 2018-4-5
Status Implementation
Total budget £31,532,182

Mozambique Demographic Transition - Waala - Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To contribute to a more favourable enabling environment for the demographic transition in Mozambique, through coordinated action with others. The FCDO will use programming, evidence and diplomacy to influence decision-makers to increase investments towards cost-effective interventions that will accelerate changes in the population structure. These interventions will help young people to fulfil their potential by preventing unintended pregnancies and improving the literacy and numeracy skills among girls. The Government’s systems will be strengthened to include population issues in planning and budgeting. Over 130,000 unintended pregnancies will be averted resulting in 427,000 users of modern contraceptives. These investments should help to offset deteriorating human capital outcomes because of COVID-19.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300586
Start date 2021-7-26
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Climate Smart Jobs Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To strengthen the climate smart agribusinesses, creating jobs, support climate smart land management & services and to remove barriers that stop businesses getting deals.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301015
Start date 2021-9-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £28,715,321

North Africa Migration and Development (NAMAD)

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The North Africa Migration and Development Programme aims to support vulnerable migrants, refugees, and host communities in North Africa to harness migration as a tool for development, to protect vulnerable people and to disincentivise onward, irregular migration.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-400185
Start date 2024-4-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Active Citizenship Through Inclusive Volunteering & Empowerment (ACTIVE) programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

ACTIVE will increase local accountability, inclusion and reduce poverty by identifying and empowering the most vulnerable and marginalised people (especially women and girls, the young and people with disabilities) to lead and shape their own development. It will support vulnerable and marginalised people to take-action on issues important to them. It will strengthen civil society and build a culture of volunteerism and civic engagement whilst building the capacity of governments and service providers to respond to the demands of marginalised citizens.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300929
Start date 2022-3-15
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Good Governance Fund (Phase 3) Eastern Neighbourhood: Supporting Governance and Economic Reform

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

The Good Governance Fund Phase 3 will deliver demand-led support to governance reforms that allow open societies and economies to flourish. The Good Governance Fund will focus on improving democratic and economic governance, primarily through strategically targeted technical assistance. The Good Governance Fund programme will deliver interventions on a flexible basis, based on identified needs and/or requests from government counterparts or civil society in beneficiary countries (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova) in support of governance and economic reforms. This will support delivery and seek to prevent/reverse democratic backsliding. The Good Governance Fund is part of an integrated portfolio of programmes operating in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate region and supports the delivery of four National Security Council strategies and the Integrated Review.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301454
Start date 2022-3-10
Status Implementation
Total budget £36,523,466

Propcom+ - Supporting economic development in conflict and climate affected regions in Nigeria.

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To support inclusive and resilient growth by promoting a transformation of Nigeria’s rural economy. It will do this by addressing the key challenges in environmental, social, and economic dimensions of Nigeria’s food and land-use system. To increase the incomes and climate resilience of 3.79 million poor and vulnerable men and women in Nigeria by: (a) scaling-up Proven climate-smart business models and markets; (b) developing and Piloting new business models that improve productivity, enhance resilience to climate change, and reduce emissions, and (c) supporting enabling Policies for an improved enabling environment for sustainable land and agricultural systems.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300826
Start date 2022-5-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Jordan Compact Economic Opportunities Programme

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To promote economic development and opportunities in Jordan for the benefit of both Jordanians and Syrian refugees. This programme will attract new inward investment and open up economic markets for Jordanian goods and services, creating new jobs for Jordanians and Syrian refugees as set out in the Jordan Compact. The programme will also help Jordanian hosts maintain their resilience and economic stability.

Programme Id GB-1-205201
Start date 2016-7-22
Status Implementation
Total budget £229,059,312

UK Support to Palestinian Refugees(UKSPR) 2022-2025

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To provide predictable, multi-year funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East which will help the agency deliver basic education including to girls, health services including family planning, vaccines and pre-natal and anti-natal services, relief services and humanitarian aid to more than 5.6 million Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-301283
Start date 2022-7-11
Status Implementation
Total budget £37,699,993

Agriculture Transformation in Ghana

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

To accelerate economic transformation in Ghana through developing markets for agriculture and trade, improving resilience to climate change, and creating additional jobs and increased incomes by focusing on the development of high potential value chains in pro-poor sectors, supporting them to become productive, competitive and attractive for investment.

Programme Id GB-GOV-1-300794
Start date 2020-1-13
Status Implementation
Total budget £0

Shule Bora - Quality Education

UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)

A national education programme to improve the quality of pre-primary and primary schools in Tanzania. The programme will improve learning outcomes for all children, improve transition rates to secondary school for girls, reduce physical and sexual violence in and around schools, and help children with disabilities access quality education. The programme will work with the Government of Tanzania on achieving these outcomes through a payment-by-results mechanism, supported by technical assistance. The programme will also directly deliver innovative approaches to improving education quality in 9 regions of Tanzania through a contracted Managing Agent, alongside ongoing evaluation and learning.

Programme Id GB-1-205254
Start date 2020-3-3
Status Implementation
Total budget £60,962,747

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