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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Westminster Foundation for Democracy: Official Development Assistance (ODA): budgets & payments
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Funding for the Westminster Foundation for Democracy to promote legitimate and effective, multi-party democracy in developing countries
South Sudan Peacebuilding Programme (SSPP)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The South Sudan Peacebuilding Programme (SSPP) will be a central tool for delivering the UK’s peace and stability objectives in South Sudan. The programme will: 1) Build the capabilities of communities, including women, in conflict hotspots to manage, reduce, and prevent violent conflict in increasingly inclusive ways; 2) Deploy technical experts to the peace agreement and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms to strengthen their capabilities to spur regional action to implement the peace agreement; and 3) Produce bespoke, demand-driven conflict and political economy analysis to inform UK policy and programming in South Sudan, including by strengthening conflict sensitivity.
Transforming Access to Climate Finance
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To transform how developing countries access climate finance, in turn supporting implementation of more ambitious and integrated climate action. The programme will offer governments access to faster and more efficient funding to deliver their national climate & development plans. For example, donor climate finance will be coordinated and mobilised to deliver a national strategy (like the UK’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution); the strengthening of a specific sector (e.g. improving the resilience of the water sector); or delivering a package of policy actions (e.g. for a clean energy transition). This moves away from project-based finance towards the implementation of economy and sector-wide strategies. This ensures that public climate finance responds to country need, minimises duplication and offers a coherent approach. It will encourage confidence to pursue higher climate ambition enabling them to recover faster and deliver climate action at scale.
Poorest States Inclusive Growth Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To enhance economic value generated for the poor as producers, consumers and employees by investing in impact enterprises. This will benefit up to 30 enterprises and generate employment incomes of at least £10m.To ensure poor and vulnerable people in low income states (especially women) benefit from economic growth through better access to financial services, and investing in private sector projects that will benefit the poor as producers, consumers and employers. This will benefit 12 million low income households with improved access to financial services and upto 30 enterprises in attracting additional investments worth £56 million.
AT2030 Life-changing Access to Assistive Technologies
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Over 1bn people live with moderate to severe functioning difficulties. 80% live in developing countries and 90% do not have access to the assistive technology, or 'AT', that they need. AT includes for example, wheelchairs, hearing-aids, digital devices, spectacles and prosthetics and orthotics. Increasing access to AT for older people and more broadly, people with impairments reduces poverty through improving access to education, employment, vocational training, healthcare, etc. As a result, participation in society and the community also increases. AT2030 will test and deliver proven methods of 'what works' to improve access to affordable AT, to the point they have started to reach scale or disrupt markets. It focusses on innovative products, new service delivery models and local capacity and will test novel approaches in four clusters - data and evidence, innovation, country implementation, and capacity and participation. The programme works in excess of 30 countries.
Support to Social Protection Programme 2 (SSPP2)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support the Government of Mozambique to develop a bigger, better and more shock responsive social protection system. SSPP2 will help poor and vulnerable people meet their basic needs and cope better with crises through social protection. It will expand the Government of Mozambique’s social protection programmes to deliver more cash transfers to the most vulnerable. It will provide technical assistance to improve social protection programme delivery and value for money, making government programmes more efficient, effective and equitable. It will develop government capacity to respond to crises quickly and effectively through the national social protection system. The programme will leverage additional donor and government resources of about £70m per year. Ultimately, SSPP2 will support the creation of a sustainable, nationally owned system to redistribute revenues from gas that Mozambique is expected to start earning in the next decade.
Joint Health Systems Research Initiative 2017- 2022
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Joint funder programme - supports high-quality research on evidence-based interventions to optimise health systems in LMICs
Building Resilience, Inclusion and Diversity through Girls’ Education (BRIDGE)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Through a three-year programme, BRIDGE will champion the UK’s commitment for every girl to receive 12 years of quality education, squarely responding to the FCDO’s priorities on Women and Girls. This programme will provide access to quality education for marginalised children, especially girls, and will support learning recovery for 1.6 million host community and refugee children impacted by almost two years of continuous school closures (due to COVID-19). BRIDGE will ensure inclusion is mainstreamed in Jordan’s education system through: supporting access to education; improving quality of education; building societal and economic resilience; and maximising existing UK contributions.
Urban Resilience Programme in South Africa
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The Urban Resilience Programme will fund technical assistance (TA) for inclusive, sustainable and climate-resilient economic development in South African cities. The programme will support South Africa’s ambitions for green recovery, sustainable growth and institution building. The programme will build on the learning and achievements of Future Cities, which successfully delivered strategies for urban governance, spatial planning and economic development in Durban/eThekwini, Johannesburg and Cape Town
Evidence for Health - E4H
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
This programme builds on earlier UK investments in Pakistan. It will strengthen the ability of Pakistan’s health system to recover from COVID-19 pandemic as well as building resilience for future pandemics. It will strengthen evidence-based decision making in the health sector and support the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and build climate resilient health systems including for vulnerable communities. It will focus technical assistance on the provincial governments of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), with support for the Federal government as well support flood recovery.
Green Urban Growth in Somalia
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support prosperity and reduce risks to stability across East Africa by pursuing, with our partners, a Somalia (including Somaliland) that is increasingly free, secure, resilient and stable. This cross-cutting programme supports Country Plan delivery and achievement against two campaign goals, to promote resilient and productive economies through green growth and adaptation to climate change (Goal 4) and to build resilience of communities most vulnerable to conflict, climatic and environmental risks (Goal 6).
Medical Research Council Concordat 2018-2023 for the funding of a portfolio of global health research
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
High quality research on priority health issues to help reduce the burden of disease & improve health care in LMICs
International Finance Facility for Immunisation
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Reduce vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) in poor countries in a sustainable way using innovative financing approach
Ghana Revenue Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To support reform of Ghana’s domestic revenue collection, including strengthening accountability mechanisms and providing the foundation for long term sustainable revenue generation.
PIDG2 - Second phase of FCDO's Support to the Private Infrastructure Development Group .
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
The aim of PIDG is to mobilise private investment in infrastructure, in order to increase service provision for the poor, boost economic growth, trade and jobs to alleviate poverty in the world’s poorest countries.
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To alleviate poverty by working with partner countries to accelerate climate change mitigation by supporting them to improve the capacity and capability of key institutions (public, private, and civil society), addressing barriers and constraints to clean growth, pursue opportunities for greater climate ambition and enable access to climate finance
The Growth Gateway programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To establish a coordinated and improved service to businesses exporting to, importing from and investing in developing markets and businesses from developing markets to access UK Government trade, investment and finance services that increases trade and investment to developing markets. The programme will prioritise for support businesses who through their operations and products can deliver positive environmental and development impact, and support for businesses and governments will include promoting climate sensitive approaches and international standards on environmental practice, and identifying and supporting opportunities for climate smart investment.
Nigeria Portfolio Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Give FCDO Nigeria a mechanism and support with providing answers to questions on programme and diplomacy performance, contribution to change, which approaches work best and how we should allocate future resources.
Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) Phase II Programme
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve governance, accountability and public service delivery by the Government of Somaliland. This will promote long-term stability in the region and improve the lives of poor Somalilanders. This programme contributes to our SDGs by delivering public services, and building core government capacity and functions and will result in improved planning and delivery for development priorities by 2022.
Nepal Health Sector Programme III
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve the health of women, children, the poor and socially excluded in Nepal, including by restoring health services in areas affected by the 2015 earthquake, and improving the quality and governance of health services nationwide.
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