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- Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero
Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero
Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) programme will work through secondary providers to provide training, in addition to technical, legal and logistical support for developing country negotiators, in order to build the capacity of the least developed and most climate vulnerable states to participate in the international negotiations process and be more effective in influencing its outcomes.
Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
To accelerate the transformation of developing countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions into a pipeline of bankable projects, which have the potential to attract investment at scale from the private sector. The CFA will achieve this by facilitating ‘transaction-oriented’ workshops, convening project developers, policy makers and capital market players from participant countries with UK-based green finance experts.
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) is the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) flagship technical assistance programme and is funded via the UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF) commitment. UK PACT operates in countries with high greenhouse gas emissions that are eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) and have potential for high emissions reduction. UK PACT supports these countries to increase and implement their ambitions for emissions reductions in line with internationally agreed commitments (NDCs). UK PACT works strategically to leverage the UK’s position as a global leader in tackling climate change to provide support and share expertise, build strong relationships with other governments, and deliver transformational assistance
2050 Calculator
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The International 2050 Calculator Programme was a technical assistance programme, funded by UK International Climate Finance (ICF), a ring-fenced portion of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget for climate change, through the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). The programme supported ODA-eligible countries develop their own interactive 2050 Calculator energy and emissions tools.
Clean Energy Innovation Facility (CEIF)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
ODA grant funding that supports clean energy research, development & demonstration (RD&D) to help improve the performance of innovative technologies, and to accelerate the clean energy transition to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change in developing countries
Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF) will use a blended finance investment approach to combat deforestation and other environmentally unsustainable land use practices in tropical forest regions that are contributing to global climate change.
Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance (LEAF) Coalition
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The LEAF Coalition (LEAF) is an ambitious new public-private initiative designed to accelerate climate action and reduce deforestation by providing results-based finance to countries committed to protecting their tropical forests.
Global Facility to Decarbonise Transport (GFDT)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
A new multilateral World Bank Trust Fund providing technical assistance to support the decarbonisation of the transport sector in developing countries. BEIS is providing £4m as a founding donor to support GFDT’s early delivery.
South East Asia Energy Transition Programme (ETP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Technical Assistance programme involving donor countries and philanthropies to support the energy transition across developing countries in South East Asia.
Accelerate to Demonstrate (A2D)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The A2D programme contributes to the UK’s £1bn Ayrton Fund commitment to accelerate clean energy innovation in developing countries. A2D will focus on developing innovative technology-based solutions particularly through transformational “lighthouse” pilot demonstration projects in four thematic areas: critical minerals, clean hydrogen, industrial decarbonisation and smart energy.
IDB Amazon Bioeconomy and Forests Management Multi-Donor Trust Fund
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The AMDTF supports national and subnational entities, and public and private entities, in the Amazonian countries to plan, design and implement investments to halt deforestation, increase forest restoration and conservation, and improve sustainable landscape management and climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Amazon region.
Amazon Fund
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Amazon Fund is a REDD+ mechanism created to raise donations for non-reimbursable investments in efforts to prevent, monitor and combat deforestation, as well as to promote the preservation and sustainable use in the Brazilian Amazon. The UK committed to funding £115 million total for results-based finance at $5 per tonne and £3.5 million for technical assistance, of which £2 million will be destined for GIZ Action for Forests programme. £1.5 million is for MEL.
Accelerating Innovation Monitoring For Forests (AIM4Forests)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Programme supports 20 countries with institutionalised National Forest Monitoring Systems that inform domestic policy and decision-making and provide high-integrity MRV through modern monitoring technologies and innovative approaches. The Programme alos aims to enable participation in REDD+ and emerging carbon finance opportunities, and drive down global emissions from the forest and land-use sector, while strengthening AFOLU contribution in NDCs.
Forest and Climate Leaders Partnership (FCLP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Under the UK Presidency of COP26, over 140 governments signed the Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use, committing to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while promoting sustainable development. To support this, the UK helped establish the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP), a coalition focused on achieving the goals of the declaration. The FCLP provides a platform for political action and targeted 'Action Areas' to address barriers to forest protection. This program will fund the establishment of a Secretariat to support FCLP members from 2024-2030, including the development of ‘Forest Country Packages’ to enhance financial impact for forests.
Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
To support the implementation of carbon pricing instruments in developing countries as a means to deliver cost-effective greenhouse gas mitigation.
REDD Early Movers (REM) Programme
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The REDD+ Early Movers (REM) Programme, currently operational in Latin America, aims to reward countries or jurisdictions considered as pioneers in forest protection and climate mitigation. It targets countries or regions that have already taken ambitious actions to protect forests and provides conditional payments upon verified emission reductions from avoided deforestation (REDD+). Results-based payments in the REM Programme are invested according to a “benefit-sharing strategy” that has been jointly agreed by partners.
Knowledge, Evidence and Engagement Portfolio (KEEP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
KEEP is a research and engagement facility that enables HMG climate leads to commission bespoke evidence and engagement activities to improve the delivery and increase the ambition of UK International Climate Finance activities, supporting developing countries to tackle climate change. It facilitates this by making funds available for research and engagement activities, filling evidence gaps and by ensuring efficient quality assurance and approval procedures
Market Accelerator for Green Construction (MAGC)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Market Accelerator for Green Construction (MAGC) aims to drive the financing and construction of greener buildings in emerging markets. The programme is a partnership between the UK and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), it aims to build demonstration portfolios of green construction at scale, reducing emissions, mobilising new finance and inspiring markets to shift towards the new energy efficient buildings of the future.
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP)
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) is a multi-donor trust fund that provides technical assistance to help shape global energy policies and leverage significant development financing. It primarily targets six Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan and Vietnam) where the most new, unabated coal-fired power generation is due to begin operation (from 2018 to 2020). ESMAP is influential in advising countries on the clean energy transition, with significant demand for its technical assistance.
The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility
UK - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The NAMA Facility is a targeted fund set up in 2012 by Germany and the UK to help finance measures that tackle and shift challenging sectors within a country’s climate mitigation action plans. Projects in these plans (their Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Plans) funded by the NAMA Facility offer good potential for replication and are important building blocks towards implementing ambitious NDCs. The NAMA Facility has an open access competitive structure and projects are wide ranging in type (energy efficiency, transport, agriculture, renewables, waste) and geography (Asia, Africa and South and Central America) and noticeable for high level of country support.
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