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Home Office

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Resettlement Programmes

UK - Home Office

The Syrian Vulnerable Peoples Scheme (SVPRS) and Vulnerable Childrens Resettlement Scheme (VCRS) are programmes designed to support the Government's aim to resettle vulnerable refugees from the Syrian conflict. The commitment to resettle 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020 was made by the Government in September 2015. Funding enables authorities to provide refugees who have fled conflict and persecution with a safe environment and the chance to rebuild their lives. The funding pays for food, shelter and training for up to 12 months. By the end of September 2019, over 18,000 refugees had found safety in the UK to rebuild their lives as part of the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme. The Home Office is on-track to deliver the full VPRS commitment by the end of 2020.

Programme Id GB-GOV-6-06
Start date 2016-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £234,525,000

End Violence Against Children (EVAC Fund)

UK - Home Office

The UK Home Office recognises the moral and operational imperative to support the global fight against online child sexual exploitation (CSE). As such, the Home Office has committed £40 million towards the UNICEF hosted End Violence Against Children Fund (EVAC) to support activities intending to build international capacity to tackle online CSE. The EVAC's strategy for supporting international action aligned to the WePROTECT Global Alliance's (WPGA) strategy for national action. The WePROTECT Global Alliance combines expertise from industry, law enforcement, government and civil society to determine the capabilities required at country level to effectively respond to the threat of online CSE. Projects funded by the EVAC fund must demonstrate how they support the implementation of the WPGA's Model National Response.

Programme Id GB-GOV-6-03
Start date 2016-6-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £50,000,000

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