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Department of Science, Innovation and Technology

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British Academy Delivery Costs - GCRF


Programme delivery and administrative costs for British Academy ODA programmes under the Global Challenges Research Fund.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-BA-GCRF-02
Start date 2016-6-30
Status Implementation
Total budget £2,514,250

British Academy Coherence & Impact - Challenge-led grants: Early Childhood Education


The projects funded under this programme aim to provide critical knowledge to inform policy-making in the education and broader learning domain, while recognising the necessary interplay of education with health, nutrition, gender equality and other disciplines and sectors.

Start date 2019-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £4,321,513

British Academy - ODA International Interdisciplinary Research Projects -International Science Partnerships Fund


This funding initiative aims to foster international collaborations between early career researchers in the UK and their counterparts in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, and Least Developed Countries. By focusing on interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences that is ODA-eligible, the program seeks to address global challenges through problem-focused, creatively innovative, and exploratory research. Projects should leverage diverse disciplinary perspectives for maximum impact, aligning with the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) thematic priorities. This activity, led by the British Academy with significant financial contributions from the Israel Science Foundation and the University of Virginia, and potential support from the Volkswagen Foundation, aims to support award-level partnerships across multiple countries. The Academy's goal is to enable equitable research partnerships that deliver excellence in understanding key global challenges. The flexible and scalable nature of the funding ensures it can support a wide range of partnerships, emphasizing the inclusion of at least one ISPF priority country in each project. This approach ensures that the research not only advances academic knowledge but also addresses the broader goals of international development and cooperation, fulfilling the primary objective of ODA to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-BA-9UWL62U
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,735,077

British Academy - International Writing Workshops - International Science Partnerships Fund


This activity brings together researchers from the priority countries, LDCs and the UK, journal editors and early career researchers in LDCs and priority countries in order to: support the development of early career academics with promise; promote uptake of Global South research in journals; and increase scholarly interaction between UK and researchers in LDCs and the priority countries. In advancing their careers, early career researchers from LDCs and priority countries are encouraged, supported and mentored in: developing competitive research publications in the humanities and social sciences; drafting grant applications; and building networks and connections with and beyond the UK. This also helps to develop mentoring and support networks that live long after the awards themselves. The call will require applicants to focus their awards on and with partners in LDCs and/or ODA ISPF priority countries.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-BA-3R35Q52
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,586,705.73

British Academy - Challenge-oriented Research Grants -International Science Partnerships Fund


This program serves as a dynamic platform for researchers in the humanities and social sciences to establish equitable partnerships, empowering them to initiate projects that pursue research excellence and significant development impact. Aligned with the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF)'s thematic priorities, the program adopts a problem-focused approach to foster creativity, innovation, and interdisciplinary exploration for maximum influence. To meet the primary goal of Official Development Assistance (ODA) purposes, the program mandates that applications include collaborations with researchers from least developed countries (LDCs) and/or ODA priority countries. By leveraging the Academy's existing ODA programs and prior learnings, the initiative ensures that funded projects address essential local, national, or regional challenges, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program champions equitable partnerships, co-creation, and co-production of research, engaging researchers, policymakers, and communities throughout the research design, process, and outcomes. This collaborative approach ensures that the knowledge generated delivers socio-economic benefits to the primary focus countries, which include Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, and/or LDCs. By supporting proposals in critical areas such as antimicrobial resistance, climate action, pandemic preparedness, responsible technologies, and social determinants of health, the program aims to foster impactful research that addresses pressing global challenges and drives sustainable development.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-BA-HE2QSAT
Start date 2024-6-27
Status Implementation
Total budget £10,343,318

Academy of Medical Sciences Delivery Costs - GCRF


Programme delivery and administrative costs for Academy of Medical Sciences ODA programmes under the Global Challenges Research Fund.

Programme Id GB-GOV-13-AMS-GCRF-02
Start date 2015-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,104,846

Academy of Medical Sciences - Transition Activity & Delivery


Funding to enable Academy of Medical Sciences to engage in the development of the new International Science Partnerships fund, including scoping and networking, and for interim activities to maintain partnerships and capacity in the transition from Newton Fund and the Global Challenges Research Fund to the new fund.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-GCRF-AMS-C7J6B4J
Start date 2022-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,475,317

British Academy - Knowledge Systems Strengthening & Equitable Partnerships -International Science Partnerships Fund


The British Academy's programme delivery activities for Knowledge Systems Strengthening and Equitable Partnerships adopt a comprehensive approach to enhancing research capacities in International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) priority countries and least developed countries (LDCs). This initiative aligns with the primary goals of Official Development Assistance (ODA) by fostering sustainable development and reducing poverty through knowledge enhancement and equitable collaboration. A cornerstone of this programme is the Equitable Partnerships Charter & Programme, which strives to operationalize the Africa Charter on Transformative Research Collaborations. By turning the Charter's principles into actionable steps, the initiative promotes fair and effective research partnerships via workshops and collaborations with UK partner organizations. The Knowledge Systems Strengthening component of the programme focuses on empowering institutions, community networks, and individual researchers through targeted funding. This support addresses organizational barriers to research, enhancing institutional capacity and fostering resilient research ecosystems. To further bridge the gap between research and policy, the Evidence Use in Policymaking Skills Development Grants equip researchers and institutions with the skills to effectively influence policymaking. These grants improve their understanding of policy processes and strategies for presenting evidence, thereby amplifying their impact on policy decisions. Lastly, the Research Office Skills Development & Collaboration Grants aim to fortify the research management capabilities of institutions in ISPF priority countries and LDCs. By encouraging partnerships with UK-based organizations, these grants foster sustainable research environments, ensuring long-term benefits and advancements in research capacity. Through these multifaceted efforts, the programme significantly contributes to the ODA objectives of promoting sustainable development and reducing poverty by building robust, equitable, and impactful research systems in developing regions.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-BA-N5HEJS6
Start date 2024-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £5,500,000

British Academy - UK-South Africa Bilateral Research Chair -International Science Partnerships Fund


This Chair in Digital Humanities will play a key role in building capacity; creating networks; and creating intellectual agendas, a multivalent humanistic platform, grounded outreach, and new modes of material engagement and interpretative frameworks. National Research Foundation (NRF) and the British Academy will work together to design a joint call with a focus on digital humanities. Digital humanities (DH) is a relatively emergent academic discipline in South Africa, however, South Africa's Department for Science & Innovation has identified it as a discipline that has great potential for growth and impact. Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and National Research Foundation (NRF) therefore see an opportune moment for a catalytic intervention through this chair. The Chair will play an important role in supporting the development of an inclusive and active community of practice in Digital Humanities (DH) in South Africa, leveraging Digital Humanities (DH) champions in academia, building programmes for greater cross-disciplinary collaboration, establishing cross-disciplinary and multi-institutional training and development programmes, and creating a mentorship programme for newcomers to digital scholarship or for those who want to develop open educational resources for Digital Humanities. The focus for this chair could enable challenges to be tackled such as the integration of innovative technologies and interpretative methodologies such as big data and AI systems, 3D modelling, data mining, machine learning, AI and adding value to contemporary digital discussions of democracy. The Academy will work with National Research Foundation (NRF) to finalise a MoU and build to a joint call text with the expectation this will be launched in the new year with an award beginning in 2023-24. The award would be for 5 years in duration with the Academy's contribution being met in the first 2 years and National Research Foundation (NRF)'s contribution coming thereafter. The South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) was established in 2006 and is designed to be a strategic intervention to increase research leadership, to develop research capacity, and stimulate the generation of new knowledge whilst significantly expanding South Africa's research base in a way that results in the realisation of South Africa’s transformation into a knowledge economy in which the generation of knowledge translates into socio-economic benefits. They are a significant instrument in South Africa's 'Decadal Plan' which is aligned to the SDGs through which National Research Foundation (NRF) is actively aiming to engage with international partners.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-BA-6GE8ZRE
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £800,000

British Academy - ODA Delivery Costs - International Science Partnerships Fund


British Academy delivery costs for ODA International Science Partnerships Fund programmes.

Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £3,501,209

Academy of Medical Sciences - Global Policy Workshops - International Science Partnerships Fund


In accordance with the The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, this scheme will seek to provide the UK with a strategic advantage, as it's intended that the networks/collaborations formed will be long-lasting, and will expedite the delivery of important research. The ODA funding, in particular, will facilitate the development of global science capability. However, it's hoped that all awards will contribute to tackling the global challenges, and within the scheme, there is a good chance of all priority themes being addressed. Opportunites such as this, which facilitate mobility, are powerful in terms of enhancing the UK's reputation, and contribute to the ambition for the UK to be a scientific superpower. The scheme has two funding streams: one for a selection of countries on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients, to include the Least Developed Countries. The grants will help to: Deliver important science that can only be fully realised by working internationally; tackle global challenges and develop future technologies; positioning UK researchers and innovators at the heart of global solutions; and strengthen the influence and connections of the UK Research and Development (R&D) community domestically and around the world. The awards would provide up to £25,000 over one year to support collaborations between priority ODA countries and/or Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the UK and to hold networking events aimed at addressing the priority themes identified for International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF). The scheme would be a vehicle for researchers from across the disciplines to forge new links and generate innovative transdisciplinary research ideas. It's envisaged that these new networks will then be better positioned to compete for more substantive grants offered by future funding initiatives. This programme will be working with the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society to offer Networking Grants funded through the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF). This will allow UK-based researchers and innovators to collaborate with international partners on multidisciplinary projects. Furthermore, it will help the UK and its partners to deliver bigger, better science than one country can do alone.

Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £603,200

Academy of Medical Sciences - Networking Awards


The awards would provide up to £25,000 over one year to support collaborations between priority ODA countries and/or LDCs and the UK and to hold networking events aimed at addressing the priority themes identified for ISPF. The scheme would be a vehicle for researchers from across the disciplines to forge new links and generate innovative transdisciplinary research ideas. It's envisaged that these new networks will then be better positioned to compete for more substantive grants offered by future funding initiatives.

Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,250,000

Academy of Medical Sciences - International Career Development Programme -International Science Partnerships Fund


This programme builds on the Academy's extensive experience of developing programmes to support UK researchers through mentoring, tailored training in leadership, entrepreneurship and research soft skills and cohort-building Drawing on our experience of the ODA capacity building workshops piloted in 2022 and on recommendations that will emerge from the clinical research capacity building project, the career development programme will focus on identifying and fostering global best practice in supporting and connecting emerging research leaders across the health sciences sector (clinical, non-clinical, industry). Topics discussed and resources will be developed around wider leadership and entrepreneurship training, building supportive cohorts and in the second year connecting our UK cohorts with international emerging leaders for to exchange knowledge, foster collaborations and extend networks within life sciences. This activity potentially stimulate additional research impact by supporting researchers to thrive in their careers through opportunities for training, mentorship and cohort building, and also influence practice in terms of developing ways to support research careers and sharing best practice between UK and other countries. In addition, strengthen research capacity in developing countries by raising awareness and helping with the implementation of career support programmes that are important for researchers to thrive and be supported in carrying out their research, and working in partnership with organisations in partner countries, sharing best practice and forming connections between researchers in the UK and partner countries will strengthen the perceptions of UK research leadership and as a leader in the area of career development support. As with the global policy workshops, the ODA regional workshops will be developed and hosted in the ODA-eligible partner country and all outputs will be targeted towards the ODA-eligible partner country or region.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-AMS-8ATR2GD
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £680,473

Academy of Medical Sciences - Networking Awardees and Alumni - International Science Partnerships Fund


This program aims to enhance global scientific collaboration by building and expanding a network of International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) awardees and alumni. By leveraging investments made under the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton programs, this initiative will create valuable resources and tools on dedicated awardee and alumni portals, PILLAR and HIVE. We will facilitate online and hybrid meetings, along with in-person events, focusing on key thematic priorities such as 'Tomorrow's Talent' and 'Healthy Populations'. Through these activities, we will foster peer support, encourage new collaborations, and promote applications for further funding. Our approach is designed to align with Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligibility criteria by addressing global challenges, advancing scientific capabilities, and promoting sustainable development. By creating multi-lateral partnerships, we provide opportunities for scientific development and global issue resolution through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-AMS-48GPT7E
Start date 2024-4-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £139,350

Academy of Medical Sciences - Clinical Research Pathways Policy - International Science Partnerships Fund


This project would work with a cohort of partners across high-, middle-, and low-income countries, to understand the pipeline for clinical researchers in each country. This could also support the global mobility of UK clinical researchers and develop the most promising talent internationally for them to collaborate with. Scoping activities to inform the development of the clinical research pathways project. This will formulate final aims,objectives and structure of the project before evidence gathering and delivery. This project will explore clinical research pathways in ODA eligible countries to understand the pipeline for clinical researchers in each country; identify key stages in the development pathway to support clinical researchers; provide ideas for further improving and target key stages in the career pathway to ensure diverse researchers continue on and contribute to excellent clinical research. This project is broad in scope and so would meet all five of the strategic objectives of the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF). Specifically it would develop international research partnerships to influence policy, innovation and practice change through recommendations developed by this project. It would also recommend ways for all countries to develop pathways to support clinical researchers, thus helping to build research capacity in-country. To inform the direction and focus of the clinical research pathways project, engaging with global stakeholders (particularly in the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) priority countries) to identify gaps, challenges and areas for the project to take forwards.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-AMS-YNC8XA9
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £689,700

Academy of Medical Sciences - ODA Delivery Costs - International Science Partnerships Fund


These are the operational costs required by the Academy of Medical Sciences to deliver International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF). It manages Grants, Policy and Programmes activities all aimed at supporting international researchers to establish and develop collaborative partnerships with UK researchers.

Programme Id GB-GOV-26-ISPF-AMS-C4AWQL4
Start date 2023-10-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £628,551

International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) - Institutional Support Grant for Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible activities University of York


This International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant has been awarded to the University of York. This funding provides flexible institutional grants that can be used strategically to support activities that are Official Development Assistance (ODA) compliant as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This may include underpinning ISPF activity funded through other delivery partners, or by directly supporting research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries that are not funded through the ISPF grants of other delivery partners.

Start date 2024-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £1,148,475

International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) - Institutional Support Grant for Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible activities University of Essex


This International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant has been awarded to the University of Essex. This funding provides flexible institutional grants that can be used strategically to support activities that are Official Development Assistance (ODA) compliant as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This may include underpinning ISPF activity funded through other delivery partners, or by directly supporting research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries that are not funded through the ISPF grants of other delivery partners.

Start date 2024-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £56,456

International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) - Institutional Support Grant for Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible activities Imperial College London


This International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant has been awarded to the Imperial College London. This funding provides flexible institutional grants that can be used strategically to support activities that are Official Development Assistance (ODA) compliant as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This may include underpinning ISPF activity funded through other delivery partners, or by directly supporting research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries that are not funded through the ISPF grants of other delivery partners.

Start date 2024-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £2,439,506

International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) - Institutional Support Grant for Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible activities Keele University


This International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant has been awarded to the Keele University. This funding provides flexible institutional grants that can be used strategically to support activities that are Official Development Assistance (ODA) compliant as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This may include underpinning ISPF activity funded through other delivery partners, or by directly supporting research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries that are not funded through the ISPF grants of other delivery partners.

Start date 2024-1-1
Status Implementation
Total budget £263,862

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