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World Economic Forum Geneva

From Policy Design to Field Implementation: Fostering Deforestation-Free Cattle Ranching in Madre de Dios, Peru.

Last updated: 12/01/2022
IATI Identifier: XI-PB-CH-6600422994-6-CH-FDJP-66004229946-PROJECT- GB100100
Project disclaimer
Disclaimer: The data for this page has been produced from IATI data published by World Economic Forum Geneva.


In Peru, deforestation and climate change are linked: Agriculture is the country’s leading driver of deforestation and about 45% of its greenhouse gas emissions come from land use, land-use change, and forestry. The national government has demonstrated its willingness to halt deforestation by adopting forest and climate goals and designing strategies and enacting policies such as its ambitious NDC which identifies the implementation of silvopastoral systems (SPS) as a key measure for GHG emission reduction. In Madre de Dios (MDD), one of the most biodiverse regions in the Peruvian Amazon, expansion of low-tech, extensive cattle farming is the main cause of deforestation and environmental degradation; however, several actions are being taken to tackle GHG emissions. This project will bridge the gap between planning and action in support of low carbon, deforestation-free silvopastoral cattle ranching.


Outcomes of the Funded Activity: 1. Implementation of low-carbon, deforestation-free cattle farming in Madre de Dios. Outputs of the Funded Activity: 2. Knowledge package for d-free cattle ranching developed and disseminated 3.MuLti-stakeholders, through the Technical Livestock Roundtable of Madre de Dios (TLR-MDD), provide inputs to solve finance bottlenecks for d-free cattle ranching in Madre de Dios.


The country, countries or regions that benefit from this Programme.
Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official position.

Status Implementation

The current stage of the Programme, consistent with the International Aid Transparency Initiative's (IATI) classifications.

Programme Spend

Programme budget and spend to date, as per the amounts loaded in financial system(s), and for which procurement has been finalised.

Participating Organisation(s)

Help with participating organisations
These organisations have received funding disbursements from this IATI activity.
  • The Climate Change Organisation
  • World Economic Forum Geneva


Sector groups as a percentage of total Programme budget according to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) classifications.


A comparison across financial years of forecast budget and spend to date on the Programme.

Download IATI Data for XI-PB-CH-6600422994-6-CH-FDJP-66004229946-PROJECT- GB100100

Programme data last updated on 12/01/2022